A general body meeting of Patiala Branch was held on 06.04.2024 at Gopal Sweets, Urban Estate, Patiala. 14 members including one new member attended the meeting under the presidentship of Shri Mewa Singh Retd DET. Three life members from Rajpura also graced this meeting with their presence on a single telephone call. Members gave a warm welcome to Shri R S Sandhu (Jt. Secretary CHQ) with presenting flowers by Shri Mewa Singh President. Later he briefed the working of CHQ and latest status of our current main issues like Pension revision in BSNL, Enhancement of Pension at the age of 65,70,75 years as recommended by the joint parliamentary committee for the purpose for which no fruitful decision has been taken by the Central Government/DOT in spite of best efforts by All Union's/Pensioner's Association. He also requested all the members to see CHQ website regularly. There was no problem pointed out by any of the members for payment of medical claims by BSNL except a major issue for enhancement of Pension with 20% at the age of 80 years ie when he completes 79 years and enters to 80. Most of the members have switched over to CGHS beneficiary by obtaining CGHS family health card and since now Patiala has been approved for CGHS wellness center, members interested can switch over. Shri Mewa Singh president and a very good speaker entertained the members and shared his views that we the retired persons should have regular meetings and get togethers to enjoy our life. All the members enjoyed the Snacks. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Shri Balbir Singh Branch Secretary Patiala. Meeting ended with condolences to the sad demise of wife of Shri R S Sandhu (Jt. Secretary CHQ).
A general body meeting of Sangrur Branch was held on 10.02.2024 at KHAO PIO dining restaurant near Head Post Office, opposite Arya Samaj. 22 members including one new member attended the meeting under the chairpersonship of Shri Vinod Kumar Mittal Retd DET. Shri R S Sandhu (Joint Secretary CHQ) and Shri Balbir Singh, Branch Secretary Patiala were on the dais. Five life members from Bhatinda also graced this meeting with their presence on a single telephone call. Members gave a warm welcome to Shri R S Sandhu (Jt. Secy CHQ) with presenting flowers by Sh Parshotam Dass senior most member. Later he briefed the working of CHQ and latest status of our current main issues like Pension revision in BSNL, Enhancement of Pension at the age of 65,70,75 years as recommended by the joint parliamentary committee for the purpose for which no fruitful decision has been taken by the Central Government/DOT inspite of best efforts by All Union's/Pensioner's Association. One court case on 78.2% fitment benefits is also pending in Delhi High Court which was last heard on 10.11.2023 and re-notified it for 20.02.2024. He also requested all the members to see CHQ website regularly.
There was no problem pointed out by any of the members for payment of medical claims by BSNL except a major issue for enhancement of Pension with 20% at the age of 80 years ie when he completes 79 years and enters to 80.
Most of the members have switched over to CGHS beneficiary by obtaining CGHS family health card and since now Patiala has been approved for CGHS wellness center, members interested can switch over. Shri V K Mittal Retd DET and a very good speaker entertained the members and shared his views that we the retired persons should have regular meetings and get togethers to enjoy our life. All the members enjoyed the Lunch and were given gifts. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Shri Gurmail Singh, Branch Secretary.
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A General Body meeting of Sangrur Branch (Punjab State) was held on 16.02.2018 in Kaula Park shop of Shri Parshotam Dass Retd SDE which was chaired by Shri P K Jindal, Retd DGM. The President highlighted the various issues taken up by CHQ with Hon'ble PM, Secretary (T), Director HR on Pay/Pension revision of BSNL Executives, medical claims for outdoor treatment without voucher and with voucher, opposing DOT's move to pay Pension/ Family Pension by CCAs directly in the Bank Accounts and many other issues. The branch Association members urged for early settlement of Pay revision of BSNL Executives and consequent pension/Family Pension revision, payment of 3rd & 4th installment of fixed Medical Allowance and payment of Medical claims with voucher within one month from the date of submission of bills, as per BSNL Corporate Office instructions issued from time to time, as the members are facing great hardships for their claim settlement due to scarcity of Medical funds from higher Offices. All the members were apprised about our case filed in the Hon'ble Supreme Court and the directions of the Court for granting Leave and Liberty to file the case in High Court under the provision of Article 226 of Constitution of India. The members were advised not to go by any rumours spread by some other Organizations. At the end, last Shri. V K Mittal, Retd AGM gave a presentation on food values of our daily intake by including fruits and raw vegetables in our diets rather going for MRP (Milk and Dairy products), refined products, and packaged foods. He suggested to avoid VIP foods and only to take DIP food (Disciplined and Intelligent) e.g. fruits and raw vegetables. He also explained how to take this DIP food in our Breakfast and Lunch and the quantity to be taken. Vote of thanks was then presented by Shri Gurmail Singh, Branch Secy. The refreshment in the meeting was also provided by him.
A general body meeting of Sangrur Branch (Punjab State) of AIBSNLREA was held on 17.10.2016 at Kaula Park office of Shri Parshotam Dass, SDE (Retd). The meeting was presided over by Shri P K Jindal, Branch President. Eleven members attended the meeting that was held under the President ship of P K Jindal, Dy.GM (Retd). The progress and status of the following issues were discussed in detail :- (1) Fixation of Pay and Pension with 78.2% IDA merger benefit as on 01.01.2007, (2) Revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners - delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years and (3) Issue of Pensioners’ ID cards in revised format linking Aadhar Number as ordered by DOP&PW. The GB decided that Shri Mukhtiar Singh, AGM (Retd) shall discharge the function of the second post of Assistant Branch Secretary. The meeting ended with Finance Secretary Shri V K Mittal wishing all a happy festival season.
Sangrur Branch of AIBSNLREA held a General Body Meeting on 27.07.2016 in the office of Shri Parshotam Dass, Retd. SDE at Kuala Park, Sangrur. S/Shri P K Jindal, President and V K Mittal, Finance Secretary highlighted the members about the various issues which are either solved in the interest of the retired executives or under active consideration after being taken up by the CHQ. The members were informed about the order issued rescinding the pension liability clause between DOT and BSNL on 60:40 ratio and extension of fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% DA for the purpose of revision of pension. The House was also informed about the order issued by BSNL endorsing the decision of DOP&PW to delink qualifying service of 33 years for full pension to the pre-2006 retirees. The members were also informed that CHQ has taken up the issue of failure of the existing mechanisms for grievance redressal of the pensioners and also the different resolutions adopted in the AIC with the Hon’ble Prime Minister and others. The issue regarding non-implementation of DOP&PW Order for issue of Identity Cards to the pensioners also came up for discussions. At the end, Sh. Gurmail Singh Branch Secretary thanked all the members and urged the remaining retired executives to join the Association.
A General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, Sangrur Branch was held on 24.4.2016 at Kaula Park, Sangrur. Two new life members (S/Shri H S Nijjar, Retd DE and Surjit Singh, Retd DE) were enrolled in the Branch meeting raising the total number of Life membership to 16. The members expressed their concern towards activities of the association and issue of benefit of merger 78.2% IDA with basic pension for the Pensioners who retired between 1.1.2007 to 9.6.2013. The Branch also decided to take up two issues for discussions in the ensuing All India Conference.
A general body meeting of retired executives of Sangrur SSA was held at Kaula Park, Sangrur on February, 27 under the president ship of Shri P K Jindal, Retd DGM. The Association welcomed 7 new members who joined the Association in the meeting thus raising the membership strength of the branch to 14. In the meeting, S/Shri Manohar Lal, Retd DE and Jagtar Singh, Retd JAO were co-opted as the Organizing Secretary and Executive Member respectively of the Branch. Shri Parshotam Lal, SDE offered his office to use for holding meetings and the members thanked him for his gesture. The Branch Secretary and the President highlighted the various issues being taken up with different authorities. The members expressed their concern on the delay to extend the benefit of 78.2% DA merger to those executives who retired between 1.1.2007 to 9.6.2013