Year 2023
IDA RATES DUE FROM 01.01.2024:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for the months September, October and November 2023, the revised IDA rate due w.e.f. 01.01.2024 is 215.4%% [decrease by 0.2%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and 432.4%% [decrease by 0.4%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.1997.29.12.2023:
Grant of one notional increment for those who retired on superannuation on 30th June - matter under consideration in DoP&T:
As per the minutes of meeting held under the Chairpersonship of Addl. Secretary (Pers. Policy) held on 15th December 2023 to discuss agenda items of 62nd meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM), the judgment of the Supreme Court dated 11.04.2023 in CA No.2471 of 2023 @ SLP (C) No.6185/2020 is under consideration in DoP&T in consultation with nodal ministries. View the Minutes29.12.2023:
Restoration of commuted portion of pension after 12 years - DoP&PW proposes the matter be referred to next CPC:
As per the minutes of meeting held under the Chairpersonship of Addl. Secretary (Pers. Policy) held on 15th December 2023 to discuss agenda items of 62nd meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM), DoP&PW had proposed that the matter relating to reduction in the restoration period for commuted pension may be referred to the next CPC. Department of Expenditure has returned the proposal stating it is premature since CPC has not yet been constituted. View the Minutes28.12.2023:
BSNL issues clarification on visit report for hospitalisation in emergency condition:
BSNL vide its letter No.BSNLCO-ADMN/12(11)/1/2021-ADMN dated 27.12.2023 has clarified that in case of indoor treatment undertaken by serving and retired employees and their dependents in emergency condition and/or verification of hospitalisation was not carried out for any reason, CGMs are authorised to exempt the visit report condition based on justification/merit. View the BSNL letter27.12.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 11.12.2023 ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims since the year 2019-20 in respect of Shri Gaffar Mohammed, Retd DE, Udaipur, Rajasthan:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 11.12.2023 addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL regarding Non-payment of medical claims since the year 2019-20 in respect of Shri Gaffar Mohammed, Retd DE, Udaipur, Rajasthan, GM TD, Udaipur has replied that all the medical bills of Shri Gaffar Mohammed, as received, were entered in SAP and payment was made upto Sl.No.8; Fund has been requested for claims under Sl.No.9 to 15 and will be paid by Corporate Office as per availability of fund. A list as per entry in SAP has also been attached. View the letter26.12.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 12.10.2023 ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Penalisation of a pensioner due to BSNL failing to deposit the TDS recovered – case of Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee, Retd JTO, NSBTTC, Kalyani, Kolkata:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 12.10.2023 addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL regarding Penalisation of a pensioner due to BSNL failing to deposit the TDS recovered – case of Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee, Retd JTO, NSBTTC, Kalyani, Kolkata, ALTTC Ghaziabad has furnished a letter from Principal, ZTTC, Kalyani addressed to the AGM (HR) ALTTC, Ghaziabad, conveying that "the case of Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee relates to the period of FY 2008-09 (AY 2009-10) when NSCBTTC Kalyani was under the administrative control of Calcutta Telephones" and that "hence the case may be transferred to the present dealing officer for retired employee of CTD", along with a set of enclosures. View the letter22.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL again regarding Non-availability of facility to lodge grievances by BSNL pensioners under BSNL Pensioners’ Portal:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up with the Director (HR) BSNL, requesting him to get the issue examined and resolved so that BSNL pensioners can lodge their grievances directly with BSNL instead of seeking the help of CPENGRAMS. View the letter20.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE SECRETARY (PENSION) DOP&PW regarding Scant regard to the system of grievance redressal by those handling grievance redressal systems - defeating the spirit of the Government launching CPENGRAMS:
AIBSNLREA has again written to the Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW on the issue, this time pointing out that "While our experience during the past two years after the said observations has been no different and while we continue to struggle to get the grievances of our pensioner members settled, we have been greatly shocked, pained and dismayed by the manner in which a recent grievance has been closed and the appeal disposed of, repeating the earlier remarks during closure of the docket." AIBSNLREA has sought his personal attention to the matter and has requested him to ensure that i) suitable instructions are issued to all concerned to treat the grievances and appeals with empathy, not to close the docket without resolving the grievance and ii) to advise BSNL authorities to consider the contents of our letter dated 21.11.2023 with due importance and resolve the grievance. View the letter18.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE CGCA DOT REGARDING Issue of Pensioner ID card to BSNL pensioners in revised format, suggesting to simplify the process:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up with the CGCA DOT, reiterating our suggestion regarding issue of Pensioner ID card to BSNL absorbed pensioners as per DoP&PW approved format. AIBSNLREA has suggested following the mechanism successfully implemented by CGHS wherein beneficiaries are able to download the CGHS card, get it printed and laminated on their own, which will save cost, labour and delay in issue of Pensioner ID card. View the letter15.12.2023:
BSNL RESPONSE TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 21.11.2023 REGARDING PORTAL FOR BSNL RETIRED EMPLOYEES, which was launched in March 2023 as a comprehensive solution to problems faced by the retirees but remains dysfunctional:
In our recent Editorial of December 2023 E-Journal we had mentioned that our representations are closed with the remark ‘this is a suggestion’ although the drop down menu itself shows the option – suggestion. AIBSNLREA vide its letter dated 21.11.2023 had submitted the grievance that the PORTAL FOR BSNL RETIRED EMPLOYEES is lying dysfunctional, defeating the important purpose of ease of life of the BSNL retirees, for reasons not known. Our grievance has been closed by BSNL with the reply "Suggestions are not taken up in the portal." We have registered an appeal. View the BSNL response14.12.2023:
BSNL RESPONSE TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 18.10.2023 REGARDING Non-receipt of payment towards medical claim without voucher due to incorrect entry of Bank Account Number – case of Shri K. Thangavelu, Retd SDE, Coimbatore:
Responding to AIBSNLREA letter dated 18.10.2023 regarding non-receipt of payment towards medical claim without voucher due to incorrect entry of Bank Account Number in respect of of Shri K. Thangavelu, Retd SDE, Coimbatore, BSNL has replied that "Customer Bank Account number has been changed as per the Mantis raised by Coimbatore BA on 28.2.2023. The payment issue is still pending under process." View the BSNL response13.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Discontinuation of rent-free residential telephone connections provided to BSNL retired employees consequent to closure of telephone exchanges/discarding copper wire – Request to provide options to the BSNL pensioners:
AIBSNLREA has taken up with Director (HR) BSNL the matter of Discontinuation of rent-free residential telephone connections provided to BSNL retired employees consequent to closure of telephone exchanges/discarding copper wire – Request to provide options to the BSNL pensioners and has suggested that "those who are willing to take up FTTH connection now on closure of their rent free connection be offered a minimal Plan (similar to Plan-99 being allowed for GSM connection) with the already available 40% discount, instead of forcing them to take Plan 599, and extending the facility to have their old phone number for the voice portion. Those who are unable to make a decision now, may be given a Closure Certificate specifically stating the status as Concessional Rent free landline connection, which can be used later when they decide to take FTTH connection with the available discount, taking into account the fact that the 40% discount in FTTH connection is given in lieu of the rent free landline connection." View the letter12.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE SECRETARY (PERSONNEL) DoP&T REQUESTING ISSUE OF a common order to benefit all similarly placed pensioners IN RESPECT OF Grant of one notional increment for pensionary benefits to those employees whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up the issue with Secretary (P), DoP&T with reference to DoP&T reply dated 15.11.2023 in response to our letter dated 9th August 2023, pointing out that "the reply falls short of our expectations and request" and reiterating that "unless a common order is issued, the affected pensioners will go on filing cases for similar relief, which is an unnecessary burden both on the pensioners concerned as well as the Ministry/Department/Organisation concerned. We believe that it is not the intention of the Government to force the poor pensioners to the courts at this old age. Also, the financial implication will be meagre considering the negligible number of beneficiaries." AIBSNLREA has requested him to consider the issue with compassion and cause issue of a common order extending the benefit allowed by the Supreme Court in several cases, to all the similarly placed pensioners and thus put an end to the anxiety and agony of the affected pensioners. View the letter11.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims since the year 2019-20 in respect of Shri Gaffar Mohammed, Retd DE, Udaipur, Rajasthan:
AIBSNLREA has taken up with Director (HR) BSNL the matter of non-payment of medical claims since the year 2019-20 in respect of Shri Gaffar Mohammed, Retd DE, Udaipur, Rajasthan and has requested his intervention for early payment of all pending medical claims. View the letter08.12.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO SECRETARY (PENSION) DOP&PW ON Weakening of trust placed on CPENGRAMS – case of denial of interest on late payment of gratuity in respect of Shri S B Mohare, Retd Accounts Officer, Karnataka Circle, BSNL:
Dismayed over the same incorrect response by DoT to our letter addressed to the Secretary (Pension) DOP&PW requesting his intervention in the matter, AIBSNLREA has again written to him, pointing out that there has been no effort from DoP&PW to intervene in the matter of gross violation of rules on the subject by CCA Karnataka. He has been again requested to advise DoT for immediate payment of interest on late payment of gratuity to Shri S B Mohare, Retd AO, Karnataka Circle of BSNL. View the letter07.12.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 01.11.2023 ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims with voucher since the year 2020-21 in respect of Shri A K Goyal, Retd DGM, BSNL CO, New Delhi:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 01.11.2023 regarding non-payment of medical claims with voucher since the year 2020-21 in respect of Shri A K Goyal, Retd DGM, BSNL CO, New Delhi, BSNL has replied that "As per SAP record an amount of Rs.68158/- has been cleared/paid to the applicant. In this regard SAP attachment is enclosed for your ready reference. However, in case payment is not made to the applicant, then the applicant is requested to take up the case with r&P Cell of BSNL CO New Delhi." But there is no attachment as stated. We have requested furnishing of the attachment. View the BSNL response06.12.2023:
CGCA has issued a letter vide No.13-81/2020-21/BA&IT/10209-10238 dated 06.12.2023 reiterating DoP&PW OM dated 04.08.2016, specifying that Dearness Relief will also be admissible on the additional basic pension/additional family pension available to older pensioners/family pensioners based on their age. View the CGCA letter06.12.2023:
MoH&FW has issued a O.M. vide File No.Z-42011/11/2021-MG/EHS dated 1st December 2023, specifying ceiling rates for Lungs Transplant, Heart Transplant and Heart&Lungs combined transplant and has constituted Standing Committees for consideration of requests for Lung/Heart transplants. View the MoH&FW OM06.12.2023:

December 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "GRIEVANCES OVER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEMS" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal December 202304.12.2023:
The General Body Meeting of our AIBSNLREA ( Thanjavur BA _ Kumbakonam ) Branch was conducted in a grand mannar at Mayiladuthurai on 02.12.2023. Despite rough weather 26 members enthusiastically attended the meeting. Shri E.Rajasekaran, President, presided over the meeting. Shri S.Vivekanandan welcomed all. The services of our member (Late) M.Kuppuswamy were recalled by Shri K.Thangapazham and tributes were paid by observing two minutes silence. Shri R.Srinivasan, Secretary in his opening remarks asserted that our meetings inspire and relax all the pensioners. He narrated the activities of our Association. [View Tamilnadu page of State News section for full report]
The virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today evening under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President. All but one of the office bearers attended the meeting. As per the decision taken in the previous meetings, report on progress made in opening of WhatsApp groups in Branches where it did not exist, adding Organising Secretaries of the respective Zones in WhatsApp group of the branches in the zones and opening a WhatsApp Community with all the branch groups at State level were presented by all the office bearers. In the process, all the Branch Secretaries were contacted by the office bearers assigned for the work and this was said to be a pleasant experience for the office bearers with fruitful interactions. After the efforts of the office bearers and compilation of the list, it was found that 80% of the branches now had WhatsApp groups with respective Organising Secretaries added to the groups. Organising Secretaries reported that they were happy that they are able to understand the issues being discussed in the groups. Tamilnadu State has formed its Community with all the branch groups, Maharashtra State is on the job and UP State will follow. GS informed the meeting that some technical issues were faced in Tamilnadu creating discontent. It was decided that members be properly explained regarding the purpose of formation of community at State level. It was felt that membership will be convinced and all other States be requested to create Community at the earliest. All the office bearers felt that the entire effort to ensure flow of information to the members was worthy and they were happy in achieving the task to a great extent. Organising Secretaries will now ensure that the information from CHQ is fully shared in these groups, meetings are held periodically, grievances of members are reported to the State/CHQ for further action and thus will remain an active link between the branches and the CHQ. Issues related to non-payment of medical claims, excess claim on rent free telephones, common order on notional increment and court case on 78.2% fitment were also discussed. GS listed various activities of CHQ and the response from different authorities, highlighting the fact that AIBSNLREA was concentrating on real issues. The meeting ended with the participants thanking the President for excellent conduct of the meeting.30.11.2023:
Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly meeting on 26th of November 2023 in the Conference Hall of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur under the Presidentship of Shri Y S Kulkarni. President in his opening address welcomed all the Members came from Kolhapur, Sangli. Then S/Shri S N Badaskar and D M Kengar Sr. Members of the Branch, who have completed 75 years were felicitated on behalf of the Branch Association. Both the Seniors recalled their past service in Kolhapur & Pune and expressed their sincere thanks for the affectionate felicitation and wished all the members the best & Association to progress in its working for the Members. [View Maharashtra Page of State News for full report]30.11.2023:
AGS CHQ Shri Rakesh Sethi visited BSNL CO yesterday. He met DGM (Legal Pers) and enquired about progress in release of retiral benefits in the case of Shri B M Nyamati consequent to dismissal of appeal filed by BSNL in Karnataka High Court against the CAT Bangalore orders quashing the chargesheet issued to him. He said that it has been decided to file appeal in the Supreme Court and Karnataka Circle will be taking necessary action in this regard.AGS then met PGM CBB and discussed regarding non-payment of medical claims. PGM CBB informed that it has been decided that payment towards medical claims of BSNL retirees will be made quarterly and the next payment will be made in December 2023.
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS regarding Extension of CGHS to Udaipur, Rajasthan:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of DG CGHS to the reported fact that the number of Central Government employees, Central Government pensioners and BSNL pensioners put together will be more than 6000, who are prospective card holders, thus meeting the norm fixed for extending CGHS facility to a new city and has requested to do the needful for extending CGHS to Udaipur city. View the letter27.11.2023:
DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE FORWARDS AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 09.08.2023 REGARDING Grant of one notional increment for pensionary benefits to those employees whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation, TO DOP&PW:
AIBSNLREA letter dated 09.08.2023 regarding grant of one notional increment for pensionary benefits to those employees whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation, copy of which was marked to Secretary, Expenditure, DoE, has been forwarded by DoE to DoP&PW for appropriate action and informing the association suitably. View the DoE letter25.11.2023:
We had submitted a letter on various issues related to migration to SAMPANN during our meeting with CGCA New Delhi on 25.09.2023 and had purposeful discussions for nearly two hours, which we had reported earlier. We have received a letter from CGCA New Delhi now stating that the problems/suggestions mentioned vide your letter are under consideration and all CCAs have been instructed for prompt resolution of such difficulties faced by the pensioners and that other detailed issues have been forwarded to concerned CCA Office and will be resolved at earliest on the basis of documentary proof received from the pensioner. View the CGCA letter24.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO THE CGM ITPC, PUNE REGARDING Discrepancies in billing of rent free Residential Telephone Connection provided to the BSNL absorbed pensioners:
AIBSNLREA had brought to the notice of CGM ITPC Pune vide its letter dated 07.11.2023 the above matter for early resolution. Our request was disposed of with the reply that we had not provided the telephone numbers and therefore our request could not be pursued. Since we believed that this was a common problem due to wrong categorization as DOT-R instead of BSNL-R, we had not provided specific telephone numbers. We have now provided some telephone numbers of Madhya Pradesh Circle pertaining to Indore and Maharashtra Circle pertaining to Pune, which are only sample cases. We have requested to look into the issue and if found to be a common problem related to wrong categorization, to get the issue rectified without requiring the pensioners to pass through the hassles of submitting individual representations supported by whatever document and following it up. View the letter23.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA Udaipur Branch conducted its General body meeting under the Presidentship of Shri M P Vyas on 18th November 2023 at Town hall garden. After paying tributes to late Shri S K Tiwari life time member of the Branch, other points viz Nonpayment of medical bills with voucher by the G M Bus nice area Udaipur, non-issue of Pensioner ID card by the CCA and non-receipt of CGHS card by a few optees were discussed. Members stressed opening of CGHS Hospital and wellness center facility in Udaipur. As G M Business Area consists of Banswara District, Dugarpur District, Prtapghar District, Rajsamand District, Salumber District, Sirohi District and Udaipur District, the population of all is more than one crore and central Govt. employees are more than eight thousand which justify for CGHS facility in Udaipur city. On this point Branch Secretary informed the members that the matter has been already sent to CHQ for action. Branch Secretary Shri Gaffar Mohammed explained about the PCAT judgment, the claims by some associations and the factual position. He cleared doubts raised by members and the members were convinced with his explanation. 20 members participated in the meeting. After address by the Branch President Shri M P Vyas, the meeting came to an end.22.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE CGCA NEW DELHI REQUESTING to ensure automatic updation of Life Certificate in SAMPANN on successful submission through Jeevan Pramaan:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of CGCA New Delhi to the fact that 'lack of auto-updation of Life Certificate in SAMPANN after submission through Jeevan Pramaan, has been the major difficulty reported by SAMPANN pensioners across the country. The need to download the Life Certificate from SAMPANN and send it to the CCA concerned through email, post or delivery in person is defeating the entire purpose of digitalization of the procedure for submission of Life Certificate' and has requested 'to have an urgent look into this matter and cause a permanent solution in order that the pensioners lead a peaceful life in the later years of their lives.' View the letter21.11.2023:
CGCA New Delhi has issued orders extending the expiry date of Life Certificate for one month from October 2023 till November 2023 for all SAMPANN pensioners whose Life Certificate is expiring in October 2023. View the CGCA letter21.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CMD BSNL REQUESTING early Pan-India launch of Portal for BSNL Retired Employees:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of CMD BSNL to the Portal for BSNL Retired Employees, which remains dysfunctional, after it was launched initially for the pensioners of Kerala Circle and later extended to other Circles, with the aim to managing the Pensioners’ requests/complaints/queries through online mode and helping them to avoid reaching office for submitting their applications. AIBSNLREA has requested CMD BSNL to bestow his personal attention to the issue and ensure that the effort to launch the portal on Pan-India basis becomes successful and the work related to this matter is completed at the earliest, so as to benefit the nearly 2 lakhs BSNL pensioners. View the letter21.11.2023:
DG CGHS has issued an Office Order communicating the Agreement with AIIMS Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh for extending of credit facilities to CGHS beneficiaries. View the Office Order20.11.2023:
MOA has been signed with AIIMS Guwahati, Assam, AIIMS Rajkot, Gujarat and AIIMS Bibinagar, Telengana for providing cashless treatment to CGHS pensioners and other beneficiaries like ex-MPs, ex-Governors, former Judges of Supreme Court of India, former Judges of High Courts, freedom Fighters etc holding a valid CGHS Card. View the MoAs and Office Orders18.11.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 27.10.2023 ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-availability of facility to lodge grievances by BSNL pensioners under BSNL Pensioners’ Portal:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 27.10.2023 addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL regarding non-availability of facility to lodge grievances by BSNL pensioners under BSNL Pensioners’ Portal, BSNL has replied that "Please write email to cmdcomplaints@bsnl.co.in, it will automatically book complaints on BSNL internal portal PGRMS." View the BSNL response17.11.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 13.10.2023 ADDRESSED TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims for 2018-19, 2019-20 in respect of emergency treatments undergone in non-empanelled hospital – case of Shri Bhagwan Das, Retd DE, Kurukshetra and his wife:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 13.10.2023 addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL regarding non-payment of medical claims for 2018-19, 2019-20 in respect of emergency treatments undergone in non-empanelled hospital – case of Shri Bhagwan Das, Retd DE, Kurukshetra and his wife, BSNL has furnished a letter dated 13.10.2023 from GMTD Karnal addressed to Shri Bhagawan Das, as Action Taken Report. The letter states that Indoor medical claim of Rs.21847 for treatment in an empanelled hospital has been approved and payment will be made on receipt of funds. In respect of the indoor medical claim for treatment taken in non-empanelled hospitals the Certificate submitted by Shri Bhagwan Das is not accepted by Circle office due to No Emergency Certificate submitted along with and the claim has been returned to Shri Bhagwan Das. View the GMTD Karnal letter16.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter dated 09.08.2023 addressed to the Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW had drawn his attention to the Hon’ble Delhi High court judgement in W.P.(C) 1731/2020 pronounced on 31st May 2023, wherein it had made it clear, quoting the the judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No.2471 of 2023, that the respondents shall pass necessary orders not only in respect of the petitioners but also in respect of all similarly situated persons and had requested to impress upon DoP&T and DoE for issue of orders at the earliest for extension of the benefit of notional increment for pensionary benefits to all the similarly placed pensioners. Copy of the letter was marked to Secretary, DoE and Secretary (P), DoP&T. DoP&T has now replied mentioning the Supreme Court judgements in CA 2471 of 2023 and in SLP No.4722/2022 and further stating that "Thereafter several petitions filed before Honourable Supreme Court, High Courts and Tribunals were disposed of on similar lines." It goes on to add that "In light of specific orders regarding grant of notional increment on 1st July / 1st January to those Central Government employees who retired from service a day before on 30th June / 31st December respectively by the Apex Court, many Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations have taken an administrative decision on complying with Court orders on the subject matter. Where references are being received in this Department on the subject matter from the administrative Ministry/ Department/ Organisation concerned, it is being advised to take cognizance of the stated position for taking action as deemed appropriate in the matter." The reply does not meet our expectation regarding issue of a common order in respect of all similarly placed pensioners. View the DoP&T response15.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE MEMBER (SERVICES) DOT REGARDING Reluctance in issue of Vigilance Clearance by DoT for absorption in BSNL - case of Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, Gujarat Telecom Circle, BSNL – Submission of precedents in similar situation:
AIBSNLREA has now sought the personal attention of Member (S) DoT, giving history of the case, efforts taken by this association till now with all supportive documents and has requested him to consider the case with empathy and ensure revisit of the matter by the Legal Advisor (DoT) and then the DoT Vigilance based on the two cases we have produced to show as precedents and thereby cause approval for his absorption in BSNL and consequent release of all pensionary benefits and regularisation of his suspension period so as to give relief to the hapless pensioner. View the letter14.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DG CGHS regarding Allowing cashless treatment for CGHS beneficiaries in AIIMS hospital Nagpur:
AIBSNLREA has drawn attention of the DG CGHS to the fact that "out of the remaining 12 AIIMS hospitals, Nagpur started providing In-Patient services in the year 2020 and has well-established medical and surgical departments with experienced doctors. It appears that AIIMS hospital Nagpur has been left out only because it had no NIRF ranking" and has requested her to take up the issue with all concerned including the Union Health Secretary, so that AIIMS hospital, Nagpur, which is fully functional, is included in the list of the institutions where CGHS beneficiaries can avail cashless treatment, as it will be particularly beneficial for the pensioners who can avail the services without the hassle of first making payments and then seeking reimbursements from CGHS. View the letter09.11.2023:
1. AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi visited BSNL CO today and held discussions with concerned authorities regarding early release of final retirement order in the case of Shri B M Nyamati, consequent to dismissal of the appeal filed by BSNL against the CAT Bangalore orders quashing the chargesheet issued to him, since VC has been sent by Karnataka Circle a fortnight back. He was informed that the matter was being processed and orders will be issued at the earliest.2. AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi was informed that the VRS 2019 retirees hereinafter need not submit the request for commutation on attaining the age of 60 years to the BSNL office concerned and that the request can be directly submitted to the CCA office concerned.
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 19.10.2023 REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims for the year 2018-19 and claims without voucher for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 in respect of Shri Rabindra Nath Bhunia, Retd EE (E), Kharagpur:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 19.10.2023 addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL regarding non-payment of medical claims for the year 2018-19 and claims without voucher for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 in respect of Shri Rabindra Nath Bhunia, Retd EE (E), Kharagpur, BSNL has responded stating that "The matter has been examined from the field unit. Due to fund issue, the medical bill is still pending. Once fund is allotted, the payment will be made shortly. Keep in touch with the BSNL KGP authority." View the BSNL response08.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA Varanasi Branch conducted its General body meeting under the guidance of Shri R K Sinha Joint Secretary CHQ and under the Presidentship of Shri S P Tripathi on 7th November 2023 at CTX Building campus. The meeting was informed about the State Conference held at Lucknow and the newly elected State office bearers Shri S P Yadav and Shri L R Prasad were felicitated. Discussions were held on CGHS related issues. It was informed that the second wellness centre in Varanasi may start functioning soon. Branch Secretary Shri Yad Ali explained about the PCAT judgement, the claims by some associations and the factual position. He cleared doubts raised by members and the members were convinced with his explanation. 26 members participated in the meeting and one new member Shri B Ram Retd CAO participated in the meeting. After address by the Branch President Shri S P Tripathi, the meeting came to an end. View the Photos07.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE CGM ITPC, PUNE REGARDING Discrepancies in billing of rent free Residential Telephone Connection provided to the BSNL absorbed pensioners:
AIBSNLREA has brought to the notice of CGM ITPC Pune that the BSNL absorbed pensioners of Madhya Pradesh Circle who are having concessional rent free residential telephone connection provided to them as per BSNL letter No.2-7/2007-PHA dated 20.07.2007 with specified free local calls, have started receiving telephone bills claiming various amounts ranging from Rs.7000 to Rs.30000 as outstanding to be paid. It has been further stated that it is not known whether similar problem is faced by pensioners in other circles. AIBSNLREA has requested him to order remedial action as required and also cause cancellation of the wrongly issued bills in respect of all similar cases. View the letter06.11.2023:

November 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "KNOW THYSELF" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal November 202305.11.2023:
CGCA RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 10.10.2023 REGARDING Co-authorisation of permanently disabled child in PPO for Family Pension – need to add a Heading in the Personal Details of the pensioner under SAMPANN:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 10.10.2023 addressed to the CGCA New Delhi regarding co-authorisation of permanently disabled child in PPO for Family Pension – need to add a Heading in the Personal Details of the pensioner under SAMPANN, CGCA New Delhi has replied that "in SAMPANN, the functionality to co-authorise disabled children/sibling for family pension is available. Using this facility, the eligible disabled family member can be co-authorised. Further all CCA offices have been again instructed to use the utility for co-authorisation of permanently disabled child in SAMPANN. We thank you for your valuable suggestions." View the CGCA response03.11.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 17.10.2023 REGARDING Non-issue of plastic cards for CGHS beneficiaries under CGHS Nagpur:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 17.10.2023 addressed to the DG CGHS regarding non-issue of plastic cards for CGHS beneficiaries under CGHS Nagpur, CGHS has replied that "The work of printing plastic cards has been outsourced by the CGHS Directorate to a private agency. As and when this office receives the plastic card, it is sent to the respective Wellness Centre and through it, it is distributed." View the CGHS response
The virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President. All office bearers who had participated in the meeting spoke on the progress made on the decision taken in the last meeting, detailing the names of Branches which are already having WhatsApp groups, new groups formed on their efforts and branches which are yet to form WhatsApp groups. GS expressed satisfaction over so many branches already having WhatsApp groups. The meeting then reiterated the importance of completing the process at the earliest and adding Organising Secretaries of the Zones in all Branch groups in the respective Zones. It was also reiterated that State Secretaries are to take action for forming WhatsApp Communities by adding all Branch groups in their State. CHQ office bearers were requested to continue to monitor the progress in their respective areas. The issues regarding submission of Life Certificate, migration to SAMPANN in respect of left out pensioners, SAMPANN and CGHS relates issues and notice received by pensioners in MP State alleging outstanding dues towards rent free landline connection were raised by the participants. GS requested that specific cases with details be sent to the CHQ through email so that CHQ can take up the issues. After fruitful deliberations for more than two hours, the meeting came to close, with the President thanking the participants.01.11.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL regarding Non-payment of medical claims with voucher since the year 2020-21 in respect of Shri A K Goyal, Retd DGM, BSNL CO, New Delhi:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to non-payment of medical claims with voucher since the year 2020-21 in respect of Shri A K Goyal, Retd DGM, BSNL CO, New Delhi and has requested him to direct early payment of these long pending medical claims without further delay. View the letter31.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA Pune Branch successfully conducted its Quarterly GB meeting cum Birth day celebrations covering July, August and September 2023. The meeting was held on 27th Oct 2023 Friday at Conference Hall, Bajirao Road, Telephone Bhavan, Pune. During the meeting 82 Executives were present. Conference Hall was full and all the members attended with full enthusiasm as they were meeting each other after a long period. Meeting was chaired by Dr S K Ramamurthy who heartily welcomed all the members present. Branch Secretary Shri S.C.Patil in his speech informed the august house stating that AIBSNLREA Pune branch strength has reached 200 members. He appreciated all individuals for making it possible. He set another target of 50 more members before the next quarterly meeting due in January 2024. He congratulated all the members whose DLC was due in October 2023 for successfully submitting life certificate. DLC camp was held on 25th October 2023 and maximum members availed the opportunity. More than 8 of our members had voluntarily involved them and assisted the pensioners while submitting DLC certificate both by Face authentication and Finger Scanner method. Due to the excellent response, Pune branch is planning to conduct workshop cum training on DLC submission topic. The workshop is likely to be held in First/second week of November 2023. [View Maharashtra page of State News section for full report]30.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DG CGHS regarding an unfair situation wherein the pensioner or his authorized representative is compelled to be physically present for collecting sanction letter for purchasing hearing aid:
AIBSNLREA has brought to the notice of DG CGHS an incident wherein a pensioner was directed to be physically present or send his authorized representative to collect the sanction letter from the AD East Zone for purchase of hearing aid, thereby causing delay in issue of approval as well as mental agony to the pensioner and has requested issue of necessary instructions to all ADs that physical presence of the pensioner for issue of sanction letter for purchase of hearing aids should not be insisted upon and that the sanction letter should be issued without any delay. View the letter27.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-availability of facility to lodge grievances by BSNL pensioners under BSNL Pensioners’ Portal:
AIBSNLREA has taken up the issue of non-availability of facility to lodge grievances by BSNL pensioners under BSNL Pensioners’ Portal with Director (HR) BSNL, requesting him to ensure that the grievance portal is made available for lodging exclusively the grievances of the pensioners in order that the grievance can be lodged directly with BSNL and can be considered and resolved by BSNL, thus avoiding unnecessary delay. View the letter26.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE Member (S) DoT regarding implementation of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 by holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits :
In continuation of the discussions we had with Member (S) DoT on 26.09.2023, AIBSNLREA has requested him to bestow his personal attention to this issue with overriding priority, considering the advanced age of the beneficiaries and to direct BSNL to initiate the process of holding review DPCs in respect of the promotions ordered during DoT period so as to extend the consequential benefits as directed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. View the letter23.10.2023:
A bi-monthly meeting of Chandigarh Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 21-10-2023 at 11:00 Hrs at Hotel Pearl Industrial Area II Chandigarh. The Branch Secretary Shri M.K. Kalra welcomed the members for attending the meeting by sparing their valuable time. Our two respected members Shri OP Guglani and Shri Jaswant Chawla aged above 80 years also attended the meeting. 15 members attended the meeting. Shri M.D. Bhasin President of the Branch presided over the meeting. Our respected member and advisor of branch Shri Lokesh Chopra was invited to apprise the house of latest developments at BSNL and DOT level going on in view of PB CAT judgement on delinking of pension revision from the pay revision of working employees of BSNL and revising the pension according to 7th CPC. Shri Lokesh Chopra asked members to wait and watch till BSNL/DOT gives any reaction. Some others issues regarding CGHS working and CCA office issues regarding Life Certificate and issue of Identity cards for pensioners were also explained by the President. The suggestion given by Shri Ashok Goyal to visit our very old and ailing members at their respective homes was welcomed and Shri Ashok Goyal was asked to work out further formalities for this noble cause. The meeting ended with serving of snacks and tea.22.10.2023:
The Annual General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Jalandhar branch was held at Sagar Ratna, Jalandhar from 11.00 AM onwards on 21.10.2023. Following new office bearers were elected unanimously:Shri Mohan Lal Sandi - President
Shri Paramjit Singh - Secretary
Shri Parmjit Singh - Finance Secretary
Shri Pritpal Singh - Executive Member
Shri Joginder Pal - Executive Member
Shri Nirmaljit Singh - Executive Member
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims for the year 2018-19 and claims without voucher for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 - case of Shri Rabindra Nath Bhunia, Retd EE (E), Kharagpur:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to non-payment of medical claims for the year 2018-19 and claims without voucher for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 in respect of Shri Rabindra Nath Bhunia, Retd EE (E), Kharagpur and has requested his intervention for early payment of the pending claims. View the letter19.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA East Vidarbha Branch (Nagpur) Branch conducted its Bi-Annual GB meeting on 14.10.2023 at 1530hrs. at Dr.Ambedkar hall, under the chairmanship of Shri B.D.Nikam President of the Branch. Former CHQ VP Shri P.R.Bhujbal was the special guest. Secretary Shri N R Rachakondawar welcomed all the dignitaries on dias as well as all the participants. The house congratulated the newly elected Maharashtra State office bearers from Nagpur, Shri S.S.Lonkar (Asst Secretary), Shri G.N.Adsule (Jt.Secretary), Shri K.W.More (Asst.FS), Shri M.G.Waradkar (Org.Secretary),Shri R.K.Patil (Org.Secretary). Then two minutes silence was observed for paying tributes to departed members, Shri N.B.Sharma retd.DE NP and Shri R.P.Singh DE.RTTC Nagpur. Secretary read out the minutes of last GB and it was approved. [View Maharashtra Page of State News section to read full report]18.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE PGM (CA/ERP-FICO) BSNL CO regarding Non-receipt of payment towards medical claim without voucher due to incorrect entry of Bank Account Number by BSNL CO – case of Shri K. Thangavelu, Retd SDE, Coimbatore:
AIBSNLREA has taken up the issue of Non-receipt of payment towards medical claim without voucher due to incorrect entry of Bank Account Number by BSNL CO in respect of Shri K. Thangavelu, Retd SDE, Coimbatore, with PGM (CA/ERP-FICO) BSNL CO, requesting him to arrange for early payment of the amount. View the letter17.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR GENERAL, CGHS on Non-issue of plastic cards for CGHS beneficiaries under CGHS Nagpur:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of DG CGHS to the issue of non- issue of plastic cards for CGHS beneficiaries under CGHS Nagpur for more than two years now, reportedly due to delay in printing and supplying plastic cards owing to vendor related issues and has requested her intervention and suitable instructions to the concerned authorities for early issue of the plastic cards to the CGHS beneficiaries of Nagpur. View the letter13.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-payment of medical claims for 2018-19, 2019-20 in respect of emergency treatments undergone in non-empanelled hospital – case of Shri Bhagwan Das, Retd DE, Kurukshetra and his wife:
AIBSNLREA has written to the Director (HR) BSNL, regarding non-payment of medical claims for 2018-19, 2019-20 in respect of emergency treatments undergone in non-empanelled hospital – case of Shri Bhagwan Das, Retd DE, Kurukshetra and his wife and requesting his intervention and advice to the Haryana Circle administration to complete the process of approval by Circle Head, solely on the grounds of genuineness of the cases and to make payment of the medical claims without further delay. View the letter12.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING UNNECESSARY Penalisation of a pensioner due to BSNL failing to deposit the TDS recovered – case of Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee, Retd JTO, NSBTTC, Kalyani, Kolkata:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of the Direcor (HR) BSNL to the situation wherein BSNL had paid only Rs.1000/- to the IT department, out of Rs.30002/- recovered from Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee as TDS during the AY 2009-10. This has resulted in the deduction of Rs.49880/- by the IT department from the refunds due to him, after nearly 12 years, which includes the default tax and penalty. Thus, Shri Madhusudhan Mukherjee has been put into financial distress for no fault of his. AIBSNLREA has requested the Director (HR) to intervene and cause necessary remedial action by the CGM, ALTTC, Ghaziabad, so as to relieve Shri Madhushudhan Mukherjee of his unwanted sufferings. View the letter11.10.2023:
AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi visited BSNL CO today and discussed some individual grievances with concerned authorities in different sections. In respect of grant of Financial upgradation to E-6 IDA scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, Retd SE (Civil), Ambala, we have been categorically informed that the issue is closed as he has already availed promotion under BSNL MSRR and cannot claim promotion/time bound upgradation under EPP. In respect of Shri Mukund Chavda, we were told that VC has been requested from CGMT Gujarat Circle and VC is awaited. On the request for expeditious final decision in the disciplinary case initiated against Shri A.G. Kamalwar, Retired DE, Bhandara, we were informed that there is no communication on the matter with Vigilance section, except for a letter from AIBSNLREA forwarded by the PG section.11.10.2023:
The General body meeting of Palakkad Branch was held on 9.10.2023 (Monday) at 11 AM at TOP In TOWN Auditorium,Palakkad. 43 members were present. As the President was unwell and could not attend the meeting, Shri K.Radhakrishnan, Vice President presided over the meeting. After silent prayer and obituary reference to the departed member Shri Chamiyar (JTO Retd), the Secretary Shri P Prabhakaran welcomed the participants. During the Presidential address,the President gave a brief account of the recent developments on all issues pertaining to the BSNL Pensioners. During discussions on organisational matters, there were active participation from the members and many doubts were raised regarding PCAT/NewDelhi judgement and the method of implementation there on. The Secretary clearly stated the stand of our CHQ on pension revision case and explained all matters in detail. The meeting ended at 2 PM after vote of thanks by Shri M.P.Komaladas, Asst Financial Secretary. Lunch was served after the meeting.10.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CGCA REGARDING Co-authorisation of permanently disabled child in PPO for Family Pension – need to add a Heading in the Personal Details of the pensioner under SAMPANN :
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of the CGCA, New Delhi to the issue pointing out that "There was a provision in the earlier PPO issued physically, to mention such authorisation. After migration to SAMPANN, copy of ePPO is yet to be issued to the pensioners. Till such time, the information about co-authorisation can be added in the Personal details page under SAMPANN portal, so as to avoid unnecessary difficulties in the unfortunate event of the death of the pensioner and then the spouse in a short period of time." AIBSNLREA has therefore suggested that such co-authorisation details may be made available in the Personal Details page, suitably by adding one more title under 'Family Member Details'. View the letter
A virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today evening. The meeting was Chaired by CHQ President Shri V Chinnapappiah. After reviewing the CHQ activities during last month, all the CHQ office bearers appreciated the assessment about post-PCAT judgement on pension revision issue as conveyed in our write-up, projected the concern of post-1.1.2007 pensioners about applicability of the judgement in their case and expressed doubts about implementability of the judgement in the absence of instructions to follow any specific rules. GS then explained in detail quoting from SC judgement in D S Nakara case on pensioners to be treated as homogenous class and they cannot be divided just by the date of retirement, the recommendations of V CPC on pension revision and the anomaly that will be created if pension revision is delinked from pay revision. He shared the details of discussions the CHQ office bearers had with CGCA on 25.09.2023 and the Member (S) DoT on 26.09.2023. Taking forward the decision taken in the last CHQ office bearer meeting regarding percolation of information upto the basic members, it was decided that the CHQ office bearers will guide branches in their area which have not yet opened WhatsApp group, to open one at the earliest. All Branch Secretaries shall add the CHQ OS of the region in their WhatsApp Groups. Wherever there is State formation, the State Secretaries shall create WhatsApp community including all Branch groups. Some individual cases were also brought up by some office bearers, which will be appropriately taken up by CHQ. The meeting concluded with the President thanking all the participants.09.10.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO MEMBERS (S) DOT, IN CONTINUATION OF THE INFORMAL MEETING WITH HIM ON 26.09.2023, ON Unjustifiably forcing BSNL to pay Pension contribution on maximum of pay scale instead of existing pay in respect of the BSNL absorbed Employees:
In continuation of the informal discussions we had with Member (S), DoT on 26.09.2023, wherein we had drawn his attention to a major financial distress inflicted on BSNL by unjustly forcing it to pay Pension Contribution in respect of its absorbed employees on the basis of maximum of the pay scales under FR 116, while calculating pension contribution under FR 116 which has been modified w.e.f. 1.1.2006 as “on the basis of existing pay of the Government servants on deputation”, AIBSNLREA has written to him providing the history of the issue with all supporting documents, requesting his intervention in this matter for impressing upon the Department of Expenditure, so that BSNL is also allowed to pay pension contribution in respect of its absorbed employees on ‘existing pay’ w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and the excess amount paid by BSNL all these years is refunded. This will not only improve the financial finances but also remove the hurdles in revising the pay scales of BSNL employees. View the letter07.10.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 215.6% w.e.f 01.07.2023 in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2007. View the DPE OM07.10.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 432.8% w.e.f 01.10.2023, in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.1997. View the DPE OM06.10.2023:

October 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "HAVING A LOT TO DO" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal October 202303.10.2023:
A general body meeting of Delhi Circle of AIBSNLREA was held on 26th September 2023 at Kidwai Bhawan New Delhi. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Shri Rakesh Tiwari, President, Delhi Circle and addressed by All India President and GS who were on a private visit to Delhi. The meeting was also addressed by Shri Awadhesh Sharma CHQ FS, Shri Rakesh Sethi AGS, Shri Rakesh Chandra Branch Secretary Ghaziabad and Shri Devesh Kumar Circle Secretary Delhi Circle. Shri Devesh Kumar, Circle Secretary welcomed all the CHQ office Bearers and the members present in the meeting. Thereafter AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi briefed the members on various issues said that All India President and GS will enlighten the members about various activities of our Association and role of our Association in solving the various issues related to members and status of pension revision etc. Shri Chinnapappiah, All India President in his address explained about the formation of AIBSNLREA in the year 2008 and its various activities since then. Com President appealed to the members for increasing the membership of the AIBSNLREA and encourage the members to attend the meeting so that we can know about the welfare of each member and help them if required. After that Shri R R Balasubramanian, GS, AIBSNLREA addressed the gathering and explained the various issues related to Happiness, CGHS and Pension revision in detail. GS informed the gathering about the issues raised by the association with the CGHS and about the positive responses received from the CGHS HQ. In reference to the recent judgment on Pension Revision given by Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi, GS explained about the judgements of various CATs on the same issue with one of them filed by the same Association in Ernakulam CAT all of which had been dismissed. He also explained about the Hon'ble SCI judgement based on which the concept of pension revision was introduced to remove anomaly in pension between past and future pensioners and explained how anomalies will arise if revision of pension takes place without revision of pay of BSNL employees. GS informed the members about the discussions in the meeting held with CGCA and Member(S), DOT. GS also replied to the queries raised by the members during the meeting. All participants were happy and satisfied with the reply by the GS. The meeting ended with vote of thanks, followed by High Tea. View the photos30.09.2023:
A general body meeting of Ambala Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 30th September 2023 at Clove 99 Restaurant. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Shri R K. Sharma and was attended by 41 members. Branch Secretary Shri S K Bindal welcomed all the members. At first two minutes silence was observed in the memory of one of our departed member Shri Ravinder Bhardwaj. Thereafter Organising Secretary North Shri S K Aggarwal briefed the members on various issues. He explained in details the recent judgment on Pension Revision given by Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi in various OAs filed by other Associations. The judgement which is bound to create different anomalies, is also silent as to how this judgement is to be implemented for all BSNL pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement i.e pre 2017 and post 2017 without creating any anomalies. BSNL/DOT viewpoint is also not available yet. Our Association is of firm opinion that pension revision can be done only after pay revision of existing employees. Other issues such as migration to SAMPANN particularly regarding different dates of validity of life certificates were discussed. It was informed that the matter has already been taken up with CCA Haryana to make validity of life certificate universal in the month of November as is for all Central Govt employees. Members appreciated the working of CCA Haryana and their cooperation. Other issues relating to problems of members on CGHS were also discussed. The meeting ended with vote of thanks followed by Lunch.30.09.2023:
The general body meeting of AIBSNLREA Prayagraj Branch was held on dated 25th September 2023 in CTO compound at 1400 hrs.under the Chairmanship of President Shri R.S Gupta who welcomed the participants. The Branch Secretary Shri S.M.Tiwari initiated the discussions on Branch Secretary's report in the STATE CONFERENCE given by Branch Secretary. The house welcomed the newly elected State office bearers. The status of issue of Identity Card was shared. There were discussions on medical bills also. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by President.29.09.2023:
IDA RATES DUE FROM 01.10.2023:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for the months June, July and August 2023, the revised IDA rate due w.e.f. 01.10.2023 is 215.6%% [increase by 10%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and 432.9%% [increase by 16.9%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.1997.29.09.2023:
As requested by our members and office bearers across the country, AIBSNLREA is publishing this write-up with the consciousness that "It is quite but natural that human beings tend to believe in what they want to believe and speaking out the truth will not be acceptable to them and even may attract adverse reaction from some of them. But sustained efforts to explain the facts is the need of the hour and we will honestly do it over and over, unequivocally, as we believe that Truth has always prevailed, despite all the obstacles it faced." View the write-up29.09.2023:
Facilitation of Digital Life Certificate through Face Authentication for Super Senior Pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October every year:
DoP&PW vide its O.M No.1(2)/2023-P&PW(H)-8869 dated 25th September 2023 has suggested that all Bankds may utilise the various platforms for creating awareness of the convenience of obtaining a Life Certificate by using the Face Authentication Technology and has provided the steps to be taken by the Banks in this regard and arrangements to be made for submission of LC by super senior pensioners and family pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October of every year. View the DoP&PW O.M29.09.2023:
A G.B.meeting of AIBSNLREA Ghaziabad was held on 17-09-2023 at ALTTC, Ghaziabad under the Chairmanship of Shri Naresh Chand. The meeting paid tribute to all our departed members. After discussing the various issues and addressing by Shri A.K.Sharma CHQ FS, election of new office bearers was held and the following have been elected unanimously.President: Shri Naresh Chand
Vice Presidents: Shri M.K.Seth, Shri B.B.Raina
Secretary: Shri Rakesh Chandra
Asst. Secretaries: Shri Rishi Pal Singh, Shri Madan Lal
Financial Secretary: Shri Janardan
Executive Members: Shri U.C. Gupta, Shri T.C.Verma, Shri R.C.Singh
General body cum get together meeting of Junagadh Branch was held at GARDEN cafe restaurant, Bhavnath Road, Junagadh at 6.00 PM on 21.09.2023 under the chairmanship of Branch President Shri Kanabar. 75 members attended with their family members. State office bearers, Shri P B Parmar President, Shri S.L Sharma Secretary, Shri B.M.Bhavsar working President and Shri M T parmar were present and were welcomed with bouquets. Three senior members namely Shri K B Daraniya, Shri K J Kareliya and Shri D M Tilwani, above 70 years were honored with Shawls and bouquets. Smt. Ramaben Herbha wife of late Shri H N Herbha was honoured with bouquet and she was awarded appreciation letter honouring late Shri H N Herbha. Shri P B PARMAR and Shri S L Sharma delivered speeches covering pension revision including court judgment, Payment of Medical bills, problems under BSNL MRS, cash allowance under CGHS, life certificate after migration in SAMPANN, WTR issues. Health related useful tips were given by Shri B.M.Bhavsar. Religious tips were given by Shri M T parmar. This Function got success due to tireless efforts of Branch members- Shri Vadukul, Shri Kanabar, Shri K P DOBARIA, Shri R K Tank, Shri M T Makwana, Shri Khanpara and others. The members who could not attend the meeting had conveyed messages for success of this meeting with financial and moral support. Meeting concluded with delicious dinner and vote of thanks to all.27.09.2023:
CHQ President and General Secretary had been in New Delhi on a private visit on 25th and 26th September 2023. After attending to the purpose of their private visit, they were able to meet a few officers in BSNL and DoT, of course after taking prior appointment. AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi and CHQ Finance Secretary Shri Awadhesh Sharma were present during the meetings. Shri Rakesh Sethi, AGS had ensured getting the appointments.Meeting with CGCA:
CHQ President, GS, AGS and CHQ FS had a meeting with CGCA in the afternoon of 25th September 2023. It turned out to be a purposeful meeting which went on for nearly two hours. CGCA was empathetic and listened to the grievances related to SAMPANN particularly those arising out of migration of pre-January 2019 pensioners showing genuine interest and willingness to understand and find a solution for each of them. We submitted a letter listing all sorts of difficulties arising out of migration and consequent change in date of submission of Life Certificate, absence of certain data and incorrect data in SAMPANN, primarily data related to mobile number which has resulted in the migration going unreported to the pensioner, inability to login in to SAMPANN portal and even stoppage of pension. CGCA rightly prioritised the issue stating that avoiding stoppage of pension and restoring stopped pension will be of foremost importance. We pointed out that paying arrears of pension after restoring the stopped pension is delayed. We suggested that the acknowledgement of the grievance submitted through any mode - by post, by email, through SAMPANN portal or in person - will go a long way in removing the agony and anxiety of the pensioner even if the grievance is resolved at a later date. CGCA has assured us that the mobile number issue will be resolved within one and a half months and the remaining omissions and errors in data will be set right in another month. Priority will be given to grievances related to stoppage of pension. Efforts to launch SAMPANN 2.0 by the year end are on, which is expected to do away with all the issues related to SAMPANN. Some methodology will be worked out to furnish acknowledgement through email or SMS. We submitted copies of email written by some of our Branch Secretaries to the respective CCAs and requested their resolution. View the letterMeeting with Member (Services), DoT:
CHQ President, GS, AGS and CHQ FS had a meeting with Member (S), DoT in the afternoon of 26th September 2023 as per a previously fixed appointment. Member (S) was kind enough to meet us amid his busy daily schedules and in between two official meetings. Even then he listened with intent to our submissions for half an hour on the need to allow BSNL to pay pension contribution on actual pay instead of maximum of pay scales as allowed to others w.e.f. 1.1.2006, as payment of pension contribution at the maximum of the pay scales is draining the BSNL resources hugely and also stands as an impediment to any proposal for pay revision of BSNL employees w.e.f. 1.1.2017. He was interested to know some more details about the issue which we will provide in the coming days along with history of the issue and necessary documentary support. We have requested him to pay special attention to this issue so that the issue gets resolved during his tenure. We also requested him to give clearance as is being expected by BSNL authorities for initiating the process of holding review DPCs in respect of those who were promoted as DE during DoT period prior to formation of BSNL based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in accordance with Rule 206 and payment of consequential benefits as per Supreme Court judgement. He agreed to consider this, taking into account the availability of necessary documents which would be more than several decades old.Meeting with CMD BSNL and Director (HR) BSNL did not happen as both of them were pre-occupied with other important assignments. We met the concerned authorities in the the case of Shr B M Nyamati, submitting a copy of the dismissal order by Karnataka High court of an appeal against quashing of chargesheet in his case by CAT Bangalore. We have requested early processing of release of his VC and his retiral benefits which includes ex-gratia payment and other related benefits. AGS Shri Rakesh Sethi will follow up the other pending individual grievances. On the issue of holding of review DPCs in respect of those who were promoted as DE during DoT period based on revised seniority lists as per Rule 206 and the Supreme Court Judgement, we were informed that though the files could be with BSNL, DoT will have to initiate the action.
GS and AGS met DDG (Rectt), DoT requesting to process the case of Shri H S Sutaria, taking into consideration the DoT letters for issue of PO for absorption in BSNL in two other similar cases. He said the matter was with CVO, DoT and he is helpless. We have resubmitted our letter on this matter along with the copies of POs issued in similar cases, to CVO DoT office.
AIBSNLREA NOW WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL requesting early issue of final retirement orders in view of dismissal of appeal by Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka filed by BSNL against quashing of chargesheet by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore - Case of Shri B M Nyamati, Retd CAO, Bangalore Telecom District:
AIBSNLREA has been taking up the matter of issue of final retirement order in respect of Shri B M Nyamati, Retd CAO Bangalore TD, who was issued with a Charge sheet just a day prior to his retirement under VRS 2019. Though the chargesheet was subsequently quashed by CAT Bangalore, BSNL CO refused to release his retiral benefits on the plea of pending appeal by CGMT Karnataka against the CAT orders. In spite of our repeatedly drawing attention to the DoT letter on releasing final retirement benefits while appeal is pending, Personnel Section was unconvinced. Finally, relief has come through High Court of Karnataka dismissing the appeal by BSNL. AIBSNLREA has therefore requested early issue of his final retirement orders so as to enable release of withheld ex-gratia, Gratuity, other retiral benefits and grant of Time Bound Upgradation from E4 to E5 and from E5 to E6 scales. View the letter20.09.2023:
CCA TAMILNADU RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 16TH AUGUST 2023 ADDRESSED TO THE CGCA NEW DELHI regarding Difficulties faced by pensioners migrated to SAMPANN due to wrong entry of personal data, particularly mobile number:
AIBSNLREA had drawn the attention of CGCA New Delhi again vide its letter dated 16th August 2023 to the fact that ever since migration of pre- January 2019 pensioners to SAMPANN commenced last year, there have been quite a lot of complaints from the pensioners that their personal data entered in SAMPANN are wrong, with incorrect date of birth, mis-spelt names, blanks in spouse’s name, mobile number, incorrect bank account number, PAN, IFSC and so on. Requests for corrections still remain unattended, except in a very few cases. This is causing delayed payment of pension, non-payment of pension due to wrong bank details, delay in ordering family pension and restoration of commutation of pension after 15 years. AIBSNLREA had requested that "As the sufferings of the pensioners are adding up every day, it is high time that a report is called from all the CCAs regarding number of complaints received on incorrect data, complaints resolved and complaints pending. Specific time limit may also be prescribed for resolving the complaints and the progress be monitored." Now, CCA Tamilnadu has sent a reply stating that "grievances submitted by the migrated pensioners through various modes viz physical mode/e-mail/SAMPANN portal and PG Portal are being settled within 10 working days on the basis of receipt of grievances in this office along with documentary proof(s) subject to technical feasibility." View the response20.09.2023:
The Second State Conference of AIBSNLREA U.P. State was held on 17-09-2023 in the Conference Hall of Indira Nagar Telephone Exchange building Lucknow. The conference started with hoisting of Association Flag by the State Secretary Shri R S Arora and then the house assembled. House paid deep tribute to departed souls - office bearers, members and their kith and kin by observing 1 minute silence. The State President delivered Presidential address. Secretary, Lucknow Branch welcomed all participants and garlanded State President. State Secretary welcomed and garlanded Sh R K Sinha Joint Secretary CHQ and welcomed all delegates by applying CHANDAN TEEKA, presenting Thought of the Day (Aaj ka Suvichaar) Desk Calendar Ever green. In pride presence of Shri R K Sinha Jt.Secretary CHQ total 07 branches comprising 27 delegates including State office bearers participated in the conference. Branch secretaries or their representatives presented the branch report significantly mentioning branch strength, State/CHQ quota and the year when last election was held. The State financial report and State secretary report were considered and passed by the house. New office bearers were elected unanimously by the house. Shri R S Arora has handed over the mantle to a relatively younger activist. He had served as UP State Secretary from the date of its formation on 9th April 2009 to 16th September 2023. In his address in the Open Session, he thanked the members for their support and affection. Shri R K Sinha Jt.Secretary CHQ, the new State Secretary V P Singh delivered Special address. The meeting was closed by the President after photo session and snacks/tea was served to all. View the list of office bearers View the Conference photos19.09.2023:
AIBSNLREA NOW TAKES UP WITH SECRETARY (PENSION), DoP&PW, REQUESTING HIS intervention and appropriate action to end the unabated harassment of a pensioner, denying interest on late payment of gratuity - case of Shri S B Mohare, Retd AO Karnataka Circle:
Disappointed with the reply by CCA Karnataka that “The Vigilance Clearance of Shri S B Mohare was received on 19.10.2020 and gratuity was paid on 22.10.2020. As such no delay has occurred from O/o CCA Karnataka Circle, Bangalore”, AIBSNLREA has now written to the Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW pointing out that DoT and its units cannot escape responsibility for paying interest, since Rule 65 (5)(c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 categorically accounts for the delay “from the date following the date of expiry of a period of three months from the date of retirement up to the date of payment of arrears of pension and gratuity" and does not give any leeway for counting only a specific period in between. Also, the pensioner, in no way, is responsible for the delay in issue of vigilance clearance by BSNL. AIBSNLREA has sought the intervention and advice to DoT for immediate payment of interest on late payment of gratuity, to Shri S B Mohare, Retd AO, Karnataka Circle of BSNL without resorting to blame game, as DoT is the authority to pay gratuity. View the letter18.09.2023:
CCA KARNATAKA RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 25TH AUGUST 2023 ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY, DOT REQUESTING intervention and appropriate action to end the unabated harassment of a pensioner, denying interest on late payment of gratuity - case of Shri S B Mohare, Retd AO Karnataka Circle:
AIBSNLREA had drawn the attention of Secretary DoT to Rule 65 (5)(c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and requested early payment of interest on gratuity. CCA Karnataka has now replied that “The Vigilance Clearance of Shri S B Mohare was received on 19.10.2020 and gratuity was paid on 22.10.2020. As such no delay has occurred from O/o CCA Karnataka Circle, Bangalore”. View the response17.09.2023:
The Quarterly General Body Meeting of Vadodara Branch (Gujarat State)) was held at 10.30 hrs. of 15-09-2023 at Hotel Utsav, Vadodara. 70 members attended the meeting. Shri K A Modi Branch President welcomed the members. Shri Shah R T, Branch Secretary spoke briefly on the issues raised by members and noted the points for further persuasion. The meeting concluded with delicious Lunch. View the QGB photos16.09.2023:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Kurukshetra branch of Haryana was held on 13th September 2023 at 11 AM in Haryana tourism’s Neelkanth Yatri Niwas. The meeting in which about 30 members were present was presided over by the Branch President Shri SK Verma. Branch secretary Shri Rajveer Choudhary welcomed the members present. Shri D S Sandhu a senior member and former CHQ OS (N) briefed the house about status of various issues such as notional increment, CGHS related issues, cases taken up with DoP&PWA, problems arising after migration to SAMPAN and digital life certificate etc. Regarding pension revision case he said that it was satisfying to note that stand of our Association has been vindicated when DOT had debunked the false claim of leaders of some other associations categorically stating that pension revision follows pay revision. He added that the representation of Shri Bhagwan Das regarding non payment of medical bills for heart surgeries of himself and his wife are being forwarded to the General Secretary for taking up with appropriate authorities as the reimbursement is delayed for more than five years. Three members S/Shri Inder Sain Sethi, O P Anand and Birender Singh who had completed 80 years of age were congratulated, honored and felicitated by offering ‘angvasteram’(stole)and rose bouquets to them. Thanking the association for this honour all the three recipients donated Rs 1000 to Rs2000 each for promotion of the practice in future too. Thereafter the members were entertained with melodious songs by Shri Yogesh Sharma and Shri JN Verma. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks, followed by sumptuous lunch.14.09.2023:
CGHS Directorate issues guidelines regarding purchase of medicines by Post-organ Transplant Surgery Patients under CGHS:
CGHS Directorate in its O.M vide F.No.Z15025/27/2023/DIR/CGHS dated 12th September 2023 has issued guidelines regarding purchase of medicines by Post-organ Transplant Surgery Patients under CGHS. According to the O.M., CGHS beneficiaries, who are recovering from Organ Transplant surgery shall be permitted to purchase OPD medicines, based on the advice of the treating Specialist for up to a period of six months if they are not in a position to visit CGHS wellness centre or sent an authorised representative and the reimbursement of such medicines would be considered subject to certain conditions. View the CGHS Directorate O.M13.09.2023:
AIBSNLREA had published DoP&PW O.M. No.1(2)/2023-P&PW(H) dated 9th August 2023, issuing comprehensive guidelines for Nation-wide DLC campaign-2.0 from November 1st to 30th of this year, with particular emphasis on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding the technique of issuing DLC through Face Authentication. DoP&PW had proposed to obtain the support of Pensioners' Associations for conduct of the campaign. A Gist of the said O.M. has been circulated as powerpoint slides by DoP&PW. SOP regarding Face Authentication has also been circulated. The cities where the campaign will be held is available in the powerpoint. Branch Secretaries in those cities and State Secretaries should plan to take part in the campaign, in order to help our members willing to use the campaign for getting their DLC. Home/hospital visits for pensioners who are unable to move to campaign locations can also be arranged. View the slides of DLC campaignView the slides of SOP for face authentication
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO DG CGHS requesting early re-opening of the second CGHS Wellness Centre in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up the issue with DG CGHS, requesting early re-opening of the second CGHS Wellness Centre in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, which was closed in September 2021 and was said to be temporary closure. AIBSNLREA has enclosed the response from CGHS four months back that “we are still in search of suitable building for reopening of 2nd Wellness Center at Varanasi. As soon as, the accommodation is finalized, the functioning of the Wellness center will be started.” View the letter11.09.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CGCA NEW DELHI regarding Non-drawal of pension subsequent to transfer from CCA Maharashtra & Goa to CCA, Madhya Pradesh – case of Shri Diwakar Kotwal, Retd SDE WTR Bhopal:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of CGCA New Delhi regarding Non-drawal of pension subsequent to transfer from CCA Maharashtra & Goa to CCA, Madhya Pradesh – case of Shri Diwakar Kotwal, Retd SDE WTR Bhopal and requesting appropriate direction to CCA Madhya Pradesh for immediate release of his pension for August 2023. View the letter06.09.2023:

September 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "OLD AGE IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A CURSE" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal September 2023
The virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President. A few office bearers could not attend the meeting due to pre-occupation with personal work involving tour/travel and being out of station. President welcomed the participants and gave a brief speech on the need to find out more effective ways for sharing information upto the common member, although CHQ has been sharing information through website and WhatsApp groups. General Secretary, then listed out the activities during August 2023. He highlighted important developments, wherein officers from different departments were reaching out to our Association on the basis of our representations. He mentioned about a call from an Under Secretary, DoT, requesting a clarification on our letter on an individual grievance. He narrated about the visit of an Under Secretary from DoP&PW to his residence from where the CHQ is presently functioning, in connection with our application for registration under Pensioners' Portal and how the Under Secretary was impressed with our acitivities, paperless functioning, transparency, availability of information in our website since 2008, our letters to different authorities, our language and the style of presentation of issues. He is said to have submitted his report, which we hope will be considered favourably. GS then wanted suggestions from the other office bearers on improving the communication and sharing of information as still there is some lacking in free flow of information to every member. All the CHQ office bearers gave valuable inputs on this. It was felt that presence of CHQ office bearers in State/Branch conferences will facilitate effective sharing of information and clarifying issues and that States/Branches should avail their services by inviting them. Issues regarding SAMPANN, Rule 206, FMA and empaneling of more hospitals under CGHS figured in the discussions. Some of the participants were concerned about lack of sufficient funds with CHQ and suggested raising of funds through donations from members. Vice President even suggested that West Bengal could come to help by contributing from its funds. It was decided that a decision on raising funds through donations can be taken at the appropriate time, since apart from legal expenses, all other expenses have been kept to the utmost minimum since several years in the past. After summing up of the discussions by the General Secretary, the two and a half hours meeting ended with the President thanking all the participants.01.09.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 27.07.2023 REGARDING Non-availability of even a single empanelled private hospital under CGHS in Indore to avail cashless treatment:
In response to our letter dated 27.07.2023 addressed to DG CGHS seeking his attention to the distressing situation the CGHS beneficiaries of Indore are in today, due to non-availability of even a single empanelled private hospital which is providing cashless treatment at Indore, CGHS has given a detailed reply that "Total Number of HCOs empanelled under CGHS Indore as on date are 17 (General and Multispecialty Hospital – 04, Eye hospital – 10, Dental clinic – 02, Path Lab – 01) and it is to inform that the pendency of bill at DDO CGHS Bhopal level always become nil in one to two days of receiving of bill from NHA (there is continuous flow of payment to the empanelled HCOs and the office have been made the payment of about Rupees Nine crores till date in this financial year). There was a period when some empanelled HCOs were not providing cash less facility but as on date, after explaining them that there is continuous flow of payment, they have resumed the cashless facility. Recently, one new hospital (VOne hospital) has been empanelled under CGHS Indore and it is submitted that this office is making all the possible efforts by approaching personally and providing all the details for empanelment as well as by taking the help of LAC/ZAC/Pensioners Associations to approach willing HCOs come forward for getting empanelled under CGHS." View the CGHS response31.08.2023:
The Annual General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Gorakhpur Branch (UP State) was held on 29.08.23 at the residence of Shri Khazanchi Prasad. Shri R.S.Arora U.P. State Secretary graced the occasion. Shri Arora addressed the meeting and discussed various problems of the members and informed the status of court case and regarding Pension revision. Election of delegates to attend the State Conference to be held on 17.09.2023 was held unanimously. The election of the New Body also took place under the Chairmanship of Shri D.P.Uppadhyay. The following office bearers were elected unanimously for the next Tenure (2023-2026) for three years. The house applauded the services rendered by the Ex Secretary Shri Khazanchi Prasad. View the list of office bearers30.08.2023:
The General Body Meeting of Thanjavur BA Branch (Tamilnadu State) was conducted at Kumbakonam under the Presidentship of Shri E.Rajasekaran on 27.08.2023. Shri R.Srinivasan welcomed all to the meeting. Twenty three members attended the meeting and almost all members participated in the discussions and offered their valuable suggestions. Valuable tips for maintenance of good health were given by some senior members. The present day issues viz, payment of Medical bill / without voucher allowances by BSNL, delay in payment of CGHS FMA, SAMPANN Issues, DLC issues and the status of pay/pension revision were raised by the members. Shri M.S.Radhakrishnan State Secretary delivered Special Address, covering all these subjects. Shri R.Srinivasan was unanimously co-opted as Branch Secretary in place of indisposed Shri R.J.Christopher. Shri S.Arockiasamy delivered Vote of thanks.29.08.2023:
The General Body meeting of Faridabad Branch (Haryana State) was held on 26.08.2023 from 11 Hrs in Haldiram Parswnath City Mall sector under the Presidentship of Shri V C Sharma. As per the earlier Branch decision to honour members who have attained the Golden Age of 75 years, Shri V K Seth was honoured with a shawl. There were discussions on various issues concerning the pensioners and on the issue of pension revision. Branch Secretary Shri V K Kataria requested the members to make efforts to increase the membership. A few members felt that the pensioners' issues were delayed due to multiplicity of pensioners' associtions. The meeting ended with lunch.27.08.2023:
The General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA PRAYAGRAJ Branch UP (EAST) was held on 18.08.2023 at 1400 hrs in CTO COMPOUND under the chairmanship of President Shri R.S.Gupta. The details regarding ensuing UP State Conference were given by the Branch Secretary Shri S.M.Tiwari and the house elected two delegates for the State conference. Branch Secretary spoke about issuance of Pensioner ID Card and migration to SAMPANN, the latest information regarding our court case on 78.2% fitment. He further informed that CHQ updates are shared through WhatsApp group of Prayagraj branch. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by the President.26.08.2023:
The general body meeting of AIBSNLREA Lucknow Branch of U.P. State was held on 24-8-2023, from 02.30 PM in the Conference Hall of Door Sanchar Sadan at Laplace under the Chairmanship of Shri B.L. Mishra Branch President. Inspite of continuous rains 30 members attended the meeting. Shri Ram Manohar was elected as Finance Secretary as Shri Ashok Kumar Srivastava had resigned as Finance Secretary on health grounds. The meeting decided to honour remaining members in phases during the General Body meeting itself instead of next conference. Shri Radhey Shyam Branch O.S. spoke in details about the present status of Pension Revision, Notional Increment to BSNL retirees on 30th June and 31st December whose date of increment had fallen due on the day next to date of retirement and also discussed the prevailing orders to prescribe Generic medicine in Wellness centres. Shri R S Arora, State Secretary, spoke about coming State Conference on 17-9-2023, election of delegates and pending Medical bills reimbursement. The meeting requested State Secretary to ensure a fool proof policy at Circle level in payment of BSNL medical reimbursement claims in view of complaints of non credit of balance amount to retirees for several years even after reflecting TDS in their ITR. The Branch also elected 4 delegates to attend the State conference in addition to the existing & willing members of State executive body. Branch Secretary emphasized to increase branch membership and participation in further meetings. At last snacks and coffee were served to the members. The meeting dispersed with Vote of thanks by the President at about 5.00 pm.25.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO SECRETARY DOT REQUESTING HIS intervention and appropriate action to end the unabated harassment of a pensioner, denying interest on late payment of gratuity - case of Shri S B Mohare, Retd Accounts Officer, Karnataka Circle, BSNL.
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Secretary DoT, in the matter of undue harassment of the pensioner, whereby interest on late payment of gratuity remains unpaid despite the pensioner repeatedly representing for the same for the past three years. Refering to Rule 65 (5)(c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 and Rule 65 (1) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021, AIBSNLREA has requested appropriate action for payment of interest on late payment of gratuity, to Shri S B Mohare, Retd AO, Karnataka Circle of BSNL and thus bringing peace to his mind. View the letter24.08.2023:
AD CGHS Chennai had closed the suggestions submitted by AIBSNLREA on the above subject to DG CGHS (which included drawing up and implementing a plan for opening CGHS wellness centres atleast one in every District Headquarters), stating that "since the issue is related to policy matter will be taken up with the directorate for necessary action." AIBSNLREA had submitted an appeal against the closure to the Directorate. Now CGHS Directorate has disposed of the appeal with the remarks "your inputs will be considered for improvement of services in CGHS. However, you have to follow the guidelines as per present O.Ms." View the CGHS response
CGHS had closed the suggestion submitted by AIBSNLREA on the above subject, stating that "it is a policy matter." AIBSNLREA had submitted an appeal against the closure with the remarks "Our suggestion was only a change in policy, considering the grave difficulties faced by the BSNL Pensioner during the intervening period of surrendering BSNL Medical card and obtaining CGHS Card, in line with the already existing orders for treating the intervening period of a Government servant's retirement and date of obtaining CGHS card. We shall be thankful, if a policy decision is taken and orders are issued, as instances of hospitalisation during the intervening period will be rare and the Government/CGHS will not stand to lose anything." Now CGHS has disposed of the appeal stating that "Any change in the policy will be intimated accordingly." View the CGHS response19.08.2023:
The General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Madurai Branch was held on 17.08.23 at Tallakulam Exchange premises, Madurai. Majority of the members attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by the Branch President Shri B.Rethinavelu. Shri R.Ramachandran Secretary welcomed all to the meeting and briefed the activities of Madurai branch. After self introduction, the members spoke about various issues and sought some clarifications. The clarifications pertained to MRS Scheme, non-payment of bills, MRS FMA, CGHS scheme and the issues being faced by the pensioners in SAMPANN, the Income Tax rules and functioning of all pensioners associations. Tamilnadu State Secretary Shri M.S.Radhakrishnan in his address clarified all the points and elaborated on the subjects. He explained about the present status of Pay revision / pension revision. Shri M.Balasubramanian State Finance Secretay contributed to the discussions, expressing his views on the points discussed. One new member Shri S.K.Ramakode attended the meeting. The Meeting concluded with Shri B.Gopi Branch Finance Secretary offering Vote of thanks.18.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO SECRETARY (PENSION), DoP&PW REGARDING Redundancy of Format 9 under CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021, consequent to withdrawal of RBI Circular dated 17th March 2016:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW to the Format 9 specified in CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021, which is an undertaking to be furnished by a Pensioner to the pension drawing bank, agreeing to indemnify the bank against any loss due to excess payment and irrevocably authorizing the bank to recover the amount from said account or any other account/deposit in the possession of the bank, which has become redundant following withdrawal of RBI Circular dated 17.03.2016 and has requested that Format 9 be deleted in order to ensure that the pensioners are not harassed unnecessarily by forcing them to furnish the undertaking in Format 9. View the letter17.08.2023:
The General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, NADIAD Branch was held under the chairmanship of Shri B.M. Patel at VISHWAKARMA MANDIR, NEAR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE at DAKOR at 10:00 AM on 11.08.2023. 35 members attended the meeting. Shri A H Malek, Asst. Secretary, Nadiad Branch, conducted the proceedings. Three senior members were honoured with Shawl. Five State Executive Committee members were also honoured by the Branch. State President appraised the gathering with latest status of Pension Revision and benefits of CGHS in comparison with BSNL MRS. State President and State Secretary answered the queries raised by the members. Vote of thanks was proposed by Shri B.M.Patel and the meeting concluded with lunch. View the Photos16.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO CGCA, DOT, REGARDING Difficulties faced by pensioners migrated to SAMPANN due to wrong entry of personal data, particularly mobile number:
AIBSNLREA has again drawn the attention of CGCA, DoT, regarding difficulties faced by pensioners migrated to SAMPANN due to wrong entry of personal data, particularly mobile number and complaints submitted by the affected pensioners remaining unattended. AIBSNLREA has specifically mentioned that "no time limit has been prescribed for attending to such complaints, made through email/post/online in SAMPANN, by the concerned CCAs. As the sufferings of the pensioners are adding up every day, it is high time that a report is called from all the CCAs regarding number of complaints received on incorrect data, complaints resolved and complaints pending. Specific time limit may also be prescribed for resolving the complaints and the progress be monitored." View the letter15.08.2023:
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Ballia branch was held on 13.08.2023 in the campus of Arvan GEM Parasia under the Presidentship of Shri A K Singh, primarily for election of delegates for UP State Conference to be held on 17.09.2023 at Lucknow. Shri PN Chaudhari & Shri Hare Ram Chaurasi were unanimously elected as delegates to attend the State conference. One new member Shri Ram Nath Gupta attended the meeting.14.08.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 22nd JUNE 2023 SUBMITTING Suggestions to alleviate the sufferings of CGHS beneficiaries of Agra:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 22nd June 2023, addressed to the DG CGHS, it has been informed that the contractual appointment of medical practitioner has been completed and one CMP has been posted in CGHS WC Agra apart from 2 regular doctors; with respect to shortage of staff, the dossiers are awaited from the ministry and as soon as the dossiers are received posting of additional staff will be made accordingly and ALC has been appointed. It has also been informed that currently there are 4 HCOs viz Nidhi eye and Multi-speciality Hospital, Ujala Signus Rainbow Hospital, Pankaj Pathology, Shantived Institute of Medical Sciences, empanelled under CGHS Agra. It further says that opening up of WC is a policy matter and hence pertains to Ministry. View the CGHS response10.08.2023:
DoP&PW vide its O.M. No.1(2)/2023-P&PW(H) dated 9th August 2023, has issued comprehensive guidelines for Nation-wide DLC campaign-2.0 from November 1st to 30th of this year, with particular emphasis on Standard Operating Procedure regarding the technique of issuing DLC through Face Authentication. DoP&PW proposes to obtain the support of Pensioners' Associations for conduct of the campaign. View the DoP&PW O.M10.08.2023:
DoP&PW vide its O.M. No.4(5)/2023-P&PW(H)-9002 dated 7th August 2023 has constituted a Committee for assessment, re-evaluation and suggestions for PWAs, with the terms of reference: Assessment of existing structure, functioning, effectiveness of PWAs; Best practices followed by some PWAs which could be replicated among all PWAs; Grant-in-Aid restructuring, usage guidelines and justification of amount of grant required; Formulation of common template of BY-laws and Role/Activities to be undertaken by PWAs. View the DoP&PW O.M09.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO Secretary, Pension, DoP&PW on Grant of one notional increment for pensionary benefits to those employees whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation:
AIBSNLREA has now sought the attention of Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW to a recent judgement by Delhi High Court, wherein it has made it clear, quoting the above judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, that the respondents shall pass necessary orders not only in respect of the petitioners but also in respect of all similarly situated persons. AIBSNLREA has conveyed that the delay in issue of a common order is causing anxiety and concern among the affected pensioners and has requested him to impress upon DoP&T and DoE, citing the latest judgement by Hon’ble Delhi High Court on the subject and get orders issued at the earliest for extension of the benefit of notional increment for pensionary benefits to all the similarly placed pensioners. View the letter08.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL requesting approval for treatment taken in non-empanelled hospital in emergency - case of Shri K Arunachalam II, Retd JTO, Telecom Project Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu:
AIBSNLREA has sought the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to the mental agony of a BSNL pensioner, struggling to get his indoor medical claim settled for the past two years and has requested his intervention for early payment of the claim. View the letter07.08.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL AGAIN ON THE ISSUE OF final retirement orders in view of grant of VC by CVO BSNL after quashing of chargesheet by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore - Case of Shri B M Nyamati, Retd CAO, Bangalore Telecom District:
AIBSNLREA has been pursuing this case for a very long time. Though we could get VC issued, the issue of final retirement orders has been delayed for months, even after personal visits by our AGSs. There appears to be some reluctance in deciding the matter on the question of action to be taken in case the appeal, pending against quashing of chargeshet isued to him, is decided against Shri B M Nyamati. AIBSNLREA has again written to the Director (HR) BSNL, attaching a handful of similar cases which have been decided earlier and final retirement orders issued, with a condition for submission of an undertaking in a few cases. View the letter06.08.2023:

August 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "LET'S TAKE PRIDE IN OURSELVES" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal August 2023
A virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnnapappiah, CHQ President. After a brief welcome speech by CHQ President, General Secretary detailed the CHQ activities during July 2023. The Organising Secretaries briefed the meeting about the GB Meetings held, addition of new members and efforts to open new branches in their respective zones. They themselves fixed specific targets for August 2023. All the other office bearers participated in the discussions, speaking about organisational activities and issues to be pursued. General discussions were held on SAMPANN related issues. The meeting has decided that in the coming weeks, both AGSs at Headquarters will actively plan and execute pursuing of individual as well as common issues with concerned authorities in BSNL CO, DoT HQ, CGHS Directorate and CGCA office, with GS listing out the issues to be taken up and providing the supportive documents. This was yet another happy occasion of the CHQ office bearers coming together towards effective co-ordination of CHQ activities.31.07.2023:
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Agra Branch was held in Hotel Bhawna Clarks Inn on 30th July 2023, with participation of members along with their families. Most members met after a very long time and shared their views appreciating the Association's stand on pension revision and pointing out that the claim by other pensioners' associations that pension revision has been delinked from pay revision has been proved to be false. Then games like Tambola, Kanafusi etc were played, the family members recited poems and performed dances. After that delicious lunch was enjoyed by all. After lunch, special gifts were given to the members, who celebrated their birth day in the month of July. Dr Shalini Dubey anchored the cultural meet held along with the GB meeting. Dr A K Dubey, Secretary gave vote of thanks.27.07.2023:
DoT vide its OM No.4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1) dated 21st July 2023 has modified Annexure-B to its OM dated 01.07.2019, revising the mapping of IDA and CDA pay scales for deciding the rate of monthly CGHS contribution and entitlement of wards in private hospitals empanelled under CGHS in respect of retired BSNL/MTNL employees who receive pension from Central Civil Estimates and avail CGHS facilities. The O.M and mapping is not applicabe for pro-rata pensioners who retired from DoT under CDA pay scale. View the DoT O.M26.07.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DG CGHS ON Non-availability of even a single empanelled private hospital under CGHS in Indore to avail cashless treatment:
AIBSNLREA has taken up with DG CGHS the issue of non-availability of even a single empanelled private hospital under CGHS in Indore to avail cashless treatment, as all the three HCOs empanelled under CGHS scheme in Indore have stopped providing cashless treatment since May 2023, allegedly due to huge amount of hospital bills pending and has requested that the issues be sorted out with the empanelled hospitals and more hospitals willing to provide cashless treatment be empanelled at the earliest in order to ensure timely medical care to the CGHS beneficiaries of Indore. View the letter26.07.2023:
Hitherto the option to include either parents or parents-in-law for availing the benefits under CGHS was available only to Female Government employees. CGHS in a O.M. vide F.No.H.11020/2/2023-EHS dated 26.07.2023, has now extended this facility to male employees, subject to the conditions of dependence and residence etc being satisfied. View the CGHS O.M25.07.2023:
Annual General Body –cum- Get together meeting of Gujarat state Body was held on 20th July 2023 at Gujarat Chamber of Commerce Hall, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad at 03.00 PM. It was presided by Shri P. B. Parmar, State President. 221 members attended the meeting inspite of heavy rain in Gujarat. President welcomed the members and other dignitaries present in the meeting. He also extended special welcome for new members who joined AIBSNLREA. 2 minutes silence was observed in memory of the departed members and their family members. State Secretary Shri S.L. Sharma presented his report and addressed the house regarding details about meeting with CGMT Ahmedabad, CCA Ahmedabad and AD CGHS Ahmedabad.[View Gujarat Page of State News Section for full report]24.07.2023:
CGHS has closed the suggestion submitted by AIBSNLREA on the above subject, stating that "it is a policy matter." AIBSNLREA has submitted an appeal against the closure with the remarks "Our suggestion was only a change in policy, considering the grave difficulties faced by the BSNL Pensioner during the intervening period of surrendering BSNL Medical card and obtaining CGHS Card, in line with the already existing orders for treating the intervening period of a Government servant's retirement and date of obtaining CGHS card. We shall be thankful, if a policy decision is taken and orders are issued, as instances of hospitalisation during the intervening period will be rare and the Government/CGHS will not stand to lose anything." View the appeal19.07.2023:
AIBSNLREA letter dated 24.05.2023 addressed to Director (HR) on the above issue, had been forwarded to Personnel Section of BSNL Corporate Office for further necessary action at their end. Once decision is taken, the case will be settled. View the GM CDN BSNL CO response18.07.2023:
AIBSNLREA YET AGAIN WRITES TO SECRETARY, DOT REGARDING Delay in issue of Vigilance Clearance by DoT for absorption in BSNL - case of Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, Gujarat Telecom Circle, BSNL AND SUBMITTING DOCUMENTS SHOWING precedence in similar situation:
In order to break the reluctance on the part of DoT Vigilance to provide Vigilance Clearance for permanent absorption in BSNL in the above case, AIBSNLREA has yet again written to the Secretary, DoT, providing documentary evidence wherein DoT has conveyed approval for absorption in exactly similar cases, subject to an undertaking and has requested him to consider the case with empathy. View the letter17.07.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL AGAIN ON THE ISSUE OF Grant of Financial upgradation to E-6 IDA scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, Retd SE (Civil), Ambala:
In view of the response from CGMT Haryana on the issue, attaching the same letter it had sent to BSNL CO a year back, AIBSNLREA has again drawn the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to an atypical case of denial of financial upgradation to E6 IDA pay scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, now Retd SE (Civil), Ambala, citing clarifications issued by BSNL that those in Regular DE/EE grade are not eligible for upgradation to E6 pay scale under EPP 2007, although he has completed 5 years’ service in E5 pay scale. This has resulted in an anomaly whereby his juniors who did not get regular promotion to EE grade got financial upgradation to E6 scale while Shri Rajpal Singh continued in E5 pay scale. AIBSNLREA has requested him to get the issue examined specially and specifically, without rejecting it in a routine manner and to render justice to Shri Rajpal Singh by granting him the upgradation to E6 pay scale on his completing 5 years in E5 pay scale. View the letter17.07.2023:
A monthly General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Bhopal Branch was held on 16/07/2023 Sunday at ICH New Market TT Nagar Bhopal, with 51 members attending the meeting. Shri Nagragan President welcomed the members. Dr.H S Saxena Branch Secretary enlightened about various activities of the Association. Shri O P Sharma, Vice president of the Branch and Shri B S Rajput OS (central) ware present in the meeting. Three new members were enrolled. Members who completed 75 years were felicitated with shawl, Shri fal and pushp guchh. Birthday celebration of members for July month was done. Members also enjoyed beautiful songs presented by some members and breakfast followed by tea and coffee.15.07.2023:
CGM HARYANA RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 08.05.2023 addressed to Director (HR) regarding Grant of Financial upgradation to E-6 IDA scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, Retd SE (Civil), Ambala:
AIBSNLREA letter dated 08.05.2023 addressed to Director (HR) on the above issue, had been forwarded to CGMT Haryana Circle, who has now responded that the case of Shri Rajpal Singh had already been forwarded to BSNL CO New Delhi for further necessary action and the reply in the matter is still awaited from BSNL CO New Delhi. View the CGM Haryana response14.07.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 08.03.2023 addressed to Director (HR) regarding Non-reimbursement of medical claims for emergency admission and bypass surgery – case of O N Chaubey, Retd DE (Enquiry) O/o CGMT UP East:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 08.03.2023 addressed to Director (HR) on the above issue, BSNL had earlier responded stating "reply attached" but without attachment. The attachment has now been received, which shows that the case which was already rejected, has been submitted for reconsideration by the competent authority. View the BSNL response14.07.2023:
General Body Meeting of Pune branch was held on 9th July 2023 in Udyaan Karyalay presided by Shri M. B. Ghadge Branch President. 111 members attended the meeting. President welcomed the members present in the meeting & extended special welcome for new members to join AIBSNLREA Pune branch. 2 minutes silence was observed in memory of the departed members. Branch secretary Shri S.C.Patil presented his report and addressed the house. State Secretary Shri S P Varma addressed the house and informed in details about the meetings with CCA, CGM CNTX(W) & CGM MH Circle and also letters written to these officers. Problems faced by the pensioners after migration from banks, post office to Sampann were discussed. Many cases have been solved in informal meetings but still many cases are pending to be taken in the next meetings. Vice president MH state Shri D. K. Joshi addressed the house and informed in detail about our court cases, 3rd PRC & Pension Revision. Assistant State secretary AIBSNLREA MH state also addressed the house & informed the grievances of the members to be taken in the meeting with CCA & CGMs. Lodging and boarding arrangements were excellent. Branch Secretary reported that 30 retired BSNL Executives who had attended the meeting, will become member very soon.13.07.2023:
Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly GB meeting on 2nd July 2023 in Hotel Zorba Gavat Mandi, Kolhapur under the Presidentship of Shri P S Kulkarni. Meeting started with the usual Prayer. President welcomed all the Members who had come from Kolhapur and Sangli. Silence was observed in memory of Late Shri PBRasam who was an active member. Then new Members S/Shri Suryakant D Athawale AO and Kavatekar AM Sangli were welcomed by the Secretary Shri L M Godi & President with Bouquet, who then introduced themselves to the House. Then Shri Joshi DK, Shri Kulkarni PS, Shri Kulkarni AK, Shri Mahajan SG, Shri Nanjangud and Shri Nirwani SD who had completed 75 years of age were honoured with Shawl, Sripal and bouquet. Secretary also spoke about the second Maharashtra State Conference held at Amaravati and the points discussed in the meeting. Shri Rajan Rajopadye CHQ OS (W) informed about CHQ developments and virtual meetings of CHQ office bearers held regularly. Shri Paranjape senior CA explained about Income Tax and answered all the queries raised by members. Discrepancies in payment of medical bills were also discussed. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by the Secretary, followed by lunch.13.07.2023:
BSNL CO has forwarded AIBSNLREA letter to General Manager, Dhanbad and GM Dhanbad has intimated that since judicial proceedings are still pending against him, as per GOI decision under Rule 8 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 as well as under the provision of Rule 69(i)(c) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, DCRG cannot be released unti the conclusion of the judicial proceedings and issue of final order thereon. View the GM Dhanbad reply09.07.2023
Ever since migration of pre- January 2019 pensioners to SAMPANN commenced last year, there have been quite a lot of complaints from the pensioners that their personal data entered in SAMPANN are wrong, with incorrect date of birth, mis-spelt names, blanks in spouse’s name, mobile number, incorrect bank account number, IFSC and so on. Requests for corrections still remain unattended, except in a few cases. It is said that the corrections are to be done centrally and the CCA offices have no role. This has resulted in delayed payment of pension, non-payment of pension due to wrong bank details, delay in ordering family pension and restoration of commutation of pension after 15 years. In the CHQ Office bearers meeting held virtually on 01.07.2023, this issue was discussed at length and it was decided to collect details with specific cases from the Branches. CHQ will then write to the concerned authorities seeking early redressal of the issues. As a first step, CHQ has written to the CGCA regarding wrong or absence of mobile number and its resultant difficulties and has sought his urgent intervention. State/Branch Secretarires are requested to send the details to CHQ email: gensecaibsnlrea@yahoo.com
DG CGHS has issued a O.M vide F.No.S-11011/90/20160CGHS/(HEC)/AYUSH/PT-II/255-282 dated 5th July 2023, revising room rent of private AYUSH hospitals empanelled under CGHS and empanel Unani and Siddha systems also in addition to the Hospitals under Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy. View the DG CGHS OM07.07.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 205.6% w.e.f 01.07.2023 in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2007. View the DPE OM07.07.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 416% w.e.f 01.07.2023, in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.1997. View the DPE OM06.07.2023:

July 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "MIGRATION HEADACHES" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal July 202305.07.2023:
The General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA , Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri Y.Deshmukh, Vice-President of the Branch, & Vice-President, AIBSNLREA Maharashtra State on 28th June 2023 at the Conference hall of G.M.Telecom (B.A.), BSNL, Amravati. The meeting was attended by 21 members along with Shri R.K.Patil, Organising Secretary AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State. Two new members joined in the meeting and the House greeted them. The Branch Secretary, Shri D. V. Rokade, informed the house about the developments after the Branch Conference which was held on 20-02-2023. He said due to AIBSNLREA's efforts all the pending medical claims have been settled for most of the members. The issue of non-payment of FMA was taken up with GM Amravati but without success. Hence it was decided to request the State Secretary to take up the issue. Shri R. Y. Deshmukh , Vice-President, AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State spoke about problems after migration from existing Post office/Bank to SAMPANN and the latest position of the Court case. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. The meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks by Shri M.Z.Shinde, Finance Secretary.04.07.2023:
DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE FORWARDS AIBSNLREA LETTER ON grant of higher pay scales for officers belonging to Organised Accounts Departments actually w.e.f 1.1.1996 instead of 19.2.2003, to DoT for taking necessary action at its end:
AIBSNLREA had addressed a letter to Secretary (Expenditure) on 11th May 2023, requesting issue of common order extending the benefit to all eligible employees in view of PCAT New Delhi observation that "the competent authority shall on its own extend the benefit of upgraded pay scales to all eligible employees w.e.f.01.01.1996 irrespective of the fact whether they have approached an appropriate judicial forum for the same or not, so that unnecessary litigation is avoided." DoE has forwarded the letter to DoT for taking necessary action at its end, stating that "DoE does not consider the representations received directly by it from individuals or associations". View the DoE letter03.07.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CGCA regarding Difficulties faced by pensioners migrated to SAMPANN due to wrong input of personal data, particularly mobile number:
AIBSNLREA has written to the Controller General of Communication Accounts drawing his attention to the difficulties faced by pensioners migrated to SAMPANN due to wrong input of personal data, particularly mobile number and these pensioners are not even aware that they have been migrated to SAMPANN, as no SMS is received and they cannot log in to check the data and register a complaint. AIBSNLREA has requested his urgent attention to the issue so that not only the pensioners are relieved of the unwarranted mental stress but also the CCA infra-structure does not crumble due to overload. View the letter03.07.2023:
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Jabalpur branch was held on 29th June 2023 at ICH Sadar, Jabalpur. 24 members attended the meeting. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of sad demise of senior member Shri S.K. Rangari. Secretary Shri A N Bhargava welcomed all the members present & minutes of the last meeting held on 3/3/23 were read & confirmed. Secretary also enlightened about various activities of the association. The grivience of members is that outdoor & indoor medical bills are still pending since 2018. Birthday celebration of members born in the month of June month was held. Shri Bhanu Prakash informed about the financial position of the branch & the balance sheet. A Laughter dose by Shri R D Tiwari, Shri M S Vijay, Shri M K Pandey made the atmosphere relaxed. Mouth organ was played by Shri Helkar. Recital of MADHUR songs by Shri A N Bhargava, Shri C D Khadse, Shri M K Pandey & Shri K N Bahrani was part of entertainment programme. Meeting ended with love & peace and vote of thanx by Shri C D Khadse. Election of office bearers was unanimous.President: Shri C.D.Khadse
Vice President: Shri K.N. Behrani
Secretary: Shri M.S.Vijay
Finance Secretary: Shri Bhanu Parkash

The monthly virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today evening under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President. President welcomed the CHQ office bearers who had joined the virtual meeting. GS briefly listed the important activities of CHQ during June 2023 and said there was less than normal activities by the CHQ office bearers which was later attributed by the participants to the unusually hot weather across the country. Organising Secretaries, however had worked consistently during this period and reported the progress made. All the CHQ office bearers were present except one AGS and one OS. All the office bearers gave their valuable opinion on the activities of CHQ and made some important suggestions. After discussions on the issues arising out of migration to SAMPANN, the meeting decided to call for details from Branches for taking up with DoT Headquarters. The meeting ended with General Secretary thanking the CHQ office bearers for the collective working since the AIC.30.06.2023:
IDA RATES DUE FROM 01.07.2023:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for the months March, April and May 2023, the revised IDA rate due w.e.f. 01.07.2023 is 205.6%% [increase by 3.3%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and 415.9%% [increase by 5.5%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.1997.30.06.2023:
During the last several months, some of the pensioners associations were making a false claim that DoT has delinked pension revision from pay revision. We had clearly explained in the Editorial of May 2023 E-Journal, as to how even in DoT's August 2022 proposal, pension revision was still linked with pay revision. DoT, today has debunked the false claim, in response to a representation from one of those associations, categorically stating that "pension revision is intrinsically linked with pay revision of serving employees to avoid anomaly of pension amount between present and future retirees of the same status & grade and pension revision follows pay revision of serving employees. Earlier also, pension of permanent absorbees in BSNL/MTNL drawing pension in IDA pattern has been revised on implementation of 2nd PRC in 2007 for serving employees." View the DoT response28.06.2023:
In addition to the 6 AIIMS located at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Patna, Jodhpur, Raipur and Rishikesh, which have been already approved for providing cashless treatment to CGHS beneficiaries, MoU will be signed now for cashless treatment at AIIMS New Delhi, PGIMER Chandigarh and JIPMER Puducherry. View the PIB Press Release26.06.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'Role of Homoeopathy in management of Renal stones':
CGHS has been holding webinars, as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, on different subjects periodically. AIBSNLREA has been receiving the information through its CHQ email. CGHS card holders are also informed through SMS. In order that all pensioners, other than those who have migrated to CGHS, have an opportunity to participate in these webinars, we have been publishing the information as and when we receive the information. CGHS is now holding a webinar on ‘Role of Homoeopathy in management of Renal stones’ at 4 PM on 27.06.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/43dz3d3s24.06.2023:
General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, Coimbatore Branch was held on 23-6-2023 at Sri Krishna Vilas Hotel, Coimbatore from 11.00 am to 1.45 pm under the Presidentship of Shri K. Thangavel, Retired SDE & Vice President of the Branch. 32 members participated in the meeting. Shri R. Damodaran, Branch Secretary, welcomed all the members and the guests. In his welcome address itself he listed the issues taken up by the Association viz. Non-payment Medical Reimbursement without voucher due to the failure of submission option within the stipulated time, payment of medical claim of Shri D. Subramaniam, Retd AGM, Erode. [View Tamilnadu section of State News for full report]23.06.2023:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter dated 5th May 2023 has submitted suggestions to DG CGHS for providing accessible medical care for CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas, which included opening of CGHS wellness centres at least one in every District Headquarters. CGHS has responded to the letter stating that "This is a suggestion in r/o policy matter pertaining to applicability of CGHS facility and is therefore noted for future reference, whenever the policy is revisited." View the CGHS Response22.06.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS submitting Suggestions to alleviate the sufferings of CGHS beneficiaries of Agra:
AIBSNLREA has taken up with DG CGHS the difficulties faced by CGHS beneficiaries of Agra in availing quality health services through CGHS, causing avoidable sufferings to the pensioner beneficiaries and suggesting opening of more wellness centres and empanelling of more private hospitals in Agra. View the letter19.06.2023:
Revision of CGHS rates for 36 Radiological / Imaging investigations:
Directorate of CGHS in an OM vide F.No.Z15025/8/2023/DIR/CGHS dated 19th June 2023 has revised CGHS rates for 36 Radiological / Imaging investigations w.e.f. 19.06.2023. View the DG CGHS OM
The general body meeting of Palakkad branch held on 6.6.2023 had decided to raise a fund towards the family relief of Shri Subash, BSNL casual driver of Palakkad, who had died at younger age, with out other source of regular income to support his family. It was proposed to give Rs one lakh in this regard to the bereaved family. As per the decision taken in the GB meeting, the Relief fund of Rs. 1.31 Lakhs was handed over to Smt. Siji Subhash on 12th June 2023 at Top In Town, Palakkad by Shri N. Bhaskaran, DGM (Retd), Former President of Palakkad Branch.12.06.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'Hypertension- how to prevent it or live with minimal complications ':
CGHS has been holding webinars, as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, on different subjects periodically. AIBSNLREA has been receiving the information through its CHQ email. CGHS card holders are also informed through SMS. In order that all pensioners, other than those who have migrated to CGHS, have an opportunity to participate in these webinars, we have been publishing the information as and when we receive the information. CGHS is now holding a webinar on ‘Hypertension- how to prevent it or live with minimal complications’ at 4 PM on 13.06.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/ycxf75vc11.06.2023:
The Quarterly General Body Meeting of Vadodara Branch (Gujarat State) was held at 18.00 hrs. of 02-05-2023 at Hotel Utsav, Vadodara. 77 members attended the meeting. Six new members joined. Gujarat State Branch representatives, new members & existing members were welcomed by President, Shri Modi K A, in his welcome speech. Shri Bhavsar B M, President & Shri Sharma S L, Secretary Gujarat State Branch have covered mostly all issues in their speech. The meeting is conducted by Shri Shah R T, Branch Secretary. The issues raised by members were replied & noted for further persuasion. The meeting ended after enjoying delicious Dinner.10.06.2023:
A general body meeting of Palakkad branch was held on 6.6.2023 at Top In Town Auditorium, Palakkad at 11 AM. After silent prayer, the Branch Secretary Shri Prabhakaran welcomed the gathering. 54 members including the members from far off places of the district attended the meeting. During Presidential address, the President Shri Ramanathan, emphasized the need to add more new members to the association and requested all to work unitedly to achieve the goal. During the discussions on organisational matters, the Secretary and President touched on all matters viz pension revision, BSNL MRS and CGHS and gave latest information on these issues. Shri Gopinathan, Organising Secretary (South) CHQ, briefed the recent activities being carried out by General Secretary including conducting of monthly virtual meetings to apprise latest developments to all the office bearers. The GB decided to raise a fund towards the family relief of Shri Subash, BSNL casual driver of Palakkad, who had died at younger age, with out other source of regular income to support his family. It was proposed to give Rs one lakh in this regard to the bereaved family. The meeting was concluded at 1 PM after vote of thanks by Shri P.P.Krishnanunni, Asst Secretary. Lunch was served after the meeting.10.06.2023:
A General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Kalyaan branch (Maharashtra State) was held on 3rd June 2023 in Kalabramha Hall, Kalyaan Telephone Exchange KalaTalao, Kalyaan (w). President of the branch Shri Patil presided over the meeting. He welcomed all members.The house observed 2 minutes silence in memory of departed comrades. After his Presidential address, Secretary of Kalyaan Branch Shri B. M. Hatwar thanked the members for attending the meeting in short notice. There was a good gathering & meeting was a quality meeting. [View Maharashtra Page of State News for full report]09.06.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA ON Unjustifiably forcing BSNL to pay Pension contribution on maximum of pay scale instead of existing pay in respect of the BSNL absorbed Employees and Requesting his intervention:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up with the Prime Minister of India, while expressing gratefulness for the Revival Package for BSNL, the third one in the last few years, this time amounting to Rs.89047 crore, in view of the strategic importance of BSNL as a 100% Government PSU, discharging the social obligations of the Government of India despite incurring huge losses due to the unviable services provided by it in rural and remote areas and drawing his attention to the fact that Cabinet has not been apprised of another financial distress inflicted on BSNL by unjustly forcing it to pay Pension Contribution in respect of its absorbed employees on the basis of maximum of the pay scales under FR 116, while calculating pension contribution under FR 116 has been modified w.e.f. 1.1.2006 as “on the basis of existing pay of the Government servants on deputation.” Pointing out that "Even during the recent tragic train accident in Odisha it was only BSNL which had immediately set up an Emergency mobile tower and had offered free connectivity to the traumatized passengers and their families", AIBSNLREA has sought his personal intervention in this matter for impressing upon the Minister of Finance and the Department of Expenditure, so that BSNL is also allowed to pay pension contribution in respect of its absorbed employees on ‘existing pay’ w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and the excess amount paid by BSNL all these years is refunded." View the letter08.06.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO CMD BSNL ON Pension contribution by BSNL in respect of its absorbed employees – Clarifications required by DoE yet to be supplied by BSNL:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up with CMD BSNL drawing his attention to our earlier letter on the subject and the response from BSNL that “BEING POLICY MATTER ONCE DECISION TAKEN SAME SHALL BE CONVEYED. THANKS FOR TAKING UP THE ISSUE.” Since we are not aware of any decision taken afterwards, AIBSNLREA has requested his personal and urgent attention to the issue, clearing any miscommunication between BSNL and DoT on the issue and immediate submission of the required clarifications, if not already submitted. View the letter07.06.2023:
In a significant move, as part of the revival strategy, the Union Cabinet today approved a third revival package for BSNL with the total outlay of Rs.89,047 crore, which includes allotment of 4G/5G spectrum for BSNL through equity infusion. The authorised capital of BSNL will be increased from 1,50,000 crore to Rs.2,10,000 crore. View the PIB Press Release07.06.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 16.03.2023 ADDRESSED TO CMD BSNL REGARDING Display of default/seizure notice by Greater Chennai Corporation in Chennai BSNL exchanges – Damaging the reputation of the Government owned PSU – Request intervention to avoid such instances in the future:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 16.03.2023 expressing immense mental pain and humiliation felt by the BSNL pensioners over the disheartening event of display of default/seizure notice by Greater Chennai Corporation on the main gates of three BSNL Telephone Exchanges and requesting to cause some mechanism to be put in place, to avoid such situations in the future, BSNL CO has informed us about the details of efforts taken to avert the situation and also the meeting with Deputy Commissioner of Greater Chennai Corporation on 16.03.2023 after which the Deputy Commissioner agreed to remove the posters and accept the request for reconciliation as per an earlier direction of Madras High Court. View the BSNL letter06.06.2023:

June 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "TIME TO PUSH HARD" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal June 2023
A virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA CHQ office bearers was held today evening under the Presidentship of Shri V.Chinnappapiah, CHQ President. After President welcomed the participants, GS briefly explained the CHQ activities during the last month, the issues taken up by CHQ, the responses received from concerned authorities and how BSNL pensioners are inclined to agree with our correct understanding that pension revision is inseperable from pay revision. Organising Secretaries provided details of their efforts taken on holding of Branch meetings in their area, increase in membership and other organisational measures. All the office bearers expressed happiness over the CHQ activities during the last month and gave inputs regarding their own efforts made on the organisational front. It was decided to get the Editorial in AIBSNLREA Ejournal of May 2023 circulated by all CHQ office bearers to their contacts/groups and subsequently by the Branch Secretaries to reach maximum number of BSNL Pensioners. All CHQ office bearers except one AGS who was preocuppied in some social scheme in his village participated in the virtual meeting and shared their views. With happy faces and purposeful discussions, the meeting went on for more than 105 minutes, providing more impetus to the functioning of the CHQ.01.06.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CGCA, DOT on Harassment of SAMPANN Pensioners by the office of CCA Tamilnadu by unwarrantedly recovering TDS even before expiry of deadline for ‘proposed investment declaration’:
AIBSNLREA has taken up with Controller General of Communication Accounts, the above issue, pointing out that bulk of BSNL absorbed SAMPANN pensioners under CCA Tamilnadu were in for a rude shock on receiving their pension for the month of May 2023. TDS has been recovered from their pension, although the time-schedule prescribed by the office of CCA Tamilnadu itself for submission of option form for Old Tax regime and for ‘Proposed investment Declaration’ under Old Tax Regime was 31st May 2023. More seriously TDS has been recovered even in respect of those pensioners who had duly submitted actual investment declaration along with requisite documents. Even those who would have remained in default New Tax regime due to their cumulative pension not exceeding Rs.7 lakhs, have not been spared. AIBSNLREA has requested CGCA, DoT for immediate intervention and instructions to CCA Tamilnadu for corrective measures and for speedy refund of the TDS recovered, without pushing the pensioners to the ordeal of waiting for one more year for getting refund from Income Tax authorities. View the letter29.05.2023:
Referring to BSNL letter dated 26.04.2023 on the subject urging the Circles/SSAs/BAs to take lead and pursue with sales team/representatives of the hospitals in their locality to maximise number of empanelled hospitals under BSNL MRS, with the aim to empanel at least one reputed hospital in every BA on cashless/credit basis, AIBSNLREA has written to the Sr.GM (Admin) BSNL CO requesting that the instructions issued be reiterated and enforced with all seriousness without allowing the Circles to sit on the instructions, so that the plight of BSNL pensioners availing medical services under BSNL MRS is halted once for all. View the letter25.05.2023:
CBDT vide its Gazette Notification dated 24th May 2023 has raised the exemption limit on leave encashment at the time of retirement, whether superannuation or otherwise, to Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five lakhs) under sub-clause (ii) of clause (10AA) of Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The notification shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st day of April 2023. View the Notification24.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA again writes to the CVO BSNL requesting expeditious final decision in the disciplinary case initiated against Shri A.G. Kamalwar, Retired DE, Bhandara (HRMS No. 197506943) under BA Chandrapur of Maharashtra Telecom Circle, BSNL:
Citing a DoT response on 10.01.2023 to our earlier letter on the issue informing us that "REQUEST HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO CVO BSNL FOR FINAL DECISION IN THE CASE”, AIBSNLREA has again to take the final decision in this particular long pending disciplinary case at the earliest and convey the same to all concerned for further action. View the letter22.05.2023:
A general body meeting of Ambala Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 20th May 2023 in Mini Party Hall of Central Phoenix Club Ambala under the Chairmanship of Shri K L Gakhar. 28 members of the Branch attended the meeting. After the welcome address by Shri K L Gakhar, Shri S. K Bindal, Branch Secretary briefed the members on the various issues concerning the BSNL pensioners. Shri S K Aggarwal CHQ Organising Secy (North) also spoke and briefed the members on status of Pension revision as per 3rd PRC and shifting of Ambala CGHS wellness centre from its present inaccessible location to some other suitable building. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks and all the members enjoyed the lunch.22.05.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'Diabetes - Importance of good control in prevention of complications':
CGHS has been holding webinars, as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, on different subjects periodically. AIBSNLREA has been receiving the information through its CHQ email. CGHS card holders are also informed through SMS. In order that all pensioners, other than those who have migrated to CGHS, have an opportunity to participate in these webinars, we have been publishing the information as and when we receive the information. CGHS is now holding a webinar on ‘Diabetes - Importance of good control in prevention of complications’ at 4 PM on 23.05.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/3uc37fb421.05.2023:
A General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Thanjavur BA Branch was conducted under the Presidentship of Shri E.Rajasekaran, Branch President on 20.05.2023. Shri S.Arockiasamy welcomed all to the meeting. Around 20 members attended the meeting. Almost all the members offered their valuable suggestions and comments on issues faced by the pensioners. Suggestions on Health care, importance of minimum health checkups, Yoga, Tips to have a healthy and happy retired life were the highlights-enjoyed by one and all. Of course, the present status of Pay / Pension revision, problems being faced in SAMPANN, Inordinate delay in sanction of CGHS FMA, difficulties in updating DLC, correction of errors in SAMPANN, pending BSNL payments were also discussed. State Secretary Shri M.S.Radhakrishnan in his speech covered all the issues discussed. It was decided to strengthen our organisation by adding new members with the efforts of all members. Shri Susai Michael and Shri R.Ramanathan donated liberally to the branch. Shri P.R.Sethuraman thanked all for making the GB a successful one.21.05.2023:
The AGB meeting of AIBSNLREA, Tirunelveli Branch was conducted on 18.05.2023 at Tirunelveli under the Presidentship of Shri SSA Samsu Mohideen, Branch President. Shri S Ganapathy paid homage to the departed member Smt Gnanajothy and other state and central leaders and dignitaries. Shri S. Arumugam District Secretary welcomed the gathering. The District President in his presidential address spoke about the key issues concerning the pensioners. Shri M S Radhakrishnan, State Secretary in his special address explained about the resolutions passed in AIC Kolkata. He also spoke on present status of pension revision to BSNL / MTNL pensioners, the history behind pension revision from 5th CPC onwards, difficulties faced by the BSNL pensioners on Sampaan migration and also on available facilities at CGHS wellness centers. He appealed all members to visit our CHQ website periodically and read e journal without fail to enhance our knowledge on present issues of BSNL pensioners. He concluded his address with an appeal to increase the membership of the branch. His comprehensive speech on all important subjects was appreciated by all members. View the list of new office bearers20.05.2023:
Cashless treatment facilities will now be available to all CGHS beneficiaries (serving and pensioners) at 6 AIIMS located at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Patna, Jodhpur, Raipur and Rishikesh. This significant decision was taken today, as Memorandum of Agreement were signed between these six AIIMS and CGHS, Union Health Ministry in the presence of Shri Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary. In the near future the AIIMS institutions established in New Delhi, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh and Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry will be incorporated in this agreement. It may be recalled that AIBSNLREA had taken up the issue with DG CGHS vide its letter dated 15th March 2023, while drawing his attention to the difficulties faced by CGHS beneficiaries of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, suggesting that the matter be taken up with the Ministry to extend cashless treatment facility by AIIMS Jaipur for CGHS beneficiaries of Rajasthan. View the PIB Press Release19.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA writes to the CGCA, New Delhi on Issue of Pensioners ID card to BSNL pensioners in revised format, suggesting to simplify the process:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Controller General of Communication Accounts to the abnormal delay in the process of issuing ID card in revised format due to shortage of staff and infrastructure in CCAs offices and the process of printing, laminating and despatching the Pensioner ID cards to the concerned pensioners and has suggested following the mechanism successfully implemented by CGHS wherein the beneficiaries are able to download the CGHS card, get it printed and laminated on their own. View the letter16.05.2023:
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare issues Guidelines regarding reimbursement of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) Pump Therapy under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944:
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide its OM No.S11030/120/2022-EHS dated 16.05.2023 has issued Guidelines regarding reimbursement of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) Pump Therapy under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944, to patients with Type-I Diabetes for more than 2 years, prescribing pre-requisites and the composition of a committee for examining requests on case to case basis. Regular 3 month follow ups, regular self-monitoring of blood glucose and HbA1C test every 3 months will be criteria for extension of the facility after initial approval for one year. Ceiling rate for basic version of insulin pump will be Rs.2 lakhs and for sensor-augmented insulin pump it will be Rs.3 Lakhs. View the MoH&FW OM15.05.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'A walk-through of CGHS website':
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘A walk-through of CGHS website’ at 4 PM on 16.05.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/4mn3hr2212.05.2023:
AGSs AIBSNLREA Shri V P Arya and Shri Rakesh Sethi visited BSNL Corporate Office yesterday and met officers/officials in Personnel, SEA and Establishment Sections to follow up some individual grievances. In case of Shri B M Nyamati and Shri P S Prasad, files are being putup for consideration. In case of Shri H S Sutaria we are told that we have to wait for some time. We will have to discuss the case further with DoT. The grievance of Shri Rajpal Singh was discussed and a copy of AIBSNLREA letter has been provided for examination. The issue of conducting of Review DPCs in respect of DE promotions ordered during DoT period based on revised seniority of TES Grooup B as per Supreme Court Judgement was also discussed. In respect of wrongly showing the amount reimbursed towards one-time contribution to CGHS as taxable income, we were told that inputs from our latest letter on the subject will be duly considered.11.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO SECRETARY, EXPENDITURE, DOE REQUESTING issue of common order extending the benefit to all eligible employees IN VIEW OF PCAT orders allowing the benefit of higher pay scales on actual basis w.e.f. 1.1.1996 for the staff belonging to the Organised Accounts Departments:
AIBSNLREA has drawn attention of Secretary (Expenditure), Government of India to the recent PCAT New Delhi orders dated 21st March 2023 in OA No.2544/2015, wherein it has held that "all the applicants are held to be entitled to the benefit of replacement/upgraded scale of pay on actual basis w.e.f. 01.01.1996 as against 19.02.2003. Pursuant to this they are also held to be entitled to the payment of arrears which would have accrued in their favour from this date." PCAT New Delhi has further observed that "Before parting we would also express a hope that the competent authority shall on its own extend the benefit of upgraded pay scales to all eligible employees w.e.r.01.01.1996 irrespective of the fact whether they have approached an appropriate judicial forum for the same or not, so that unnecessary litigation is avoided." AIBSNLREA has since requested him to take a compassionate view on this issue and cause issue of common orders extending the actual benefit of upgraded scale of pay to all the organised accounts cadres w.e.f. 01.01.1996 itself, with consequent arrears, so that the affected employees, now mostly retired, are not forced into an arduous task of seeking legal remedy. View the letter10.05.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 07.04.2023 SUGGESTING re-opening of the second CGHS Wellness Centre in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter dated 07.04.2023 addressed to the DG CGHS had suggested re-opening of the second CGHS Wellness Centre in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh located at the heart of the city which was closed following resignation of the Medical Officer in September 2021. The staff members were transferred to other places and the building was vacated. The closure was said to be temporary, till alternate building is located. AD CGHS Allahabad has now replied that "It is to bring to your notice the we are still in search of suitable building for reopening of 2nd Wellness Center at Varanasi. As soon as, the accommodation is finalized, the functioning of the Wellness center will be started" View the CGHS response09.05.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 22.03.2023 SUGGESTING increasing facility of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani and other such traditional/holistic medicine in CGHS Wellness Centres:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter dated 22.03.2023 addressed to the DG CGHS had suggested increasing facility of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani and other such traditional/holistic medicine in CGHS Wellness Centres. Facility of ayurvedic and other traditional form of medicines and Homeopathic treatment may be provided on rotating basis once or twice a week and even during fixed hours in more Wellness Centres by utilising the available medical practitioners in the system. Pointing out to DG CGHS OM vide F.No.25-01/2018/CGHS/JD AYUSH dated 20th November 2020 which had conveyed the decision to start empanelment of private Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy Day Care Therapy Centres on pilot basis for a period ofone year in Delhi/NCR Region, along with conditions for such treatment and that subsequently 16 Hospitals/Centres were notified as CGHS empanelled Day Care Therapy Hospital/Centeres till 30.03.2022, AIBSNLREA had requested that "As more than 2 years have passed, CGHS Directorate will have by now analysed the utility of the arrangement. Based on the study, similar facility of empanelled private Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy Day Care Therapy Centres may be extended to other metropolitan cities viz Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, as next step." In response, CGHS has stated that "Necessary analysis / study regarding utility of AYUSH Private Day Care Centres has been completed and the empanelment of these centres is under process." View the CGHS response08.05.2023:
DG CGHS vide its OM No.Z 15025/2/2023/DIR/CGHS dated 8th May 2023 has stated that CGHS pensioner beneficiaries (principal card holders) are now permitted to submit Medical Reimbursement Claims to the CGHS of the city where treatment was taken. However the option to submit the MRC at the CGHS Wellness Centre where the card is registered shall remain unchanged. View the DG CGHS letter08.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL ON THE ISSUE OF Grant of Financial upgradation to E-6 IDA scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, Retd SE (Civil), Ambala:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to an atypical case of denial of financial upgradation to E6 IDA pay scale to Shri Rajpal Singh, now Retd SE (Civil), Ambala, citing clarifications issued by BSNL that those in Regular DE/EE grade are not eligible for upgradation to E6 pay scale under EPP 2007, although he has completed 5 years’ service in E5 pay scale. This has resulted in an anomaly whereby his juniors who did not get regular promotion to EE grade got financial upgradation to E6 scale while Shri Rajpal Singh continued in E5 pay scale. AIBSNLREA has requested him to get the issue examined specially and specifically, without rejecting it in a routine manner and to render justice to Shri Rajpal Singh by granting him the upgradation to E6 pay scale on his completing 5 years in E5 pay scale. View the letter06.05.2023:

May 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "DAWN OF WISDOM IN SIGHT?" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal May 202305.05.2023:
While thanking the Sr.GM (Txn) for his prompt response, AIBSNLREA has written to him that "We are sorry to say that there appears to be still some confusion with the justification advanced for the decision to treat the amount reimbursed towards one-time contribution made to CGHS as taxable income" and requesting him "to appreciate the fact that several Medical Insurance companies provide options for one-time subscription too, along with the yearly premium. CGHS too provides for two options, one with yearly contribution and the other one with life-time contribution. Just because of the provision of one-time contribution, CGHS contribution cannot be differently treated from insurance premium." AIBSNLREA has again requested him to get the matter re-examined and orders passed for treating the reimbursement of one-time CGHS contribution as tax free perquisite. View the letter05.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DG CGHS submitting Suggestions for providing accessible medical care for CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of DG CGHS to the fact that a huge number of BSNL retirees have migrated to CGHS in the recent past, including those residing in non-CGHS areas. Though the option for availing Fixed Medical Allowance is available to the CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas, they are still in a fix when indoor treatment becomes unavoidable. Many of them would opt for outdoor treatment in lieu of FMA, in CGHS approved hospitals. AIBSNLREA has therefore submitted suggestions including opening of CGHS Wellness Centres in every District Headquarters, though it will be a long-drawn process. View the letter
AIBSNLREA CHQ had arranged for a virtual meeting with the State Secretaries today at 4 PM, in order to listen to their views and suggestions regarding functioning of CHQ. CHQ President Shri V Chinnapappiah presided over the meeting and welcomed the participants. State Secretaries or their representatives from most of the State organisations participated in the meeting. GS explained that this was an informal meeting intended to have interactions with State Secretaries in order to strengthen the organisation and improve the way of working of CHQ. CHQ Organising Secretaries and AGS at Delhi were present. All the State Secretaries expressed satisfaction over the functioning of the CHQ and a few suggestions were made for improvement. A detailed discussion on efforts to increase membership and formation of new branches, issues to be taken up at CHQ level and status of some common issues took place. GS then summed up the discussions and said such meetings will be conducted in future too, as and when required. The meeting went on for 100 minutes and was concluded after the CHQ President conveyed his appreciation and thankfulness to the participants.03.05.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO SR.GENERAL MANAGER (PERS) BSNL CO REGARDING THE ISSUE OF Implementation of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 - Holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits:
AIBSNLREA has again written to Sr. General Manager (Pers) pointing out that our request in the earlier letter was specifically about conducting of review DPCs in respect of all the DPCs for promotion to DE grade held during DoT period. Whenever we take up the matter with DoT, we are told that all records/files had been handed over to BSNL after its formation and are available with BSNL and hence BSNL only needs to take action on this matter. We understand that searching through the voluminous documents to locate the DE promotion orders issued during DoT period will be difficult, but it is not an impossible task. AIBSNLREA has requested again requested that action may be caused to be initiated for conducting of review DPCs in respect of all the DPCs for promotion to DE grade held during DoT period. View the letter02.05.2023:
BSNL vide its letter No.BSNLCO-ADMN/45/1/2021-ADMN dated 02.05.2023 has clarified again that the retired employees need not give option every year and the option once given shall remain valid for subsequent years till it is changed by the retired employee. View the BSNL letter02.05.2023:
DG CGHS vide its OM No.Z 15025/1/2023/DIR/CGHS dated 1st May 2023 has reiterated the contents of its earlier order dated 17th December 2012 that CGHS card is valid in any Wellness Centre in India, medicines shall be issued for upto 3 months in case of chronic illnesses and referral for treatment from private empanelled hospitals shall be issued from any CGHS Wellness Centre. View the DG CGHS OM
A virtual meeting of CHQ Office bearers was held today evening, under the Presidentship of CHQ President Shri V.Chinnapappiah. All the CHQ office bearers briefed about the progress made by them in the organisational task assigned and expressed their determination to continue their efforts. GS appreciated the office bearers for their involvement and commitment. He briefed about the planned State Secretaries' meet on 03.05.2023. Some useful suggestions from the CHQ office bearers were duly agreed upon by the meeting. As requested by some office bearers, GS briefed the present status of pension revision and said our clear understanding of the issue that pension revision follows pay revision will be finally proved to be correct. President expressed satisfaction over the meeting having been productive, thanked the participants and closed the meeting.01.05.2023:
A General Body Meeting of Kurukshetra branch (Haryana State) was held on 26th April 2023 at 11 AM in Haryana Tourism Yatri Niwas Kurukshetra. 35 members were present including 7 from Kaithal. At the outset, the branch secretary Shri Rajvir Singh Chaudhary welcomed the members and informed that the younger brother of our president Shri S K Verma, had expired a few days back. The House condoled the untimely death by observing two minutes' silence and expressed their sympathy with Shri Verma's family. In the absence of the President, Shri S P Gupta presided over the meeting. Shri JOGI RAM State Secretary who is away in Canada attended the meeting online. Shri D S Sandhu senior member of the branch briefed the house in detail about various issues delt by the Association at CHQ level . The members appreciated the dedication and zeal with which the new General Secretary Shri RRB is pursuing the issues which former GS Shri Basuji had initiated. Shri Bhagwan Dass and Shri J N Vema informed that their medical reimbursement bills are not paid by BSNL for more than four years inspite of their best efforts even after having personal meeting the GMTD Karnal. The branch secretary Shri Rajvir Chaudhary said that he would soon take up the case with GS CHQ for its early resolution. Shri Yogesh Sharma gave useful tips to the members for maintaining good health and fitness. He particularly emphasized about having positive attitude, nutritious diet and regular exercise among other things. Shri Yogesh Sharma, Shri ML Arya and Shri J N Verma entertained the audience with sweet songs. The meeting ended with vote of thanks followed by sumptuous lunch. .01.05.2023:
A general body meeting of AIBSNLREA Yamunanagar (Haryana State) branch was held on 26.04.2023 at Gopal Restaurant Yamunanagar. Shri MCK Mittal, Branch President, presided over the meeting. At the very outset, the house observed two minutes' silence in memory of our departed comrade Late Shri Amar Singh, retired DGM who expired during this period. The branch activities, status of medical bills/FMA, issues of CGHS, many issues related to migration to SAMPANN, the latest status of pension revision were discussed. The queries raised by members were answered by branch secretary Shri S L Purey. It was also informed that a WhatsApp group has been created to keep all the members informed about all developments and circulars received from the General Secretary CHQ are circulated amongst members. All members were requested to enroll new members.29.04.2023:
BSNL RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 28TH MARCH 2023 ON Incorrectness of the clarification issued by BSNL on taxability of reimbursement of CGHS contribution to BSNL absorbed pensioners:
AIBSNLREA had taken up the issue of incorrectness of the clarification issued by BSNL on taxability of reimbursement of CGHS contribution to BSNL absorbed pensioners, citing the information available in the Income Tax India website which has equated ‘Payment for medical insurance premium (mode other than cash)’ to ‘contribution to CGHS’ in the form meant for calculating deduction under section 80D.' BSNL has now replied that "such one-time contribution cannot be regarded as insurance premium' and that 'contribution to CGHS is not specifically exempt under the ACT and it is allowed as deduction under section 80D of the Act.' View the BSNL letter28.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA had taken up the issue of difficulties faced by CGHS beneficiaries of Jodhpur District, Rajasthan, suggesting various measures to be taken to minimise the sufferings. AD CGHS Jaipur has sent a reply detailing action taken/being taken on the suggestions. He has categorically said that BSNL building situated at Manji ka Hatha Jodhpur has been earmarked to shift the Jodhpur WC to the ground floor and hopefully the work will be completed shortly. He has also stated that A doctor who was given the monitoring work of NHA bills has also started seeing patients and a letter will be written to the Ministry to remove her from the NHA work. View the AD CGHS Jaipur letter28.04.2023:
With profound grief we announce the demise of Shri P D Shukla, Founder President of AIBSNLREA CHQ yesterday. His demise is a great loss to the association and to his family. We convey our deepest condolences to the bereaved family.27.04.2023:
Annual General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Mumbai branch was held on 19th April,2023. State President Shri Vasudeva delivered special address and spoke about the deliberations that took place at State Conference at Amravati, about delegates' active participation, discipline, decorum and quality of the meeting. Participation of CHQ GS and his speech was very impressive particularly on Pay revision and Pension revision and clarified all queries raised by members. He narrated the unanimous election of new state body, consisting of retirees from all categories viz. Telecom. Finance, Civil and Secretariate (PS/PA).[View Maharashtra State page under State News for full report]26.04.2023:
DoT replies to AIBSNLREA SUBMISSION TO PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA ON SIDELINING OF ONE OF THE IIM AHMEDABAD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SURVIVAL OF BSNL VIZ. "the top leader (CMD) should be a professional who has had experience of running business rather than a government servant who is appointed on a fixed tenure by the government":
AIBSNLREA had submitted to Prime Minister of India, a copy of AIC Resolution on "Survival of BSNL vis-a-vis Revival Packages 2019 and 2022 as announced by the Government– Vital recommendations of IIM, Ahmedabad on the core issue ignored", drawing his attention to the IIM Ahmedabad recommendation, that "The Board of Directors should also include professional who have had experience of running large businesses. The board should not have only civil servants and academicians as Independent Directors who have not been associated with running of business. Academicians for top-ranked Indian Management institutes or foreign institutes may be offered for board positions". IIM Ahmedabad further specifically recommended that "The top leadership of BSNL should be evaluated by DoT and should be made accountable for the profits and health of the organisation. We even suggest that the top leader (CMD) should be a professional who has had experience of running business rather than a government servant who is appointed on a fixed tenure by the government” and that "But it is a matter of great concern that these recommendations have been completely side-lined, which seems to be intentional, and not included in the Memo proposing Cabinet approval for revival packages" and had requested that the recommendations of IIM Ahmedabad be implemented in full. DoT has now sent a reply vide F.No.59-08/2023-SU-IV dated 20th April 2023, stating that "the selection to the Board level positions (including CMD, BSNL) are made by the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB), a body under the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) as per the laid down procedures. The Job Description which includes the eligibility and experience criteria are finalised in consultation with PESB. The Board positions are open for professionals working in the Government, PSUs as well as Private Sector having the requisite qualification and experience in the domain sector. The selection is done by PESB having regard to the job description, suitability of the candidates, service profile and the specific qualifications/experience required for the post." View the DoT letter26.04.2023:
A Virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA UP State Executive Body was held on 24.04.2023 at 11:00 A.M. Shri M.K.Shukla State President Chaired the meeting. Being the first such meeting there were some technical glitches, but overall the meeting was successful. The meeting decided to conduct State Conference during September 2023 with a Delegate fee of Rs.1000/- as against 500/- during last State Conference. It was also decided that all Branches should contribute Rs.5000/- towards the conference expenditure. State Secretary Shri R.S.Arora and the Branch Secretaries placed their report. State Secretary requested the Branches which have completed 3 years term to conduct their Annual General Body meetings. The Branches Agra, Ballia, Varanasi, Prayag Raj, Lucknow and Kanpur have already conducted their AGB meetings. The virtual meeting was attended by the participants with great zeal and enthusiasm. Shri R.K.Sinha J.S.(North) had provided the motivation and guidance to conduct virtual meeting. The meeting was closed at 12:15 pm after Shri M K Shukla State President extended Vote of Thanks.25.04.2023:
Second State conference of ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED RETIRED EXECUTIVES’ ASSOCIATION (AIBSNLREA) Maharashtra state was held at AMRAVATI on 10th and 11th of April,2023. Amravati branch had made excellent arrangements for comfortable stay in AC rooms with delicious food for the delegates and AC hall for meeting. The first day of the meeting started with self-introduction of delegates and welcome address by the host. On behalf of CHQ, Organizing Secretary (West Zone) Shri Rajan Rajopadhye was present. Shri Vasudeva, State president in his opening remarks mentioned that due to Covid Pandemic and other unavoidable circumstances State conference was being held after 5 years. Due to various reasons some branches expressed their inability to send delegates. He appealed to the delegates to make it a quality meeting by raising various issues related to association including general and individual grievances of members. [View Maharashtra State page under State News for full report]25.04.2023:
CGCA vide its letter No.13-6/2020-21/BA&IT/5733-5764 dated 24.04.2023 has issued a letter regarding roll out of utility for submission of option for Tax regime for usage of all SAMPANN pensioners. View the CGCA letter24.04.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'Translating Ayurveda Principles and Practice - Clinical Success Stories':
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘Translating Ayurveda Principles and Practice - Clinical Success Stories’ at 4 PM on 25.04.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/ycfxhvu424.04.2023:
BSNL replies to AIBSNLREA LETTER ON IMPLEMENTATION of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 - Holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits:
BSNL Corporate Office has sent a reply through email detailing the action taken by it to implement the Supreme Court judgement in respect of DE regular promotions issued after 01.10.2000 by BSNL. AIBSNLREA has duly sent a reply that our letter pertains to DE promotions ordered during DoT period and not BSNL period as we are aware that action has been taken for BSNL period and has requested suitable action in respect of DoT period. View the BSNL letter & AIBSNLREA reply21.04.2023:
BSNL Corporate Office has issued instructions once again to Circles to clear all pending medical reimbursement liability in consultation with the Finance wing of Corporate Office at the earliest, with reference to AIBSNLREA letter dated 6th February 2023 addressed to the Prime Minister of India, submitting the AIC resolution on non-payment of medical claims indoor and outdoor including without voucher claims under BSNLMRS pending since the financial year 2018-19 to the BSNL retirees. View the BSNL letter20.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA AGAIN WRITES TO THE SECRETARY, DOT ON Non-regularisation of the suspension period despite acquittal in a CBI case, in addition to non-payment of Gratuity, Commutation of pension and non-settlement of regular pension case of Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, Gujarat Telecom Circle, BSNL:
AIBSNLREA has now drawn attention to the fact that "we were shocked to see the status of the appeal and find that the appeal has not been listed for hearing even once after regular admission on 25.02.2011. Thus Shri Sutaria has been left to suffer for more than 11 years now, although he had been acquitted by the trial court nearly 13 years back." We have requested that "in view of the above facts and the DoT Order clarifying that if the pensioner is acquitted by a trial court, notwithstanding the appeal filed against the acquittal, the department may take action and issue orders accordingly, the process of granting vigilance clearance, issue of regular retirement orders etc may please be expedited since Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, BSNL, Gujarat Telecom Circle has already crossed the age of 70 years and justice needs to be delivered to him without further delay." View the letter19.04.2023:
IMPLEMENTATION of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 - Holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits:
AIBSNLREA letter dated 28th February 2023 on implementation of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 - Holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits, has been forwarded by GM (CDN) BSNL CO to GM (Pers) for immediate necessary action. View the GM CDN BSNL CO remarks17.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO SECRETARY (PENSION), DOP&PW on Grant of one notional increment for pensionary benefits to those employees whose increment falls due on the day following superannuation:
Refering to the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India judgement in Civil Appeal No.2471 of 2023 has, on 11th April 2023, dismissing the appeal against a decision of Division Bench of High court of Karnataka directing grant of notional increment, where the Supreme Court has observed categorically that "Merely because, the government servant has retired on the very next day, how can he be denied the annual increment which he has earned and/or is entitled to for rendering the service with good conduct and efficiently in the preceding one year", AIBSNLREA has written to the Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW that After this decisive judgement by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, there can’t be any iota of justification for the Government to continue to deny this benefit to all similarly placed pensioners. DoP&PW which has been assigned with the larger duty of ensuring and safeguarding Pensioners’ Welfare needs to act fast now to ensure issue of a common order for allowing the benefit of one notional increment in similar cases for the purpose of pensionary benefits, as the issue has been dragging on for long with many of the affected pensioners breathing their last during the period and also because the number of such beneficiaries is negligibly limited and the expenditure on this count will be inconsequential. AIBSNLREA has requested him to have the matter re-examined with compassion and get orders issued for extension of the benefit of notional increment for pensionary benefits to all the similarly placed pensioners. View the letter13.04.2023:
Minister of Defence forwards AIBSNLREA UP State letter to Minister of Communications for appropriate action:
A delegation of AIBSNLREA Uttar Pradesh State led by Shri R S Arora, State Secretary had met Shri Rajnath Singh, Honourable Defence Minister in Lucknow on 19.03.2023 and submitted a memorandum for revision of payscale of working BSNL Executives and consequent pension revision of retired BSNL Executives, requesting him to impress upon the Minister of Communications for early resolution of the issue. OSD to MoD has forwarded the memorandum to the PS to MoC for taking appropriate action on this regard. View the letter of OSD to MoD14.04.2023:
AGS Shri V P Arya visited BSNL CO on 13.04.2023 for pursuing some pending issues. Director (HR) and some GMs were busy and were unavailable. AGS met Sr GM (Txn) and discussed the issue of Incorrect recovery of TDS from the amount reimbursed towards hospital treatment for COVID-19 in Rajasthan Circle. Sr GM (Txn) immediately agreed that recovery was incorrect and requested the DGM to put up our letter to him for necessary action. AGS then met General Manager (SEA) and discussed regarding early issue of final retirement orders in view of grant of VC by CVO BSNL after quashing of chargesheet by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore - Case of Shri B M Nyamati, Retd CAO, Bangalore Telecom District. Similar cases settled by BSNL CO were also pointed out. The matter will now be sent to legal section for legal advice.14.04.2023:
On our query, it has been informed that the file has been received from Legal Advisor and has been sent to DoT Vigilance for consideration and grant of VC.13.04.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 202.3% w.e.f 01.04.2023 in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2007. View the DPE OM13.04.2023:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA rate to 410.4% w.e.f 01.04.2023, in respect of CPSEs where last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 01.01.1997. View the DPE OM13.04.2023:
After due examination of demands from stakeholders and taking into consideration the increase in costs of various components of health care, the Union Health Ministry has proposed to initially revise the CGHS package rates of consultation fees, ICU charges and room rent. The referral process under CGHS has also been simplified. Earlier the CGHS beneficiary had to visit the CGHS Wellness Center himself and take referral to the hospital. But now, if the CGHS beneficiary is unable to go, he can send someone on his behalf with his documents to the wellness center. The medical officer can refer the beneficiary to go to the hospital after checking the documents. Apart from this, CGHS beneficiary can also take referral through video call. View the PIB Press Release10.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA TAKES UP WITH SR.GENERAL MANAGER (TAXATION) BSNL CO THE ISSUE OF Incorrect recovery of TDS from the amount reimbursed towards hospital treatment for COVID-19 in Rajasthan Circle:
Refering to CBDT Press Release dated 25th June, 2021 wherein uder Para A I it has been clearly mentioned that "Many taxpayers have received financial help from their employers and wellwishers for meeting their expenses incurred for treatment of Covid-19. In order to ensure that no income tax liability arises on this account, it has been decided to provide income-tax exemption to the amount received by a taxpayer for medical treatment from employer or from any person for treatment of Covid-19 during FY 2019-20 and subsequent years," AIBSNLREA has sought the intervention and advice of Sr.GM (Txn) BSNL CO to Rajasthan Circle to follow CBDT provisions, not to harass the pensioner unnecessarily and to refund the incorrectly recovered TDS. View the letter10.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) REGARDING early issue of final retirement orders in view of grant of VC by CVO BSNL after quashing of chargesheet by Hon'ble CAT Bangalore - Case of Shri B M Nyamati, Retd CAO, Bangalore Telecom District:
AIBSNLREA has again taken up the issue with Director (HR) BSNL, stating that "It is now learnt that CVO BSNL has granted the necessary Vigilance Clearance but the matter is pending with Personnel Section for a few months now, which has to issue the final retirement order" and requesting his personal intervention for early issue of his final retirement orders so as to enable release of withheld ex-gratia, Gratuity, other retiral benefits and grant of Time Bound Upgradation from E4 to E5 and from E5 to E6 scales. View the letter07.04.2023:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of DG CGHS to the matter of closure of the Second Wellness Centre which was situated in the centre of City of Varanasi, which was said to be temporary but remains closed till now and has requested early re-opening of the Varanasi Wellness Centre closed in September 2021, keeping in view the difficulties faced by the pensioner beneficiaries in travelling to the outskirts of the city. View the letter06.04.2023:
Vide Finance Act, 2023, sub-section (1A) has been inserted in section 115BAC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to provide for a new tax regime w.e.f the assessment year beginning on or after 1st day of April, 2024. This new tax regime is the default tax regime and a person may exercise an option to opt out of this tax regime. The circular directs that a deductor, being an employer, shall seek information from each of its employees having income under section 192 of the Act regarding their intended tax regime and each such employee shall intimate the same to the deductor, regarding his intended tax regime for each year. If intimation is not made by the employee, it shall be presumed that the employee continues in the default tax regime and TDS will be calculated accordingly. The circular further clarifies that the intimation would not amount to exercising option under sub-section (6) of section 115BAC of the Act and the person shall be required to do so separately in accordance with the provisions of the sub-section. View the CBDT circular06.04.2023:

April 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "ANNOYANCES OF GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEMS" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal April 202303.04.2023:
The Annual General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA,Chennai Branch was conducted on 29th March 2023 at Hotel.B.R.Mathsya,T.Nagar Chennai from 10 am onwards. As many as 53 members participated in the AGB. The meeting commenced with a prayer song by Smt.P.Anandhi. Shri V.Dakshinamurthy President welcomed all and highlighted how the branch has been consistently performing to the best of its ability. After self- introduction of members, one minute silence was observed in memory of our comrades who lost their lives due to Corona and age related and health related issues.[View Tamilnadu Page of State News for full report]31.03.2023:
Wrong deduction of TDS without actual payment of medical claim in Rajasthan Circle despite instructions issued by BSNL CO to the Circles - :
Following a communication to AIBSNLREA from BSNL CO that "The matter will be discussed with the union within 15 days and appropriate action will be taken after the discussion", in all such cases of wrong recovery of TDS before actual payment in Rajasthan Circle, payment of medical claims has been made today, as reported by our Rajasthan State body.31.03.2023:
IDA RATES DUE FROM 01.04.2023:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for the months December 2022, January and February 2023, the revised IDA rate due w.e.f. 01.04.2023 is 202.3%% [increase by 1.1%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and 410.3%% [increase by 1.9%] for CPSEs where the last pay revision was implemented w.e.f. 1.1.1997.31.03.2023:
BSNL CORPORATE OFFICE RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 03.03.2023 ON Wrong deduction of TDS without actual payment of medical claim despite instructions issued by BSNL CO to the Circles:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 03.03.2023 addressed to General Manager (Txn) BSNL CO drawing his attention to a grievance that Rajasthan Circle has recently deducted TDS without making actual payment of medical claims which show in the Form 26AS of the retirees, which is against the contents of BSNL CO letter dated 26.08.2021 addressed to GS AIBSNLREA. The grievance has been closed with a reply that "The matter will be taken with the union within 15 days". Separately an email has been received from Taxation (TDS) section of BSNL Corporate Office stating that "The matter will be discussed with the union within 15 days and appropriate action will be taken after the discussion." View the BSNL response30.03.2023:
A virtual meeting of CHQ Office bearers of AIBSNLREA was held today evening. Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President presided over the meeting. Activities of CHQ since the last meeting in February 2023 and action taken by the individual office bearers on the decisions taken in the last meeting were discussed threadbare. All the CHQ office bearers briefed the meeting about the progress in the specific assignments given to them on the organisational front. GS appreciated the determination shown by all the office bearers which has brought good results. All the office bearers assured to continue the efforts. GS informed that as per the decision taken in the last meeting, Branches were requested to send specific cases of discrepancies and shortcomings in functioning of CGHS as experienced by Branch members. All such issues received from the Branches have been duly taken up with CGHS Directorate. Recently received issues and any more issues related to CGHS received in the future will also be duly taken up and pursued for resolution. There were interruptions in video streaming although audio was clear throughout the meeting. In view of the slow internet at the end of the month probably due to exhaustion of the data limit, which caused disturbances in video, it was decided to hold the Virtual Meetings in the first week of every month.29.03.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE DG CGHS suggesting shifting of Ambala Wellness Centre to a spacious, easily accessible place:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter addressed to the DG CGHS requesting to examine the proposal for shifting Ambala Wellness Centre to a spacious, easily accessible location, particularly to a BSNL building newly constructed and conveniently located or some other building, in view of the present wellness centre is difficult to reach, requiring to cross two railways subways which remain waterlogged for most of the time, AD CGHS Chandigarh has replied that "The matter was discussed with the pensioners association and they have asked to continue the CGHS working from the same building and the building has been recently renovated also. CGHS Building will be shifted once a suitable spacious alternative option is made available." View the CGHS response28.03.2023:
CGHS TO HOLD WEBINAR ON 'Prolonged cough - could it be Tuberculosis':
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘Prolonged cough - could it be Tuberculosis’ at 4 PM on 28.03.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/ycfxhvu428.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO GENERAL MANAGER (TAXATION) BSNL CO ON Incorrectness of the clarification issued by BSNL on taxability of reimbursement of CGHS contribution to BSNL absorbed pensioners AND RequestING withdrawal of the clarification.:
AIBSNLREA has now written to the General Manager (Txn) BSNL CO, pointing out that BSNL has been treating the reimbursement of CGHS contribution as 'Income' "in the absence of clarity on whether reimbursement to BSNL absorbed retired employees on account of CGHS subscription is an insurance premium or not" as per its letter dated 22.09.2021. BSNL should get the required clarity by visiting Income Tax India website Page https://incometaxindia.gov.in/Pages/tools/deduction-under-section-80d.aspx which has equated ‘Payment for medical insurance premium (mode other than cash)’ to ‘contribution to CGHS’ in the form meant for calculating deduction under section 80D. AIBSNLREA has reiterated that there is no rationale and justification in BSNL treating the reimbursement of onetime payment of subscription to CGHS in respect of BSNL absorbed IDA pensioner as taxable income and therefore has again requested that the said clarification be withdrawn immediately and the practice of showing the amount as ‘income’ may be stopped forthwith. View the letter28.03.2023:
AGB of AIBSNLREA, Chennai Branch will be held on 29th March 2023 ( Wednesday) from 10am at Hotel b.R.Mathsya,Thanikachalam road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17. All members and interest BSNL Retired Executives are invited to attend.27.03.2023:
Non-regularisation of the suspension period despite acquittal in a CBI case, in addition to non-payment of Gratuity, Commutation of pension and non-settlement of regular pension case of Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, Gujarat Telecom Circle, BSNL:
AGS Shri V P Arya met the concerned official in DoT today to inform that the ACB Gujarat has sent the Status Report of the Appeal as required by DoT. He was then apprised of the DoT's efforts, by contacting the Gujarat Government Advocate, which resulted in receipt of status report from ACB Gujarat. The file has been put up to Legal Advisor. AGS requested to expedite the process since not a single hearing had taken place after 2011, in the appeal filed by ACB Gujarat and the pensioner has been left to suffer excessively. It was agreed that as soon as the file is received from Legal Advisor, it will be putup to DoT Vigilance for a decision.25.03.2023:
CGHS RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA SUBMITTING AIC RESOLUTION ON Inadequate availability of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medical facilities in the wellness centres under CGHS:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter addressed to the Prime Minister of India submitting Inadequate availability of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medical facilities in the wellness centres under CGHS, CGHS has now replied that "As far as the expansion of wellness centres of Ayurveda & Homeopathy in CGHS is concerned, you are informed that in the year 2021 there were 30 Ayurvedic Wellness Centres & 32 Homoeopathic wellness centres. You would be happy to know that the number of Ayurvedic & Homoeopathic wellness centres has been increased to 39 & 47 respectively till date. Further opening of new CGHS Ayurvedic & Homoeopathic Units is under process." View the CGHS response23.03.2023:
Income Tax department has launched a mobile App viz. 'AIS for Taxpayer', available on Google Play & Apple Store, which provides information related to TDS/TCS, interest, dividends, share transaction, tax payments, Income Tax refunds etc. To access the mobile app, the taxpayer needs to register on the app by providing PAN number, authenticate with OTP sent on mobile number & email registered on the e-filing portal. View the Press Release22.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS suggesting to increase the facility of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani and other such traditional/holistic medicine in CGHS Wellness Centres:
AIBSNLREA has written to DG CGHS pointing out that people have become increasingly aware of the benefits of these traditional medicine and also Homeopathy which are believed to provide natural cure without side effects and suggesting to increase the facility of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani and other such traditional/holistic medicine in CGHS Wellness Centres, providing two specific suggestions. View the letter21.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS on Dismal state of affairs in Ichapur CGHS Wellness Centre, Kolkata and suggesting improvement of staff strength and opening of more Wellness Centres:
AIBSNLREA has written to DG CGHS on dismal state of affairs in Ichapur CGHS Wellness Centre, Kolkata and suggesting improvement of staff strength and opening of more Wellness Centres at Kalyani, Sodepur and Barrakpore. View the letter20.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA BALLIA Branch conducted its GB meeting on 19/03/2023 under the Presidentship of Shri D.S.Rai. Some issues were discussed which included unjustified requirement for submission of Medical option forms every year. The following new office bearers have been elected unanimously.1.President: Shri A.K.Singh 9044064699
2.Branch Secretary: Shri P. N.Chaudhari 9451402929
3.Financial Secretary: Shri R. Y. Sharma 9415248973
4.Org.Secretary: Shri H.R.Chaurasia 9415243639
5.Auditor: Shri P.S.Srivastav 9415244451
Executive members: 1.Shri S.Khan; 2.Shri S.N.Singh; 3.Shri K.N.Ram; 4.Shri R.S.Gupta; 5.Shri S.K.Sinha

A delegation of AIBSNLREA Uttar Pradesh State comprising S/Shri Ambika Singh, V.P.Singh, A.K Sharma, C.L.Sharma and Radheyshyam led by Shri R S Arora, State Secretary met Shri Rajnath Singh, Honourable Defence Minister in Lucknow on 19.03.2023 and submitted a memorandum for revision of payscale of working BSNL Executives and consequent pension revision of retired BSNL Executives. Shri Ambika Singh, State Financial Secretary had arranged for the meeting. The delegation explained to the MoD the justifications for relaxing affordability clause for BSNL and requested him to impress upon the Minister of Communications the need to resolve the long pending pay revision which will lead to pension revision, giving relief to the BSNL pensioners. MoD was very receptive and directed his Personal Secretary to put up our submission for forwarding to MoC for due consideration. CHQ congratulates and appreciates the efforts taken by AIBSNLREA U.P. State and the excellent presentation of the issue. View the letter submitted by the AIBSNLREA U.P. delegation17.03.2023:
Moh&FW issues modified guidelines on setting up of Local Advisory Committees for all CGHS dispensaries:
MoH&FW vide its F.No.S.11030/19/2023-EHS dated 17th March 2023 has issued revised guidelines for setting up of Grievance/Advisory Committees for all Health and Wellness Centres across the country and Zonal Advisory Committee (ZAC) at the level of Additional Director of the concerned Zone to facilitate seemless delivery of health care services and prompt redressal of grievances within CGHS System. View the MoH&FW letter17.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS suggesting shifting of Ambala Wellness Centre to a spacious, easily accessible place:
AIBSNLREA has written to DG CGHS calling his attention that Ambala Wellness Centre is located at a difficult-to-reach location where the beneficiaries need to cross two railways subways which remain waterlogged for most of the time and that it does not have a separate injection room and dressing room. AIBSNLREA has requested him to get the earlier proposal of shifting it to a BSNL building which is newly constructed and conveniently located, re-examined. View the letter17.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA EAST Godavari Branch held its GB Meeting at Hotel RL Grand, Kakinada on 14.03.2023 under the Presidentship of Sri GV Rama Krishna, Branch President. The meeting started at 10.30 hours with prayer. Sri GV Rama Krishna, Branch president, Sri G.S.V.S.S.Vara Prasad, Branch Secretary, Shri M Venkateswara Rao, CHQ Vice President and Finance Secretary Sri KBS Naidu were on the dais. The meeting paid homage to all the departed members by observing two minutes silence. President welcomed all the 90 members who attended the meeting. He briefed the house regrding unique feature of our District branch as its members were hailing from AP, Telangana States, MTNL, STR and Civil wings. The present strength of the branch raised to 329 with joining of nine new members during 25.06.2022 to 14.03.2023 and 4 members unfortunately passed away during this period. He also briefed the house regarding the election of new CHQ office bearers during 3rd All India Conference at Kolkata during January 2023. Sri M Venkateswara Rao, newly elected Vice President, CHQ in his maiden speech elaborated his experiences in all the three AICs of our Association at Bhubaneshwar, Madurai and Kolkata and election process taken place and his election as Vice President. Secretary Shri GSVSS Varaprasad praised the Services of Comrade Basu and shared the Memorable moments with him and wished him long life. He also informed the house about the new office bearers elected to CHQ. View the Photos16.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO CMD BSNL REGARDING Display of default/seizure notice by Greater Chennai Corporation in Chennai BSNL exchanges – Damaging the reputation of the Government owned PSU – Request intervention to avoid such instances in the future:
AIBSNLREA has written to CMD BSNL conveying "the immense mental pain and humiliation felt by the BSNL Pensioners over the disheartening event of display of default/seizure notice by Greater Chennai Corporation on the main gates of three BSNL Telephone Exchanges two days back allegedly for non-payment of arrears of property tax dues. Having put in 30-40 years of service in DoT and then in BSNL, shedding their blood, sweat and tears for the growth and glory of the organisations, the BSNL pensioners are extremely shocked to hear about the news which shows BSNL in bad light and damages its reputation." AIBSNLREA has requested CMD BSNL to look into the matter personally and to cause some mechanism to be put in place, to avoid such situations in the future. View the letter15.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS submitting Suggestions for reducing difficulties faced by CGHS beneficiaries of Jodhpur District, Rajasthan:
AIBSNLREA has written to DG CGHS drawing his attention towards untold difficulties faced by CGHS beneficiaries of Jodhpur District, Rajasthan along with suggestions for removing the difficulties faced by them in availing CGHS benefits, detailing the deficiencies and improvement required. View the letter13.03.2023:
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘Stress - How to cope up with it’ at 4 PM on 14.03.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/3jzsevuk10.03.2023:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA East Godavari Branch will be held at Hotel RL Grand (Back side of BSNL Telephone Exchange) KAKINADA on 14-03-2023 between 1000 hrs and 1600 hrs. All members and interested BSNL Retired Executives are are requested to attend.10.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DG CGHS suggesting stringent terms and conditions in MOA for empanelment of Health Care Organisation (HCO) under CGHS to protect beneficiaries from harassment by private hospitals:
Pointing to numerous complaints against private empanelled hospitals regarding refusal of admission, denial of credit facility, non-honouring the permission letter issued by CMO in-charge of CGHS Wellness Centres, denial of admission even in emergency on the plea of non-availability of beds, refusal for conducting investigations as advised by Government Specialist and misbehaviour by the treating doctor and that a few of these complaints had been considered and acted upon by the Government by imposing 15% PBG as Liquidated Damages on the erring hospitals, AIBSNLREA has written to DG CGHS that "Issuing a warning letter or imposing 15% PBG as Liquidated Damage which normally amounts to Rs.1,50,000/- or Rs.75,000/- will never have the effect of mending the erring hospitals. While there is pressing need for adding more empanelled hospitals, care needs to be taken to ensure that the hospitals do not harass the CGHS beneficiaries. Erring hospitals can be made to behave only if stringent terms and conditions are included in the MOA, providing for foregoing of full PBG, additional penalty, termination of MOA and reporting every such case to the Human Rights Commission." View the letter08.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL ON Non-reimbursement of medical claims for emergency admission and bypass surgery – case of O N Chaubey, Retd DE (Enquiry) O/o CGMT UP East:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director (HR) BSNL to the long pending grievance of Shri O N Chaubey, Retd DE (Enquiry) O/o CGMT UP East on Non-payment of indoor medical claim for emergency admission and heart surgery he had at Gurgaon, Haryana in December 2014, which had been rejected by CGMT UP East Circle and has requested Director (HR) to advise UP East Circle to get the claim reviewed and approved for payment, taking into account the emergency admission and treatment to save his life, the due intimation given by FAX and the financial burden on the pensioner. View the letter06.03.2023:

March 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "INCOME TAX WOES" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal March 202303.03.2023:
AGSs AIBSNLREA, Shri V P Arya and Shri Rakesh Sethi visited BSNL Corporate Office today to follow up pending issues. GM (Pers), PGM (Estt) and Director (HR) were away for a lecture in ALTTC Ghaziabad. We met Sr GM (Taxation) and DGM (Pers) and pursued the issues. In respect of wrong deduction of TDS without actual payment of medical claims of BSNL retired Executives of Rajasthan Circle, Sr GM (Taxation) said he was aware that instructions had been earlier issued to the Circles and will take up the matter with Rajasthan Circle. In respect of release of pensionary benefits of Shri B M Nyamati, we were informed that the Karnataka High Court had refused early hearing of the appeal and that there was some confusion about release of the pensionary benefits in case the appeal goes against the pensioner later. The matter will be further pursued with PGM (FP) citing release of pensionary benefits of some retirees of Karnataka circle when a CBI appeal is pending, after AIBSNLREA's efforts quoting a DoT letter. Regarding hodling of Review DPCs on the basis of revised seniority of TES Group B based on Supreme Court verdict, in respect of those who were promoted as DE during DoT period, there is said to be doubts about how to proceed with and the matter requires further discussions.03.03.2023:
AIBSNLREA TAKES UP WITH SR.GENERAL MANAGER (TAXATION) BSNL CO THE ISSUE OF Wrong deduction of TDS without actual payment of medical claim despite instructions issued by BSNL CO to the Circles:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Sr. General Manager (Taxation) to the fact that "After prolonged persuasion from this Association, BSNL vide its letter No.BSNLCO-TAXN/11(15)/4/2021-Taxation/4315 dated 26.08.2021 addressed to GS AIBSNLREA had intimated us that "the matter has been examined and instruction has been issued to the Circles vide letter dated 3.02.2021 to discontinue the existing practice of deducting TDS at the time of posting of medical bill in the SAP and instead of that TDS to be deducted on Retirees Medicals Bills at the time of payment with effect from January 2021 (i.e. Q4 of F.Y. 2020-21) onwards. But to our shock, Rajasthan Circle has recently deducted TDS without making actual payment of medical claims which show in the Form 26AS of the retirees." AIBSNLREA has therefore requested him to look into the issue and cause remedial action by stopping such wrong recovery immediately by Rajasthan Circle and by issuing a general instruction to all the Circles in this regard. View the letter03.03.2023:
The General Body meeting of Lucknow Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 02-03-2023 in Door Sanchar Sadan Conference Hall at Laplace Lucknow under the Chairmanship of Shri B L Mishra Branch President. 30 members attended the meeting. Two were new members. Since the last meeting & biennial Conference on 28-12-2022, there has been increase of 12 members. The meeting appreciated that this was possible due to the dynamic leadership of Shri V P Singh. The resolutions passed by All India Conference at Kolkata were read by Shri S P Singh former Branch Secretary who had attended the AIC as delegate. The stand of the CHQ on Pension Revision was appreciated by the general body. Discussions were held on other resolutions also. Organising Secretary Shri Radhe Shyam briefed on our branch organisation activities with regard to local issues and other matters. State Secretary Shri R S Arora present in the meeting put up his opinion on different issues taken up in AIC Kolkata. He also spoke about a draft representation to be submitted to Honorable Defence Minister and MP from Lucknow Shri Raj Nath Singh to seek the approval of Cabinet for relaxing Affordability Clause as advised by DPE in matter of Pay Revision of BSNL Executives. Shri A K Sharma Asst Branch Secretary spoke about CGHS issues being faced by the members. Branch Secretary Shri V.P. Singh summarised the steps taken by the Branch for payment of Medical bills in Lucknow District. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by the Branch President.03.03.2023:
The 2nd Conference of AIBSNLREA Amravati Branch was held on Monday , the 20th February 2023 at Hotel Grace Inn , near Rajapeeth Police station Amravati , under the Chairmanship of Shri R. W. Tidake President of the Branch. The Conference was attended by 39 members along with Shri V.G. Dakhode, State Secretary, Maharashtra Circle. On the Day of Conference, 2 new members have joined the Association. [View Maharashtra State page of State News for full report]02.03.2023:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter addressed to Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW on the issue of regularization of the period of interruption in excess of joining time, due to the training and regular appointment being at different stations, DoT had replied that "Case has resolved', without mentioning how and by whom it has been resolved and without attaching any order resolving the issue. An appeal had been registered by AIBSNLREA seeking how and by whom the case has been resolved. Now DoT has closed the appeal stating that 'Appropriately replied. Copy attached,' attaching an earlier letter from AGM (HR) to AGM (Legal) both under CGMT UP West Circle. View the attached letter01.03.2023:
PGM LUCKNOW RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER ADDRESSED TO DIRECTOR (HR) BSNL REGARDING Non-reimbursement of medical claims for treatment of chronic illness – spouse of Shri Ambika Singh, Retd CAO, O/o PGM TD, Lucknow:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter addressed to the Director (HR) BSNL, requesting him to advise UP East Circle to process and pay the pending bills at the earliest, so as to give relief to the exhausted pensioner, PGM Lucknow has now replied that "All the bills of retiree which were as per rules have already ben paid and no medical limit pending unutilized for payment as per his medical outdoor limit eligibility. If any bills is left for payment, detailed information of the same is required. As far as extension of outdoor limit is concerned, the matter is not related to this section." View the PGM Lucknow response28.02.2023:
Increase of CGHS charges on the cards:
According to media reports, the health ministry has constituted a committee that is evaluating the charges applicable to users—mostly serving and retired central government employees as well as their families. The new fees may be announced next month. “We are revising the CGSH rates for empanelled private hospitals. Definitely, rates are going to get increased and this will attract more bigger private hospitals to join CGHS. The committee is reviewing the rate right now. After that, it will go to the finance division for approval and later it will be submitted before the health minister. Within one month, the entire process should be completed," said an official aware of the matter. View the Media Report28.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA TAKES UP WITH SR.GENERAL MANAGER (PERS) BSNL CO THE ISSUE OF Implementation of orders of Supreme Court of India in CA No. 4389 of 2010 - Holding of Review DPCs for promotion to DE grade based on the revised seniority lists of TES Group B in respect of DE promotions ordered by DoT prior to formation of BSNL and extending the consequential benefits:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Sr. General Manager (Pers) to the fact that "Although BSNL has conducted Five Review DPCs in respect of earlier DPCs conducted by BSNL for regular promotion to DE/AGM grade, no Review DPC has been held till date in respect of DPCs for promotion to DE grade held during DoT period prior to formation of BSNL. When we took up the matter with DoT, we are told that all records/files had been handed over to BSNL after its formation and are available with BSNL and hence BSNL only needs to take action on this matter. Non-conduct of review DPCs in respect of those who were promoted as DE during DoT period and extending consequential benefits to them amounts to discrimination against them and also non-implementation of orders of Supreme Court of India in full." AIBSNLREA has requested him that action may be caused to be initiated for conducting of review DPCs in respect of all the DPCs for promotion to DE grade held during DoT period and issue of revised promotion orders, in order to remove the discrimination. View the letter27.02.2023:
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘The role of Siddha medicine to lead a healthy life’ at 4 PM on 28.02.2023. One can join the same by using the link: https://tinyurl.com/4jufzm2827.02.2023:
DOT RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 26TH DECEMBER 2022 regarding regularization of the period of interruption in excess of joining time, due to the training and regular appointment being at different stations, by grant of leave of the kind due or if no such leave is due, by grant of extraordinary leave – Case of Shri Ajay Kumar Dubey, Retd AGM, Agra Telecom district:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter addressed to Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW on the subject, DoT has replied that "Case has resolved', without mentioning how and by whom it has been resolved and without attaching any order resolving the issue. An appeal has been registered by AIBSNLREA seeking how and by whom the case has been resolved. View the DoT response26.02.2023:
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Varanasi Branch was held on 25th February 2023 from 10.30 AM to 2 PM at Angeethi Restaurant near Assi Ghat Varanasi. Sri P M Ansari President of Varanasi Branch Presided over the meeting. 29 members attended the meeting. The meeting passed resolution congratulating all the CHQ office bearers elected in AIC Kolkata on 7th and 8th January 2023. Sri R K Sinha CHQ Joint Secretary briefed about the AIC proceedings and the deliberations in the two virtual meetings of CHQ office bearers. Members appreciated the functioning of CHQ. The meeting passed another resolution for reopening of second CGHS Wellness Center in Varanasi. Sri P M Ansari President thanked all members for participating in the meeting. View the Photos25.02.2023:
The Quarterly General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Vadodara branch (Gujarat State) was held on 1100 hrs. of 17-02-2023 at Hotel Utsav, Vadodara. 74 out of 153 members attended the meeting. The new members were welcomed by President, Shri Modi K A, in his welcome speech. The report of AIC Kolkata in details was presented by Shri Patel H V, a delegate of AIC Kolkata. The meeting was conducted by Shri Shah R T, Branch Secretary. He had covered all current issues, like Pension Revision latest condition, benefits & difficulties after migration to CCA from Banks, CGHS issues, pending medical bills of BSNL, etc. The issues raised by members were replied & noted for further persuasion. The members were disappointed by knowing, Gujarat has not got good posts in CHQ even though Gujarat is having more than 1300 members out of 6731 total members of AIBSNLREA. The vote of Thanks was given by Shri Joshi A B. The meeting was followed by delicious Lunch. View the Photos
A virtual meeting of CHQ Office bearers of AIBSNLREA was held today evening. Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President presided over the meeting. GS detailed the important activities of the CHQ since the last meeting. He explained that the DoT order, finally ending discrimination against those who retired from July 2017 to April 2018 by denying them the benefit of extra increment on regular promotion to DE/AGM grade, is a significant achievement of AIBSNLREA, after lengthy and consistent efforts. Then, the progress in the decisions taken in the last meeting was reviewed. All the CHQ office bearers briefed the meeting about the progess made. All of them expressed satisfaction towards the activities of CHQ during the last one month. There were elaborate discussions on the problems faced in availing CGHS benefits and the need for increase in number of Wellness Centres and staffing. The meeting decided to collect specific cases of discrepancies and shortcomings in functioning of CGHS as experienced by Branch members and to take up those issues with CGHS Directorate with unrelenting determination. All CHQ office bearers will co-ordinate with the Branches to compile the required details. Branches will be requested to communicate specific cases to the CHQ. The 90 minutes-long virtual meeting was positive and purposeful.24.02.2023:
DOP&PW RESPONDS TO AIBSNLREA LETTER DATED 27th JANUARY 2023, ADDRESSED TO PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA, SUBMITTING AIC RESOLUTION ON Grant of notional increment for Pensionary benefits in the cases where annual increment is due on the next day of retirement:
AIBSNLREA had submitted Kolkata AIC Resolution on Grant of notional increment for Pensionary benefits in the cases where annual increment is due on the next day of retirement, to the Prime Minister of India, requesting him to advise DoP&T to resolve the issue immediately. The letter had been forwarded to DoP&PW which has now replied that "In the matter of granting notional increment for pensionary benefits to those Central government servants who have retired on 30thJune/ 31st December of a year, DoPT vide OM No.19/2/2018-Estt (Pay-I) dated 03.02.2021 and F. No. 1453545/2021-Estt (Pay-I)dated 24.06.2021 has issued instructions." View the DoP&PW reply23.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR GENERAL, CGHS, suggesting facilitating indoor/hospital cashless treatment of CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas, through State Government Health Schemes like Rajasthan Government Health Scheme:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director General, CGHS, to some State Government Schemes wherein the employees and retired employees have the option to get cashless treatment in hundreds of empanelled Speciality/Multi-speciality private hospitals and has requested him that Department of Health & Family Welfare workout some Understanding/Agreement with these State Governments to facilitate CGHS card holders avail cashless inpatient treatment in hospitals empanelled under State Government Health Scheme in order to give relief to the CGHS beneficiaries residing in non-CGHS areas. View the letter21.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA had requested Secretary (Pension) DoP&PW, to have the grievance re-examined with compassion and order extension of the benefit of notional increment for pensionary benefits to all the similarly placed pensioners. The grievance was wrongly forwarded to BSNL which was sitting on it for four months and then closed it stating that the case issubjudice, while BSNL has no role to play on this matter. The grievance was resubmitted and DoP&PW has now closed the docket stating that "This is not a grievance. The matter pertains to demand/suggestion for change in govt policy." View the DoP&PW reply20.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA's prolonged and continuous efforts have finally succeeded with DoT issuing orders vide its OM No.40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt) dated 20th February 2023, extending the benefit of DoT order No.40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt) dated 17.05.2018 to absorbed BSNL employees who have retired between 05.07.2017 and 17.05.2018, after obtaining an undertaking that in the event of the court orders are in favour of DoT, the over paid amount due to grant of an extra increment in the post based promotion under EPP will be refunded. View the DoT letter20.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA WRITES TO THE DIRECTOR GENERAL, CGHS, ON Miserable situation where a BSNL Pensioner or his family member falls ill and requires indoor treatment after surrendering his BSNLMRS card but before getting a CGHS card:
AIBSNLREA has drawn the attention of Director General, CGHS, to a miserable and tragic situation wherein a BSNL Pensioner or his family member falls ill and requires indoor treatment after surrendering his BSNLMRS card but before getting a CGHS card and has requested him to get suitable guidelines issued, similar to the one on reimbursement when Central Government Pensioners take treatment immediately after retirement before getting CGHS cards, issued vide F.No.12011/64/98-CGHS Desk-I/CGHS(P) dated 15.09.2011. View the letter17.02.2023:
A GB meeting of Palakkad Branch was held on Tuesday the 14.2.2023 at TOP IN TOWN Auditorium, Palakkad. The meeting started at 11AM with a silent prayer.50 members attended the meeting. The Secretary welcomed the gathering.During the welcome speech the Secretary reported the election of Mr. K. Gopinathan as the new CHQ Organising Secretary (South) in the recently held All India Conference at Kolkata. All members felicitated Mr. Gopinathan on his unanimous election as Organising Secretary (South) and congratulated him and wished him all success in his new assignment. Mr. Gopinathan and Mr .A.L.Viswanathan, the delegates to the above conference shared their experience in the conference and reported that the conference was a perfectly held event with no room for any complaints and congratulated the Organisers and the All India Committee. During the discussion on organisational matters, the President Mr.Ramanathan and the secretary Mr. Prabhakaran spoke in detail on all matters regarding payment of medical bills, migration to Sampann and CGHS and pension revision. As the Financial Secretary Mr. K.C.Venkitachalam informed that he will not be in a position to continue due to personal reasons, Mr. P. Swaminathan, Retd SDE was elected as Financial Secretary.The meeting concluded at 1-30 PM after vote of thanks by Asst Secretary Mr.P.P.Krishnanunni. Lunch was served after concluding the meeting.16.02.2023:
General body meeting of Mumbai Branch was held on 14. 02.2023 at 1300 hrs sharp in conference Hall, BSNL administrative building, 1st floor, B wing, Juhu road, Santa Cruz (w), Mumbai 400054. Comrade Vasudeva presided over the meeting. He welcomed all members for attending the meeting at a very short notice. The house then observed 2 minutes silence in memory of our departed comrades during this period. Secretary of Mumbai branch read out the Minutes of last General body meeting which was passed by the house without any modifications. State President of Maharashtra Comrade Vasudeva in his address informed the house about all developments at CHQ & Circle level and briefed about all Deliberations of AIC KOLKATA and resolutions passed there in detail. Branch Secretary appreciated the work of comrade Vasudeva & efforts taken by him for Association, his guidance, and incomparable initiative at the age of 83 years. Then the Secretary informed about the amendment to Constitution approved by the AIC, enhancing the membership fee from Rs 500 to Rs 1000 & enrollment fee from Rs 50 to Rs 100 effective from 1st April 2023. He requested the members to enroll new members. He gave vote of thanks & meeting was declared as over at 1500 hrs.15.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA writes to PGM (Estt) BSNL CO requesting release of withheld DCRG – case of Shri Prem Shankar Prasad, Retd SDE, Dhanbad:
AIBSNLREA has addressed PGM (Estt) BSNL seeking his attention towards the grievance of Shri Prem Shankar Prasad, Retd SDE, Dhanbad, who has been denied payment of his DCRG on his retirement due to pending CBI case which has been prolonging for more than 18 years now. View the letter14.02.2023:
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA Thanjavur/Kumbakonam branch was conducted at Kumbakonam on 12.02.2023. Shri E.Rajasekaran Branch President presided over the meeting. Smt.R.Jayalakshmi welcomed all and requested all to participate in the discussions. Shri E.Rajasekaran Branch President, Shri R.J.Christopher, Branch Secretary and Shri M.S.Radhakrishnan, State Secretary, spoke on various subjects. The well organised All India Conference, participation of a good number of delegates / guests from Tamilnadu, the important points in our General Secretary's report, the resolutions and decisions of the AIC, the election of new office bearers were elaborately reported. The Branch activities, the approach of the administration, status of payment of Medical bills / FMA, issues of CGHS, issues related to migration to SAMPANN, the present status of pay revision of BSNL staff and Pension revision were discussed in details. The queries raised by the members were answered. Three new members have joined our association in the meeting. The meeting was very purposeful and effective. Members donated liberally to the Branch.14.02.2023:
14.02.2023: GENERAL BODY MEETING OF AIBSNLREA AMBALA BRANCH (HARYANA STATE) HELD: The general body meeting of Ambala Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 11th February 2023 at Dilli Durbar Restaurant. 32 Members attended the meeting which was presided over by Shri R K Sharma Branch President. At the outset the President welcomed all the participants. Then condolences were paid to our member Shri CM Handa Retired SE from Electrical wing who expired since our last meeting. Shri Yogesh Sharma a member from Kurukshetra Branch also joined our meeting as guest. Then Shri S K Aggarwal Branch Secretary briefed the members in detail on the various issues that were discussed in our AIC at Kolkata. The members were briefed on the issue of pension revision status vis-a-vis the stand of other Associations which is changing from time to time, medical payments for BSNL retirees, Income tax deductions on one time reimbursement of CGHS contributions, enhancement of pension on attaining the age of 65, 70 and 75 years and all other issues in GS report discussed in the AIC. Election of new Branch Secretary was also conducted due to present BS being elected in CHQ body. Shri S K Bindal was unanimously elected as new Branch Secy. Shri Yogesh Sharma and Sh K.L Gakhar enthralled the members with their songs. The meeting ended with vote of thanks and was followed by Lunch.13.02.2023:
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘Healthcare for the elderly’ at 4 PM on 14.02.2023. One can join the same by using the link: http://tinyurl.com/33ny3hrj13.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter No.AIBSNLREA/CHQ/2022/42 dated 11th October 2022 had drawn the attention of Secretary (Pension), DoP&PW to a Himachal Pradesh Government order facilitating Additional quantum of Pension on attaining the age of 65 years, 70 years and 75 Years and requested him to issue early orders based on recommendations of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice. DoP&PW has now replied that "As recommended by the Parliamentary Committee, the matter was pursued with the Ministry of Finance. However the same was not agreed to. Accordingly, a report was submitted to the Parliamentary Committee for their perusal which has been noted by the committee." View the DoP&PW reply11.02.2023:
A general body meeting of AIBSNLREA Kurukshetra branch was held on 8.02.2023 at 11.00 in Haryana Tourism Neelkanthi resort. Shri S K Verma Branch President presided over the well attended meeting. Shri R.S.Sandhu Joint Secretary CHQ and Shri Balbir Singh Branch Secretary Patiala were also present . At the very outset Branch Secretary Shri Rajvir Choudhary welcomed the Joint Secretary and the members and requested Shri Jogi Ram State Secretary to brief the members about the deliberations of the AIC which he had attended recently at Kolkatta. Shri Jogi Ram explained in detail about important features of GS report containing complete account of activities of the Association over the previous three years. It was informed that detailed discussions were held on Pay/pension revision and the stand of AIBSNREA was appreciated and approved by the AIC. Before ending the meeting a resolution was unanimously passed to place on record the appreciation for the long and valuable services rendered by Com S Basu the outgoing General Secretary of this great association which he founded and served tirelessly. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks followed by lunch.10.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA vide its letter No.AIBSNLREA/CHQ/2022/42 dated 12th October 2022 had pointed out to DoT OM dated 28.04.2014 which had stated that the arrangement as specified in para (c ) of the OM shall continue till next wage revision by which time MTNL and BSNL shall achieve pay scale parity by bringing down the pay scales of MTNL to the level of BSNL pay scales. The Association had requested that “Now that 3rd PRC recommendations for the Executives are not getting implemented for BSNL Executives for one reason or the other, the Pay Scales of BSNL Executives be raised at the level of MTNL Executives w.e.f. 01.01.2017, in the light of the above decisions of the Government”. DoT has now replied that "Any such proposal as demanded for enhancing the pay scales of BSNL to the level of MTNL would be against the decision of Cabinet." View the DoT reply09.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION regarding Stopping of continuous harassment of BSNL pensioners by categorizing the reimbursement of one-time contribution paid to CGHS as taxable by BSNL and reflecting in the Form 26AS, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Stopping of continuous harassment of BSNL pensioners by categorizing the reimbursement of one-time contribution paid to CGHS as taxable by BSNL and reflecting in the Form 26AS, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise BSNL to stop harassing the pensioners by showing the reimbursed amount as taxable income. View the letter08.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA SEEKS INTERVENTION OF PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA IN THE MATTER OF "Inadequate availability of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medical facilities in the wellness centres under CGHS":
AIBSNLREA has submitted AIC Kolkata resolution on "Inadequate availability of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medical facilities in the wellness centres under CGHS" to Prime Minister of India and sought his intervention and advice to DoH&FW to resolve the issue at the earliest. View the letter06.02.2023:

February 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "CHANGE, BUT NO CHANGE" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal February 202306.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION regarding Non-payment of medical claims, indoor and outdoor including without voucher claims under BSNLMRS, pending since the financial year 2018-19, to the BSNL Retirees by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Non-payment of medical claims, indoor and outdoor including without voucher claims under BSNLMRS, pending since the financial year 2018-19, to the BSNL Retirees by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise BSNL to monitor the implementation of its instructions closely and ensure that not a single claim is left unpaid. View the letter03.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA SEEKS INTERVENTION OF PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA IN THE MATTER OF "Improvements required in CGHS functioning – Increasing number of empanelled hospitals, number of wellness centres, online CMO approval of investigation advised by empanelled hospitals":
AIBSNLREA has submitted AIC Kolkata resolution on "Improvements required in CGHS functioning – Increasing number of empanelled hospitals, number of wellness centres, online CMO approval of investigation advised by empanelled hospitals" to Prime Minister of India and sought his intervention and advice to DoH&FW to resolve the issue at the earliest. View the letter02.02.2023:
BSNL CO plans to launch web based portal for retired employees for submitting and checking the status of medical claims w.e.f. 1st March 2023:
Director (HR) BSNL has requested all Heads of Circles to bestow their personal attention in the matter so that the portal "Goes Live" w.e.f. 1st March 2023, asserting that this portal will be a great asset to the retired employees and to the organisation as a whole. View the letter from Director (HR) BSNL02.02.2023:
The Executive Committee Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri V. G. Dakhode , State Secretary , at about 1400 hrs of 29th January 2023 in the Hotel “ GRACE INN “ Amravati. The meeting was attended by all the Executive Members of the Branch. The Branch Secretaryinformed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting. He elaborated account of the developments in respect of payment of pending medical claims. It was understood that most of the pending medical claims, with and without vouchers are settled & payments are received by most of the members. Then he discussed in detail about the latest position of the Court Case developments and highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State & All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. The main discussion in the meeting was holding of the Divisional Conference of AIBSNLREA Branch Amravati on 20th of February 2023. The Venue was confirmed as the “ HOTEL GRACEE INN “ opp. Rajapeth Police Station Amravati. After address by the State Secretary, the meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks by Shri M.Z.Shinde , Finance Secretary of AIBSNLREA Amravati Branch.02.02.2023:
Pune Branch conducted its quarterly meeting on 28th January 2023 at Conference Hall, Bajirao Road Telephone Bhavan, Pune. During the meeting there were 72 young retired officers including ladies comrades present. Conference Hall was full jam packed and healthy pleasant atmosphere was noticed by one and all. Meeting was chaired under the dynamic Presidentship of Dr S.K.RAMAMURTHY who welcomed all the existing executives and New members and Briefed the meeting Agenda and directed Branch Secretary to proceed accordingly. Pune Branch Secretary S.C.Patil once again welcomed all the executives on behalf of Pune Branchanch. Ten new members were added on the same day. As a customary practice, President & Branch Secretary welcomed new members by offering Rose flowers and distributed Makarasankrant/Pongal festival sweets in the meeting to all. Nearly 20 members who completed their birthday in the quarter were present and AIBSNLREA Pune Branch celebrated their birthday by lighting lamps and cutting cake. Felicitation programme was also arranged for those who completed 75 years of age but not attended due to personal issue.[View Maharashtra State page of State News for full text]02.02.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION regarding Sudden dropping of the agenda to Introduce Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in Non-CGHS area from the meetings of SCOVA, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Grant of Sudden dropping of the agenda to Introduce Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in Non-CGHS area from the meetings of SCOVA, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoP&PW to resolve the issue immediately. View the letter01.02.2023:
No change in tax slabs of old income tax regime.
New income tax regime will now be the default regime but taxpayers have an option to choose old regime. Standard deduction of Rs.50000 to salaried individual will now be allowed under the new income tax regime also.
Rebate limit under the new tax regime to be increased from Rs 5 lakhs to Rs 7 lakhs.
Encashment of earned leave up to 10 months of average salary at the time of retirement in case of an employee other than an employee of the Central Government or State Government is exempt under sub clause (ii) of clause (10AA) of section 10 of the Income Tax Act to the extent notified. The maximum amount which can be exempted is Rs 3 lakhs at present. It is proposed to issue a notification to extend this limit to Rs 25 lakhs.
Under the senior citizen savings scheme, the maximum investment limit has been increased from Rs 15 lakh to Rs 30 lakh. This has been a long time demand from AIBSNLREA.
AIBSNLREA SEEKS INTERVENTION OF PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA IN THE MATTER OF "Non-implementation of assurance to extend the benefit of option to retain CDA pay scale till their promotion or retirement whichever is earlier offered in the General Terms and Conditions of Service for absorption to the Group C & D employees by the Department of Telecommunications":
AIBSNLREA has submitted AIC Kolkata resolution on "Non-implementation of assurance to extend the benefit of option to retain CDA pay scale till their promotion or retirement whichever is earlier offered in the General Terms and Conditions of Service for absorption to the Group C & D employees by the Department of Telecommunications" to Prime Minister of India and sought his intervention and advice to DoT to resolve the issue at the earliest. View the letter31.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION ON Increase of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) from Rs.1000 per month to Rs.3000 per month as recommended by the Parliamentary Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Increase of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) from Rs.1000 per month to Rs.3000 per month as recommended by the Parliamentary Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoE/DoP&PW to resolve the issue immediately. View the letter31.01.2023:
AGSs AIBSNLREA Shri V P Arya and Shri Rakesh Sethi visited DoT Headquarters yesterday (30.01.2023) for pursuing some pending issues. They met Member (S) and greeted him on the eve of his retirement. When asked about the status of DoT proposal on pension revision, he said that it is still under process as it involves multiple departments and also BSNL. He then introduced both the AGSs to DDG (Pers) and the new Advisor (Operations) who were present. Later, we discussed with DDG (Pers) about initiating the process of holding review DPCs, in respect of DE DPCs held during DoT period prior to formation of BSNL, as per revised seniority of TES Group B in order to implement Supreme Court orders and for extension of consequential benefits. He said all files had been handed over to BSNL after its formation and only BSNL has to act. We told him that BSNL has put the ball in DoT's court stating that DoT has to act on it. He said that BSNL was not able to handover files even in other subjects when required. We have requested him to get the issue sorted out.Officials in SEA section in DoT expressed ignorance of any letter from CCA Tamilnadu seeking clarification on BSNL guidelines dated 30.01.2020 in respect of Employees who were permitted to go on BSNL VRS 2019, when punishment was in currency, with particular reference to the case of Shri Sampathkumar Retd AO, Tamilnadu. We have been requested to get the reference from CCA Tamilnadu so that the letter could be traced and necessary clarification can be issued.
In the case of issue of Vigilance clearance for absorption in BSNL consequent on acquittal in a CBI case, for Shri Sutaria, Retd JTO Gujarat Circle, we were informed that in accordance with advice by Legal Advisor (DoT), letters/mails have been addressed to ACB CBI Gujarat requesting to convey the present status of appeal. When it was pointed out that DoT had already issued instructions regarding action to be taken in cases of appeal pending against acquittal and therefore there is no need to know the status of the appeal, we were informed that advice from Legal Advisor has to be complied with and once reply is received from ACB CBI Gujarat, the case will be processed accordingly.
General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Nagpur Branch was conducted on 23.01.2023 at Dr.B.Ambedkar hall opp. Sai Mandir,Warda road Nagpur to apprise all members about the deliberations AIC held at Kolkatta on 7th 8th Jan 2023. After all officer bearers took their seat on the dias,they have lighted the divine lamp as a start of meeting & garlanded the photos of Samrat Ashok, Mahatma Jyotiba Fule, Shri Sahuji Maharaj and Dr.B.Ambedkar. The Branch Secretary Shri N.R.Rachakondawar welcomed all. One minute silence was observed by all as a mark of condolence to departed members, G.S.Kriplani & B.J.Narayan.[View Maharashtra State page of State News for full text]30.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SEEKS INTERVENTION OF PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA IN THE MATTER OF "Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 7 years from the date of commutation in view of the fact that the interests on loans given by the banks have drastically come down and commuted value of pension gets recovered fully within 7 years":
AIBSNLREA has forwarded AIC Kolkata resolution on "Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 7 years from the date of commutation in view of the fact that the interests on loans given by the banks have drastically come down and commuted value of pension gets recovered fully within 7 years" to Prime Minister of India and sought his intervention and advice to DoE to resolve the issue at the earliest. View the letter29.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly meeting on 22nd of January 2023 in the Conference Hall Of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur under the Prsidentship of Shri P S Kulkarni. Meeting started with the usual Prayer. Then President in his opening address welcomed all the Members who had come from Kolhapur, Sangli, and spoke on some developments in respect of our issues viz.Medical Bill Payments, Pension revision etc. Then New Members Shri Athavale, from Sangli Shri B. M. Kolki were welcomed by the Secretary & President with Bouquet, who then introduced themself to the House. Then Secretary, Shri L M Godi, spoke on the issues of status of payment Medical Bill claims and Medical Allowance, Developments in respect of Pension Revision, Court Cases etc.[View Maharastra State page of State News for full text]27.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION ON Grant of notional increment for Pensionary benefits in the cases where annual increment is due on the next day of retirement, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Grant of notional increment for Pensionary benefits in the cases where annual increment is due on the next day of retirement, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoP&T to resolve the issue immediately. View the letter27.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA takes up with Director (HR) BSNL, the issue of Non-reimbursement of medical claims for treatment of chronic illness – spouse of Shri Ambika Singh, Retd CAO, O/o PGM TD, Lucknow:
AIBSNLREA has written to Director (HR) BSNL regarding Non-reimbursement of medical claims for treatment of chronic illness – spouse of Shri Ambika Singh, Retd CAO, O/o PGM TD, Lucknow, requesting him to advise UP East Circle administration to process and pay the pending bills at the earliest, so as to give relief to the exhausted pensioner. View the letter25.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION ON Non-restoration of grant of extra-increment on their post-based promotion under “BSNL Executive Promotion Policy” to the BSNL Executives retired between July 2017 and April 2018 by the Department of Telecommunications and denial of their consequent pension revision by the Controllers of Communication Accounts, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Non-restoration of grant of extra-increment on their post-based promotion under “BSNL Executive Promotion Policy” to the BSNL Executives retired between July 2017 and April 2018 by the Department of Telecommunications and denial of their consequent pension revision by the Controllers of Communication Accounts, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoT to resolve the issue immediately. View the letter24.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION ON Payment of consequential benefits to the former TES Group B Officers of Department of Telecommunication since absorbed in BSNL and MTNL, following revision of their seniority, as ordered by Hon’ble Supreme Court in its final judgment delivered on 14.12.2017 in CA No(s) 4389 of 2010, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Payment of consequential benefits to the former TES Group B Officers of Department of Telecommunication since absorbed in BSNL and MTNL, following revision of their seniority, as ordered by Hon’ble Supreme Court in its final judgment delivered on 14.12.2017 in CA No(s) 4389 of 2010, has been submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoT to implement the said Supreme Court judgment in letter and spirit. View the letter23.01.2023:
CGHS has informed us through email that as a step further towards the issue ‘Your Health Our Goal’, it is holding a webinar on ‘Newer CGHS initiatives for the beneficiaries’ at 4 PM on 24.01.2023. One can join the same by using the link: http://tinyurl.com/4cymur2m23.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SEEKS INTERVENTION OF PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA IN THE MATTER OF "Survival of BSNL vis-a-vis Revival Packages 2019 and 2022 as announced by the Government– Vital recommendations of IIM, Ahmedabad on the core issue ignored":
AIBSNLREA has forwarded AIC Kolkata resolution on "Survival of BSNL vis-a-vis Revival Packages 2019 and 2022 as announced by the Government– Vital recommendations of IIM, Ahmedabad on the core issue ignored" to Prime Minister of India and sought his intervention and advice to DoT to implement IIM Ahmedabad recommendation in full. View the letter
A virtual meeting of newly elected CHQ Office bearers of AIBSNLREA was held today evening. Shri V.Chinnapappiah, CHQ President presided over the meeting. Sharing of responsibilities as provided in the Constitution was discussed and assigned to each office bearer. The methodology of co-ordination with State and Branch Secretarires was discussed and finalised. It was decided to impress upon Branch Secretaries the need to hold GB meetings as frequently as possible to allow percolation of important information related to BSNL Pensioners on various issues, down to every member. General Secretary briefed all about the issues to be followed up at BSNL Corporate Office and DoT levels. It was decided that the CHQ Office bearers will meet virtually every month to review the activities.20.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA SUBMITS RESOLUTION ON Increase in quantum of pension by 5%, 10% & 15% on attaining the age of 65 years, 70 years & 75 years respectively as recommended by the Parliamentary Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice, PASSED IN THE THIRD AIC HELD AT KOLKATA, TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA, REQUESTING TO ADVISE DoP&PW/DoE TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS AT THE EARLIEST:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Increase in quantum of pension by 5%, 10% & 15% on attaining the age of 65 years, 70 years & 75 years respectively as recommended by the Parliamentary Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has been now submitted by AIBSNLREA to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoP&PW/DoE to implement the recommendations at the earliest. View the letter19.01.2023:
KOLLKATA AIC RESOLUTION ON Implementation of Government’s decision, as conveyed in DoT OM No. 42-4/2012-Pen(T) dated 28.04.2014, to achieve pay scale parity of MTNL and BSNL by bringing down the pay scales of MTNL to the level of BSNL pay scales at the time of next wage revision, AS ADOPTED IN ITS ALL INDIA CONFERENCE HELD AT KOLKATA, is submitted TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA, REQUESTING TO ADVISE DOT TO SETTLE THIS LONG PENDING ISSUE IMMEDIATELY:
Kolkata AIC Resolution on Implementation of Government’s decision, as conveyed in DoT OM No. 42-4/2012-Pen(T) dated 28.04.2014, to achieve pay scale parity of MTNL and BSNL by bringing down the pay scales of MTNL to the level of BSNL pay scales at the time of next wage revision has been now submitted by AIBSNLREA has now submitted to the Prime Minister of India requesting him to advise DoT to resolve the issue at the earliest. The resolution notes that the above decision at Para (d) of the DoT OM dated 28.04.2012 implies that at the time of 3rd PRC implementation, BSNL pay scales will have to be at least brought up to the level of MTNL. since MTNL-Pay scales cannot be brought down from their existing levels. View the letter18.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA has now submitted the resolution which was passed in its Third All India Conference held at Kolkata on 7th and 8th January 2023 in regard to Unjustifiably forcing BSNL to pay Pension contribution on maximum of pay scale instead of actual pay in respect of the BSNL Employees, to the Prime Minister of India requesting his intervention for immediate settlement of the long pending issue. View the letter17.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA has since submitted the resolution which was passed in its Third All India Conference held at Kolkata on 7th and 8th January 2023 in regard to Pay revision of BSNL Executives w.e.f. 1.1.2017 as per DPE Order No. W/2/0028/2017-DPE(WC)-GL-XIII/17 dated 03.08.2017 by relaxation of its “affordability” clause in pursuance to the clarification communicated to DoT by DPE vide its No. W-02/0004/2018-DPE-WC dated 18.04.2018. View the letter14.01.2023:
Delhi High Court rules that DoT directive dated 25.06.2021 interpreting the definition of employment/re-employment to include engagement on contractual/consultant basis is contrary to the terms and conditions of BSNL VRS-2019 :
DoT vide its OM No.19-I/2019/SU-I dated 25.06.2021 with reference to clarification sought by BSNL Corporate Office dated 02.03.2021 had clarified that engagement in a CPSE/Government on contractual/consultancy basis would also qualify as re-employment/employment under the DPE guidelines. Hon'ble Delhi High Court in a writ petition WP (C) 5511/2022 filed against this clarification by DoT, has ruled that DoT directive dated 25.06.2021 interpreting the definition of employment/re-employment to include engagement on contractual/consultant basis is contrary to the terms and conditions of BSNL VRS-2019. View the Delhi High Court Judgement
The Third All India Conference of AIBSNLREA at Kolkata on 7th and 8th January was grand, dignified and purposeful, conducted in a jubilant and comradely atmosphere. The meticulously prepared General Secretary’s Report formed the core of the discussions in the Conference. After discussions, the Conference reiterated the perspective of the Association decided in the Madurai AIC, that pension revision follows pay revision. There were comprehensive discussions on issues like non-payment of medical bills and the efforts taken by the Association, issues faced by the CGHS beneficiaries and problems arising out of migration to SAMPANN. The Conference unanimously passed resolutions on various issues. Constitutional amendment increasing the Life-time subscription from Rs.500 plus Rs.50 admission fee to Rs.1000 plus Rs.100 admission fee was passed unanimously. The subscription will be shared by CHQ, State and Branch @ 30%, 30% and 40% respectively. Rs.100 admission fee will be retained by the Branch. The new rate of subscription will take effect from 01.04.2023. After the present body was dissolved, election of office bearers for the ensuing period was conducted by Shri L.Sundararaman assisted by Shri GSVSS Varaprasad and Shri Anand Prakash Sharma. While most of the office bearers, including President, General Secretary and Finance Secretary were elected unanimously, there was a friendly contest for the posts of Vice-President, Asst. General Secretary and Joint Secretary. Shri V.Chinnapappiah, Shri R.R.Balasubramanian and Shri Awadesh Sharma have been unanimously elected as President, General Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively. Shri S.Basu, the founder General Secretary and Leading Light of Telecom Executives expressed satisfaction and happiness in passing the mantle to the next generation.View the list of new Office bearers
View the GS Report
View the Resolutions
View the Photos
Sr. General Manager (CA/EROP-FICO) writes to AIBSNLREA in response to its letter on early allotment of funds for payment of pending medical bills:
In response to AIBSNLREA letter dated 03.01.2023 addressed to PGM CBB BSNL CO, Sr.GM (CA/EROP-FICO), has addressed a letter to AIBSNLREA stating that "CBB section has already requested the Circles to provide the list of the medical liability document numbers of retired employees which are pending for payment. Also this office has issued letter to all the Circles on 04.01.2023 to provide the updated list to CBB section." The letter further states that "it will be helpful if the association can also request its members to furnish the correct bank particulars to respective units for smooth payment of the bills/allowance. While it is likely, considering such a distributed set up that some bills will remain unpaid, it is assured that the matter is regularly monitored from Corporate Office, such that retirees are not faced with difficulties in this regard." View the BSNL letter10.01.2023:
DoT forwards our letter requesting to complete disciplinary proceedings in the case of Shri A G Kamalwar, DE Maharashtra Circle, to CVO BSNL:
DoT has forwarded our letter dated 28.11.2022 to CVO BSNL for final decision in the case of Shri A G Kamalwar, DE Maharashtra Circle. View the DoT response10.01.2023:
CGMT Gujarat Circle responds to AIBSNLREA letter dated 12th December 2022:
AIBSNLREA had addressed a second letter to the Secretary, DoT on non-regularisation of the suspension period despite acquittal in a CBI case, in addition to non-payment of Gratuity, Commutation of pension and non-settlement of regular pension in respect of Shri H S Sutaria, Retd JTO, Gujarat Circle. CGMT, Gujarat has now responded by stating that VC for issuance of Presidential Order for absorption in BSNL has been resubmitted to VO, Gujarat Circle and that the case for regularisation of suspension period has already been submitted to BSNL CO for further submission to DoT, along with relevant documents. View the CGMT Gujarat letter10.01.2023:
AIBSNLREA Udaipur Branch to hold GB meeting on 14.01.2023:
Udaipur Branch of AIBSNLREA will hold its General Body Meeting on 14.01.2023 at 11.00 AM in Townhall Garden, Udaipur. All members and interested BSNL retired executives are requested to attend the meeting.06.01.2023:

January 2023 issue of AIBSNLREA E-journal with the Editorial "NEW YEAR - RESOLVE TO BE HAPPY" has been uploaded. All the issues of the E-Journal can be downloaded from the drop down menu "EJournal Archives" at the top of the website. View the E-journal January 202305.01.2023:
A group of retired BSNL Executives met today and discussed about issues related to BSNL pensioners and uniqueness of AIBSNLREA which stands tall among various BSNL pensioners associations. After detailed discussions, it was decided to form AIBSNLREA Rajasthan State organisation. The following were elected as office bearers of AIBSNLREA Rajasthan State.President: Shri A K Ravat
Vice President: Shri M K Morodia
State Secretary: Shri O P Jat
Asst. State Secretary: Shri R L Agrawal
Organising Secretaries: Shri S P Jain
Shri C S Sharma
Finance Secretary: Shri S P Gupta