AIBSNLREA, Kolhapur Branch held its General Body Meeting on 19.01.2025 in the Conference Hall of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur, under the Presidentship of Shri P S Kulkarni. 40 members attended the meeting including those from Sangli, Ichalakaranji. President welcomed the members wishing Happy New Year 2025. Secretary Shri LM Godi, informed about the sad demise of Shri A D Kamble, member from Rukadi of Ichalkaranji and the House observed 2 minutes’ silence as a mark of respect. Shri R G Koli, & Shri V B Mahajan, who have completed 75 Years were felicitated, with Shawl, Shriphal,& Bouquet. Then Secretary informed the developments on the issues of pensioners in General and BSNL in particular, regarding Pay/Pension Revision of BSNL Employees/Pensioners. Shri. Rajopadhye, Organising Secretary(W)CHQ spoke about the developments at CHQ level and holding of meetings by CHQ with the State Secretaries and Branch Secretaries. He also said he is keeping close communication with State and Branch Secretaries and informing them on developments on various issues. Senior member Shri D.K.Joshi spoke at length on court cases and their status, need for submission of KYP, checking nominations in bank accounts, communicating change in mobile number, email ID etc promptly to CCA and ABPMJAY card. Shri Walvekar, a Sr. Member, requested to share any information & developments in respect of Members who have retired from DOT in WhatsApp group. When Shri D.K.Joshi opened the subject of need for donations from members, donations poured in and Rs.26000 was collect in minutes, with Shri Chillal OH contributing the maximum of Rs.5000. Then Shri B B Buchade, gave a short talk on Social & spiritual activities run by Shri Sathy Sai Trust, emphasizing the principle of service to the society & Poor is Worship of God. On the occasion, Shri Walake, Finance Secretary sponsored the lunch in the meeting. Meeting ended with the President thanking the participants.11.12.2024:
AIBSNLREA Nagpur ( East Vidarbha) Branch conducted its General Body meeting on 04.12.2024 at Dr.B.R.Ambedkar conference hall, Urevela colony, Wardha road Nagpur, under the Presidentship of Shri B.D.Nikam, Branch President. 79 members attended the meeting. The meeting commenced with lighting of Dias and garlanding photos of Mahatma Jyotiba Fule, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Samrat Ashok, & Shri Sahu Maharaj. Secretary Shri N.R.Rachakondawar welcomed all. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of departed members Shri N.G.Bongale, Shri D.S.Gajbiye and Shri Uttam.N.Gajbiye. Minutes of last meeting was passed by the house. Secretary then presented his report covering the membership figures, SAMPANN issues, insistence by CCA to submit Form 12 and Death Certificate through SSA for family pension and exemplary work by Jt CCA Bhopal. He appealed to all members to see & read regularly the posts in the watsapp group of AIBSNLREA. He requested all members to check their personal data in Sampann to avoid future problems. He appreciated the efforts of General Secretary and his team in prompt resolution of issues like, delay in issue of IDA order, DoT orders on enhancement of Gratuity ceiling to 25 lakhs, notional increment, Jeevan Pramaan LC for validity of concessional connection, modifications in CPENGRAMS, payment of pension in time and letter to CJI on restoration of commutation. He informed daughters can be added as family members of pensioner as per the order dt.30.10.2024. He appealed to all members to use their personal relationship to add more members. Finance Secretary Shri B.P.Mazumdar submitted the financial report for 2023-24, which was passed by the house. Shri D.N.Lokhande Retd. DE RTTC. Nagpur joined as member. A training session on Face RD DLC generation was organized. Secretary informed that Nagpur branch had organised a DLC generation Seva in which 6 executives offered their services for DLC generation to people who are in need, can't move, irrespective of cadre and department. Shri Bhola Kamble Asst Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. Lunch was served to all after the meeting. View the Photos24.07.2024:
The General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA , Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri R.Y. Deshmukh , Vice President on 19.07.2024 in the Conference hall of G.M.Telecom , BSNL , Amravati. 27 members attended the meeting along with Shri R.K.Patil, State OS. Smt. Nimje GM Amravati was felicitated with Bouquet and she assured to co-operate with our association at all times. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of our departed members, Shri R. W. Tidake, former president of the branch & Shri Y. T. Behare. On the occasion of their 75th birth anniversary, Shri M.Z. Shinde, Fin - Secretary & Shri S.K. Narkhede Executive Member were felicitated. Chi. Kshitij, Son of Shri Gurbhele, Retd DGM (F) who has excelled the examination of Civil Services, at the first attempt, was felicitated and the meeting wished him bright future. Shri Vijay Patne, member, was felicitated for release of his mysterious Book “ आणि मी १०० वर्षानंतर जषगष झषलो "( and I woke up after 100 years). Vacant Post of Br. President, on demise of Shri R.W. Tidake was filled in by nominating Shri V. G. Dakhode, former State Secretary AIBSNLREA Maharashtra , unanimously. The Branch Secretary, Shri D. V. Rokade , informed the house about the developments after the last meeting held on 12/04/2024 in respect of payment of pending medical claims. The queries raised by the members was resolved. Most of the members were unhappy on account of Form 16 & expected immediate solution by CCA. Shri R. Y. Deshmukh Vice - President , AIBSNLREA Maharashtra has spoke in detail about the key points in filing of Income TAX return & recent organizational developments. The President spoke on the latest position of the Court Case developments and highlighted the important key issues being processed at State & All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied. The meeting concluded with the Vote Of Thanks by Shri M. Z. Shinde Financial Secretary. View the Photos15.07.2024:
AIBSNLREA Pune Branch conducted its Quarterly GB meeting on 12.07.2024 at Vardshri Sabhagruha 1308A Shukravarpeth Natu baug Chowk Bajirao road, Pune-411002. 92 members were present. Meeting was chaired by Dr S K Ramamurthy, President AIBSNLREA Pune Branch who heartily welcomed all the participants on behalf of AIBSNLREA Pune Branch. He informed the august house that AIBSNLREA Pune branch strength is 206 members. He appealed to all present to enroll more members. The proceedings started with a devotional prayer by Sh B D Kokil.Members who had completed the age 75 years during April to June 2024, Shri D. L. Raut, Shri P. C. Vishwakarma and Shri B. R. Wagh were felicitated by offering Shawl and Shreephal along with the newly joined members. This was followed by Birthday cake cutting event. Dr S K Ramamurthy President AIBSNLREA Pune Branch, in his speech thanked all the Branch Executives for their continued support after formation of Pune branch on 12-04-2014 and gave an outline of all the events in the earlier years. During his speech he congratulated all the Executives whose DLC was due in Apr to June 2024 for successfully submitting life certificate. Earlier to meeting day similar DLC camp was held and maximum members availed the opportunity. Pune Branch is having more than 8 executives who are voluntarily involved and are assisting the members in submitting DLC.
Regarding pending grievance cases, minutes of State Secretary meeting with CCA authorities and CGM MBI on 03-04-2024 were circulated (pending cases were mainly Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA), updating in SAMPANN etc.) There was a small brief on Pension Adalat procedure.
Shri N R Jagtap Finance Secretary submitted the financial report and the House approved it. Financial report for the Quarterly Birthday celebration and felicitation contribution was presented by Shri Popatrao Chavan on behalf of Shri R H Nipane Asst Finance secretary and was approved by the house.
Throughout Parallel activity of Submission of DLC by needy members, Grievances registration and Issue of Information catalogues was carried out. There was a Presentation by UNIVERSAL LANDMARK regarding SEA VIEW BUNGLOW PLOTS at DAPOLI, DISTRICT :RATNAGIRI ( MH).
The meeting ended with the President thanking all the office bearers for their active role and co-ordination, ensuring smooth and efficient functioning of the Pune Branch. All the members had delicious lunch after the meeting. View the Photos
General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Mumbai branch was held on 19th June 2024 from 2 PM in the conference Hall, BSNL Administrative Building, 1st Floor B Wing Juhu Road, Santa Cruz (W) Mumbai. Shri N. K. Devassy Presided over the meeting. There was very good gathering in the Hall in spite of heavy rain in Mumbai since early morning. President delivered welcome address & appreciated all members for attending the meeting in short notice. Two minutes silent was observed in respect for the departed souls among our members. Branch Secretary Shri S.R.Yadav submitted the minutes of the last General body meeting for approval which was passed by the house without any addition/omission. He addressed the meeting and given in detail, the work done by him during this period. He answered all the queries raised by members. State secretary AIBSNLREA Maharashtra Shri S. P. Varma addressed the house and appreciated the members who attended the meeting in unfavourable weather conditions. He informed the members about I/Card saying modifications required will be done after the issue of the remaining I/Card. He also intimated about the corrections of wrong data entered in the record of the members. He informed about all meetings taken with CCA Maharashtra & Goa and with CGM MH Circle and CGM CNTX(W). Many cases have been settled and un settled cases will be pursued in the next meeting. He informed that Quarterly meeting with CCA Maharashtra & Goa will be held in this month for which agenda of AIBSNLREA Maharashtra is already submitted on 10th june. He informed about the development of our court cases and pension revision status. He replied all questions raised by the members. He requested all members to increase the membership of the branch. Shri V. R. Monkikar gave vote of thanks and meeting was over.30.04.2024:
A Virtual meeting of AIBSNLREA U P State office-bearers was held on 28th APRIL 2024, Sunday from 11.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs under the Chairmanship of State President Shri R.S.Arora and discussed the following agenda after the self introduction.1- Medical issues - A brief status was submitted by the State Secretary Shri V.P.Singh specially linking of CGHS beneficiary id with ABHA portal.
2- Pensioners identity cards - No pendency is reported however some correction cases is to be resolved. 3- Pension migration - Two individual cases of pension migration from M.P. circle to U.P. Circle is reported today by the CHQ Joint Secretary and will be resolved soon as matter is taken up by the Varanasi Branch Secretary Shri Yad Ali. CCA migration work is going on as per their schedule.
4- CHQ/State level report - Joint Secretary CHQ Shri R.K. Sinha briefed the details about CHQ matters, summary regarding contempt matter of Pension Revision, reconciliation of life time members list of branches as shared by CHQ. State Secretary emphasized increasing lifetime members and other activities in the State. General Body Meeting is conducted by the almost Branches except Gorakhpur, Sultanpur and Bareilly. Shri SP Yadav CWC member, Shri RZA Khan Vice President and State President Sh R S Arora respectively were assigned this task. State Secretary appreciated Shri LR Prasad Astt. Secretary for his special efforts to conduct meeting of Jaunpur Branch. It was decided to nominate office bearers for making such efforts in respect of nearby Branches. Most of the office bearers had joined the virtual meeting. Shri R K Sinha Jt. Secretary CHQ had arranged for the virtual connectivity. Participated office-bearers in guidance of CHQ Jt. Secretary Sh RK Sinha are :- 1.Shri RS Arora President 2.Shri RB Singh Vice President 3.Shri RZA Khan Vice president 4.Shri VP Singh State Secretary 5.Shri LR Prasad Astt. Secretary. 6. Shri RS Prasad Finance Secretary 7.Shri Ambika Singh Org. Secretary. 8.Shri Akhtar Hussain Jt.Secretary. 9. Shri SP Yadav CWC Member 10. Shri Thakur Prasad from Ballia. Further State It was decided unanimously to fill up two vacant posts of State office bearers from two non represented major branches Kanpur and Prayagraj. State President Shri R.S. Arora conveyed thanks to all the state office bearers.
The General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA , Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri V. G. Dakhode, former State Secretary Maharashtra State, at about 1500 hrs. of 12th April 2024 in the Conference hall of Pr. G.M.Telecom (B.A.), BSNL, Amravati. The meeting was attended by the 13 members of the Branch. The Branch Secretary, Shri D. V. Rokade, informed the house about the developments that had taken place after the last meeting which was held on 23-10-2023. He explained the developments in respect of payment of pending medical claims. Most of the pending medical claims are settled & payments are received by most of the members. There are a few representations from some of the members who had not received payment of medical claim without voucher for the period of CORONA. The matter was taken up with the G.M Amravati who could not resolve the problem . Hence it was decided to take up the cases with State Secretary for further guidance. Such cases are being forwarded to the State secretary along with required information for further pursuance. There were two cases of DOB correction in SAMPANN which will be intimated to the CHQ for necessary action. Shri R. Y. Deshmukh, Vice President, Maharashtra State spoke in detail about the migration from existing Post office/ Bank to SAMPANN & about the the Court Case developments and highlighted the key issues of the BSNL being processed at State & All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Shri M.Z.Shinde, Financial Secretary. View the Photos17.04.2024:
AIBSNLREA Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly General Body meeting on 14/4/2024 in the Conference Hall of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur under the Presidentship of Shri P.S. Kulkarni. Meeting Started with prayer, homage was paid to retired DE Shri H.S.Kittur who left for heavenly abode on 16/1/2024. President in his opening address welcomed all the Members who had come from Kolhapur, Sangli. Then S/Shri K.H.Joshi, S.M.Vaidya and Talegoankar who had completed 75 years were felicitated.All the Seniors recalled their past service in Kolhapur and expressed their sincere thanks for the affectionate felicitation and wished all the members the best & Association to progress in its working for the Members. Shri L M Godi, Branch Secretary spoke on the issues of status of payment of Medical Bill claims and Medical Allowance and other issues. Shri Rajopadhye, Org. Secretary (W) CHQ spoke on the activities of CHQ and action taken on various issues by CHQ. He requested the members to read the Editorials of our Monthly Journal to know about the developments of the issues of BSNL Pensioners in general. During the discussion Members raised issues pertaining to Migration to Sampann and problems there on and non-payment of medical claims. Vice President Shri Y S Kulkarni explained in details the online creation and submission of Digital Life Certificate.
Then, senior leader Shri D K Joshi, spoke on PCAT ND Judgment on pension revision, migration of Pensioners to SAMPANN, Submission of DLC through various means suitable to individual and replied to the queries raised by the members. Immediately the members came forward and paid donations to the branch to improve its financial status: Shri HG Joshi Rs. 500/-, Shri KH Joshi, KPR Rs.3000/-, Shri SM Vaidya KPR - Rs.3000 and Shri Bokil V K Rs 3000. In the meeting a special Guest Shri RP Naik, Retired Officer from Cooperative Dept. Govt of Maharashtra shared his experience of "HAPPY LIFE". He gave q very impressive talk on various life events in his & his friends lives, his speech was much enjoyed by all Members & they expressed their Happiness. Then Shri S M Vaidya, extended vote of thanks to all members, special Guest Shri. Naik, and special thanks to Donors for their valuable contribution to Association and Meeting was concluded for LUNCH at 1400 Hrs.
AIBSNLREA East Vidarbha [Nagpur] Branch conducted its Bi-Annual General Body Meeting on 26.03.2024 at 1530hrs in Dr.B. Ambedkar Hall, Uroovela Colony, Wardha road, Nagpur. Secretary Shri N.R.Rachakondawar requested office bearers of Nagpur Branch, State office bearers from Nagpur and the Guest speaker Shri Sandeep Joshi from Sairam Healing Vibrionics System to take the dais. The occupants of the dais lit the lamp & garlanded the photos of Shri Jyotiba Phule, Dr.B. Ambedkar, Shri Samrat Ashok & Shri Sahu Maharaj. Secretary then welcomed all. Two minutes Silence was observed to pay homage to departed members Shri R.S.Kamde SDE, Shri V.G.Mohite DE, Shri R.R.Gadpal DE and Shri Shaikh Izrail DE. Vice President Shri Sandeep Joshi explained in detail about Sairam Healing Vibrionics System to all and then in the Q & A session Shri S.Joshi & Shri N.R.Rachakondawar answered the questions from members. A few members had consultations and received medicines.Then the Secretary read out the minutes of last GB which explained the problems faced by members & action taken by him, to resolve all problems of members with CCA NP, CCA MBI, CCA Bhopal. He expressed Special thanks to Jt.CCA, Bhopal Shri Chetram Meena for his dedication & efforts taken by him to resolve the issues brought to his notice. Restoration of Family pension of Smt. Vidhya Rajkumar Singh Bias of Akola District, Settlement of enhanced pension on attaining the age of 80 years in respect of Shri P.L.Phusate, Retd DE, settlement of 5 DLC cases from Amravati where DLC was not updated in SAMPANN were some of the issues mentioned by him. He then spoke about developments in pension revision upto filing of Writ Petition by DoT against the orders of PB CAT Delhi and explained the understanding our our association.
Finance Secretary Shri B.P.Mazumdar placed the financial report then. Asst. State Secretary Shri Lonkar addressed the House. President Shri B.D.Nikam in his Presidential address detailed the issues pertaining to the pensioners. Asst. Secretary Shri Bhola Kamble gave vote of thanks to all and Special thanks to Sai Vibrionics team for their selfless services to Humanity. Snacks and Tea were supplied to the participants. View Photos
Pune Branch successfully conducted its Quarterly General Body meeting on 12th January 2024 Friday at UDYAN PRASAD, SADASHIV Peth, Pune and Celebrated Birthday of Executives who were born in the month of October, November and December. The meeting hall was full with 95 executives including Lady members attending. Meeting began by Singing Lord Ganesh slokas by Smt. Bharati B. Joshi and Devotional song by Shri P.K. Agnihotri. The meeting was presided by Dynamic Dr S.K. Ramamurthy who welcomed all the executives and new members and welcomed special guest Shri Awadesh Sharma Financial Secretary CHQ and briefed the agenda. Pune Branch Secretary Shri S C Patil welcomed the gathering and in his speech covered all the developments in State level and Central Headquarters, activities on various matters such as CPGRAMS and Excess landline bill cases of Pune Executives. He had met Shri Govind Kewlani CGM ITPC Pune on 9th January 2024 along with Pune branch executives and briefed about the excess billing. CGM ITPC called concerned official and directed him to find out if any reply has been received from the corporate office for the email already addressed by our General Secretary AIBSNLREA New Delhi on the above subject. He assured to resolve the issue with top priority and said he was aware that similar cases are noticed in other states also. He felicitated Shri Keshawa Prasad by offering Shawl & Sriphal and presented a Memento to Shri Keshawa Prasad who completed 75 years of age in Dec 2023. Shri S.H.Katiyani who had completed 75 Years could not attend the meeting due to personal work. Then he welcomed Shri S.L Salaskar new member who completed 80 years on the day and felicitated with Shawl & Sriphal and presented Lord Ganesh photo.Shri Govind Kelwani CGMT ITPC Pune, received grand welcome by the participants and he in his speech explained that an officer having free residential Land Line connection during DoT period and subsequently absorbed in BSNL wef 01.10.2000 and retired from BSNL would be treated as R-DoT and is not required to pay bills. However, ITPC is waiting for clarification from BSNL CO. Case of treating retired executive’s category R DoT/R-BSNL is pending. Once clarification received pending issue will be resolved immediately. He assured the house not to worry much in the matter. He has already instructed ITPC staff not to issue SMS to all individuals till clarification is received from corporate office. He hopes a positive reply may come soon. He further narrated that now BSNL has started posting profit and 4G equipment technology will be rolled out shortly. Once 4G technology is successfully launched and there will be not be much problem in bringing 5G technology in the Indian Market by BSNL. He also expressed his happiness in seeing good strength in the meeting, the way we hold meeting every three months and honor executives who complete 75 years of age. After Lunch Break Branch Secretary discussed individual matters pertaining to CCA which will be discussed by State Secretary in the CCA meeting in Mumbai scheduled on 19th January 2024.
Branch Financial Secretary read the financial report and details of CHQ quota remitted up to date. Then a small handbook containing information about Branch, State and CHQ office bearers list with mobile number and email address and email ID of CCA, his postal address, KYP form, procedure on how to submit Digital LC, details of CGHS wellness centres in Pune, AIBSNLREA membership form and break up of quota and important claim forms, was distributed. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks. View the photos
The Quarterly General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Mumbai Branch was held on 16th January 2024 in the conference hall, 1st floor B-Wing, BSNL Administrative building, Juhu road, Santa Cruz (w), Mumbai 400054. Shri N. K. Devassy Vice President of the Mumbai Branch presided over the meeting. He welcomed the members who had gathered in good number. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of the departed members during this period. He addressed the house and gave full information about the grievances of the members at local level and action taken by the branch. He also appreciated the efforts taken by Branch Secretary and State secretary MH circle to resolve the issues. He added that there are very less cases pending except some disputed medical bills. Branch secretary AIBSNLREA Mumbai Branch Shri S. R. Yadav informed the members about the grievances at local levels and action taken. He requested all to enroll new members to increase the membership of AIBSNLREA Mumbai branch.Shri S. P. Varma State Secretary AIBSNLREA Maharashtra addressed the house giving details of all developments at CHQ Level and State level. He informed the members that Identity Card have been issued to maximum number of members by CCA Mumbai & Goa, very few cases are left which will be resolved very soon. Regarding correction of personal Data in SAMPANN, already action is taken. A letter is written to CCA Mumbai & Goa for necessary correction of the records. Excess TDS is deducted from the pensions of many members, although they are not falling in the slab of Income tax. For this also a letter has been written to CCA Mumbai & Goa in this regard. He informed the house that these grievances along with some general issues will be taken up with CCA Mumbai & Goa in the meeting to be held on the 19th January 2024. Shri N. K. Devassy gave some Ayurvedic medical tips for the members which he is himself following. Shri L. M. Oswal gave vote of thanks and meeting was over at 4 PM.
Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly meeting on 26th of November 2023 in the Conference Hall Of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur under the Presidentship of Shri Y S Kulkarni. President in his opening address welcomed all the Members came from Kolhapur, Sangli. Then S/Shri S N Badaskar and D M Kengar Sr. Members of the Branch, who have completed 75 years were felicitated on behalf of the Branch Association. Both the Seniors recalled their past service in Kolhapur & Pune and expressed their sincere thanks for the affectionate felicitation and wished all the members the best & Association to progress in its working for the Members. Shri L M Godi, Branch Secretary spoke on the issues of status of payment of Medical Bill claims and Medical Allowance and other issues. Shri Rajopadhye, Org. Secretary (W) CHQ spoke on the activities of CHQ and action taken on various issues by CHQ. He requested the members to read the Editorials of our Monthly Journal to know about the developments of the issues of BSNL Pensioners in general. During the discussion Members raised issues pertaining to Migration to Sampann and problems there on, non-payment of Medical claims, wrong claims towards rent free Telephone, Rent Free connection not working for months together etc. President Shri Y S Kulkarni explained in details the online creation and submission of Digital Life Certificate.Then, senior leader Shri D K Joshi, spoke on PCAT ND Judgment on pension revision, Migration of Pensioners to SAMPANN, Submission of DLC through various means suitable to individual, on Telephone Bill issue and Pension Revision. He replied to the queries raised by the members. Branch Financial Secretary gave the Financial Status of the Branch quota Status etc. Immediately the members came forward and paid donations to the branch to improve its financial status:
Shri O H Chillal SAN - Rs.5000/-
Shri DK Joshi, KPR _ Rs.5000/-
ShriP S Kulkarni, KPR - Rs.5000/-
Shri S.G Mahajan, SAN -Rs. 5000/-
Shri L M Godi, KPR - Rs. 9500/-
Shri D A Koli, KPR -Rs.1100/-
Shri SN Badaskar, BM - Rs.1001/-
Shri C N Sawant, Satara, - Rs1000/-
Shri S M Vaidy, ASS, MH State, extended vote of thanks to all members and special thanks to Donors for their valuable contribution to Association and Meeting was concluded for LUNCH at 1400 Hrs.
AIBSNLREA Pune Branch successfully conducted its Quarterly GB meeting cum Birth day celebrations covering July, August and September 2023. The meeting was held on 27th Oct 2023 Friday at Conference Hall, Bajirao Road, Telephone Bhavan, Pune. During the meeting 82 Executives were present. Conference Hall was full and all the members attended with full enthusiasm as they were meeting each other after a long period. Meeting was chaired by Dr S K Ramamurthy who heartily welcomed all the members present. Branch Secretary Shri S.C.Patil in his speech informed the august house stating that AIBSNLREA Pune branch strength has reached 200 members. He appreciated all individuals for making it possible. He set another target of 50 more members before the next quarterly meeting due in January 2024. He congratulated all the members whose DLC was due in October 2023 for successfully submitting life certificate. DLC camp was held on 25th October 2023 and maximum members availed the opportunity. More than 8 of our members had voluntarily involved them and assisted the pensioners while submitting DLC certificate both by Face authentication and Finger Scanner method. Due to the excellent response, Pune branch is planning to conduct workshop cum training on DLC submission topic. The workshop is likely to be held in First/second week of November 2023.He also briefed about pending cases and their status such as Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA), old pending medical Bills with and without voucher, pending CGHS reimbursement case, Non receipt of smart Plastic cards form CCA, Sampann log in issues etc. A few members raised their doubts as to why Telephone Bills are issued inspite of the fact that they have retired from BSNL. Branch Secretary assured to take up the matter with concerned account section. Further he said Telephone Bills are generated due to wrong category status. He will speak to concerned section to change the category to BSNL-R category so that in future Bills will not be generated. Only few cases are pending but not in mass.
Then, Shri S.H.Bhingare and Shri A.M.Dixit, members who had completed 75 years were honoured by offering Shawl and Shreephal followed by Birth Day celebration with photo session. All the participants expressed their best wishes to Pune Branch for its Management and further growth. Branch secretary Shri S.C.Patil informed the house about the status of 3Rd PRC and our association stand on the issue. He elaborated on the 1st PRC, 2nd PRC and 3rd PRC details to the best of his knowledge. He assured the house saying he will take up all unresolved cases with State Secretary Maharashtra for early settlement with CCA Maharashtra and CGM Maharashtra. Meeting was concluded with Vote of thanks. View the photos
AIBSNLREA East Vidarbha Branch (Nagpur) Branch conducted its Bi-Annual GB meeting on 14.10.2023 at 1530hrs. at Dr.Ambedkar hall, under the chairmanship of ShriB.D.Nikam President of the Branch. Former CHQ VP Shri P.R.Bhujbal was the special guest. Secretary Shri N R Rachakondawar welcomed all the dignitaries on dias as well as all the participants. The house congratulated the newly elected Maharashtra State office bearers from Nagpur, Shri S.S.Lonkar (Asst Secretary), Shri G.N.Adsule (Jt.Secretary), Shri K.W.More (Asst.FS), Shri M.G.Waradkar (Org.Secretary),Shri R.K.Patil (Org.Secretary). Then two minutes silence was observed for paying tributes to departed members, Shri N.B.Sharma retd.DE NP and Shri R.P.Singh DE.RTTC Nagpur. Secretary read out the minutes of last GB and it was approved. Then the Secretary submitted the bi-annual report of the Branch, giving details of total membership, issues related to submission of digital life certificate, revalidation of BSNL MRS every year, fixed medical allowance, problems after migration to SAMPANN and stoppage of pension. He explained to the house that the Secretary, State President and State Secretary had persuaded CCA MBI in such a way that he ordered drawal of the stopped pensions before the Second week of July 23. Similarly GPO Nagpur had stopped the pension of many in December 2022, for want of LC, whereas the pensioners had given their LC to their respective Post offices in the first week of November 2022 itself. Secretary had talked to the postal authorities & got the November 2022 pension released in December first week. The Secretary cautioned all to be very particular about DLC & monitoring it after submission. Many members complained about the no response from CCA MBI office on the telephone numbers given by the CCA MBI. Secretary requested the members to submit investment details in SAMPANN to avoid TDS being recovered unnecessarily. Pensionary benefits of ST VRS retitirees from Maharashtra is pending, still no fruitful solution reached till date. DS explained that no orders have been issued yet on notional increment, inspite of Supreme court's favorable decision. Some individual grievances viz. non-payment of FMA, non-receipt of CGHS plastic cards, removal of discrimination against those who retired during July 2017 to April 2018 were discussed in the report. Shri S.S.Lonkar Asst.State Secretary spoke about the State Conference at Amravati on 10 & 11th April 2023. Shri B.P.Mazumdar FS presented financial report for FY 2022. Shri V.W.Patil VP & Shri P.R.Bhujbal Former VP.CHQ explained regarding PCAT orders on pension revision. Shri Bhola Kamble as Ast. Secretary, Shri Subhash Ganvir and Shri V.V.Khandve as Organising Secretaries were co-opted to work in the vacant posts. Secretary announced joining of three new members. President Mr.B.D.Nikam then delivered his Presidential address. Newly elected Asst Secretary Shri Bhola Kamble gave vote of thanks and the meeting ended with a pleasant and positive note.10.06.2023:
A General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Kalyaan branch (Maharashtra State) was held on 3rd June 2023 in Kalabramha Hall, Kalyaan Telephone Exchange KalaTalao, Kalyaan (w). President of the branch Shri Patil presided over the meeting. He welcomed all members.The house observed 2 minutes silence in memory of departed comrades. After his Presidential address, Secretary of Kalyaan Branch Shri B. M. Hatwar thanked the members for attending the meeting in short notice. There was a good gathering & meeting was a quality meeting. Shri Hatwar addressed the meeting and informed that meeting could not be held for last 3 years since he was away from Kalyan. He assured that in the future meetings will be held regularly bimonthly. Shri S P Varma, State Secretary attended the meeting along with State Finance Secretary and Finance Secretary of Mumbai Branch. Shri S P Varma addressed the meeting and covered all points in detail about the deliberations of Kolkata All India conference held on 7th & 8th January 2023 and State conference of AIBSNLREA MH state held on 9th and 10th April 2023 at Amravati. He said that common issue raised in the State conference was pension revision which was very well explained by General Secretary. He had explained why and how pension revision is linked with pay revision and that pension revision always follows pay revision. Questions raised by members were answered one by one. All members took part in discussion and were very much happy. Some problems of members were given to be taken with CGM MH circle. All the members present in meeting were too much happy. Some members who have enrolled with other association, also attended the meeting. Shri S P Varma extended appeal to all the BSNL retired executives to join AIBSNLREA which is serving exclusively retired executives. Branch secretary AIBSNLREA Kalyaan branch gave vote of thanks & the meeting was concluded.27.04.2023:
Annual General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Mumbai branch was held on 19th April,2023. State President Shri Vasudeva delivered special address and spoke about the deliberations that took place at State Conference at Amravati, about delegates' active participation, discipline, decorum and quality of the meeting. Participation of CHQ GS and his speech was very impressive particularly on Pay revision and Pension revision and clarified all queries raised by members. He narrated the unanimous election of new state body, consisting of retirees from all categories viz. Telecom. Finance, Civil and Secretariate (PS/PA).Shri S.P.Varma, Secretary informed the gathering that Mumbai Branch got 3 important posts in state body viz; President (Shri Vasudeva), Secretary (Shri S.P.Varma) and Treasurer (Shri Satish Ghatwai). He also detailed various issues taken up with CGMs and CCA. Some individual cases are settled and some are being persuaded. He said our association believes in cordial relation with administration and thus we are maintaining good relation and confident of solving grievances of members taken up with administration by mutual discussion and cooperation. He appealed to members now having elected as State Secretary he should be relieved from Branch Secretary post. Members present in the meeting expressed their appreciation and gratitude to Shri Varma who had been responsible to form Mumbai Branch and to manage for the past almost 12 years. Also congratulated Shri Vasudeva, Shri S.P.Varma and Shri Satish Ghatwai on their election in the State body. Shri Varma thanked all members for their cooperation in discharging his work. New office bearers were elected unanimously. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by new Secretary Shri S.R.Yadav. View the list of new office bearers25.04.2023:
Second State conference of ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED RETIRED EXECUTIVES’ ASSOCIATION (AIBSNLREA) Maharashtra state was held at AMRAVATI on 10th and 11th of April, 2023. Amravati branch had made excellent arrangements for comfortable stay in AC rooms with delicious food for the delegates and AC hall for meeting. The first day of the meeting started with self-introduction of delegates and welcome address by the host. On behalf of CHQ, Organizing Secretary (West Zone) Shri Rajan Rajopadhye was present. Shri Vasudeva, State president in his opening remarks mentioned that due to Covid Pandemic and other unavoidable circumstances State conference was being held after 5 years. Due to various reasons some branches expressed their inability to send delegates. He appealed to the delegates to make it a quality meeting by raising various issues related to association including general and individual grievances of members.All branch secretaries, the Assistant State secretary, organizing Secretaries presented their report and suggested strengthening the association by enrolling new members. State Secretary Shri V.G.Dakhode in his report thanked the members for electing him for second time in the state Conference held at Kolhapur in March 2018. Due to Covid pandemic almost for two and half years we could not hold any meeting. One virtual meeting was held with state office bearers. He gave the various issues taken up with concern administration, like reimbursement of MR claims, FMA, and some individual members’ grievances. He thanked the CHQ for support and helping in pursuing and solving many issues. After adoption and approval of State secretary report, Report of Finance Secretary was presented and approved.
On Second day of the meeting Shri R.R.Balsubramanian General Secretary CHQ was present. Host branch welcomed the GS with bouquet and felicitated GS, OS(W) and a few other state office bearers. Organizing Secretary (West Zone) Shri Rajan Rajopadhye spoke on organizational activities he initiated after becoming OS(W) in the AIC Kolkata and sought co- operation from branches to increase the membership in the state and opening new branches. He tried to get some members in Goa to open a Branch in Goa but till now not succeeded but assured to make effort to open a branch at Goa.
Shri R.R.Balsubramanian General Secretary said the CHQ is working as a team in order to try and match the single handed work all these years by Basuji. He spoke elaborately on issues taken up by CHQ after Kolkata AIC and about pursuing the AIC resolutions through submissions to Prime Minister of India. All such issues are promptly uploaded on website and given through WhatsApp group for information of members. He explained in length about Pension Revision, why it follows pay revision, the present attempt by DoT for pension revision on the basis of 3rd PRC recommended pay scales, its idea of removing anomaly of post-2017 retirees by implementing pay revision notionally till the date of retirement of the individual without paying the benefits of pay revision and explained the flaws in the idea. He said that though every association is claiming that pension revision has been delinked from pay revision, the DoT proposals keep them very much linked. Considering all these aspects our association is taking up with all levels to resolve the issue of pay revision which will pave the way for pension revision. Then he answered the queries raised by the delegates. All members in one voice appreciated and thanked GS for his presence and explaining several issues.
Then, resolutions were taken up and approved. The present committee was dissolved after appointing Organizing Secretary (West Zone) Shri Rajan Rajopadhye as chairman for conducting election of new office bearers. New office bearers were elected unanimously. Shri S P Varma, the new State Secretary delivered the Vote of Thanks. View the list of new office bearers View the Photos
The 2nd Conference of AIBSNLREA Amravati Branch was held on Monday , the 20th February 2023 at Hotel Grace Inn , near Rajapeeth Police station Amravati , under the Chairmanship of Shri R. W. Tidake President of the Branch. The Conference was attended by 39 members along with Shri V.G. Dakhode, State Secretary, Maharashtra Circle. On the Day of Conference, 2 new members have joined the Association. The house greeted them. Before the commencement of conference/meeting two minutes silence was observed in the memory of departed colleagues. After welcome of all guests on the dais, the reports of Branch Secretary & Financial Secretary were read in the house. The Branch Secretary, Shri D. V. Rokade, informed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting. He gave an account of the developments in respect of payment of pending medical claims (with & without Vouchers.) Shri R.Y. Deshmukh, spoke in detail, all the main points appeared the in the AIC Kolkata. Shri V. G. Dakhode, State Secretary, AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra spoke about the latest position of the Court Case & highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State & All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. After the Presidential speech the President declared dissolution of old body and formation of the new body. The new office bearers of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch were elected unanimously. After formation of new body, the meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks by Shri M.Z.Shinde, Financial Secretary. View the list of new office bearers02.02.2023:
The Executive Committee Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri V. G. Dakhode , State Secretary , at about 1400 hrs of 29th January 2023 in the Hotel “ GRACE INN “ Amravati. The meeting was attended by all the Executive Members of the Branch. The Branch Secretaryinformed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting. He elaborated account of the developments in respect of payment of pending medical claims. It was understood that most of the pending medical claims, with and without vouchers are settled & payments are received by most of the members. Then he discussed in detail about the latest position of the Court Case developments and highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State & All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. The main discussion in the meeting was holding of the Divisional Conference of AIBSNLREA Branch Amravati on 20th of February 2023. The Venue was confirmed as the “ HOTEL GRACEE INN “ opp. Rajapeth Police Station Amravati. After address by the State Secretary, the meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks by Shri M.Z.Shinde , Finance Secretary of AIBSNLREA Amravati Branch.02.02.2023:
Pune Branch conducted its quarterly meeting on 28th January 2023 at Conference Hall, Bajirao Road Telephone Bhavan, Pune. During the meeting there were 72 young retired officers including ladies comrades present. Conference Hall was full jam packed and healthy pleasant atmosphere was noticed by one and all. Meeting was chaired under the dynamic Presidentship of Dr S.K.RAMAMURTHY who welcomed all the existing executives and New members and Briefed the meeting Agenda and directed Branch Secretary to proceed accordingly. Pune Branch Secretary S.C.Patil once again welcomed all the executives on behalf of Pune Branchanch. Ten new members were added on the same day. As a customary practice, President & Branch Secretary welcomed new members by offering Rose flowers and distributed Makarasankrant/Pongal festival sweets in the meeting to all. Nearly 20 members who completed their birthday in the quarter were present and AIBSNLREA Pune Branch celebrated their birthday by lighting lamps and cutting cake. Felicitation programme was also arranged for those who completed 75 years of age but not attended due to personal issue.Branch Secretary briefed the points discussed in 3rd AIC held at Kolkata from 07th Jan to 08th January 2023 and resolutions passed regarding association constitution amendment and increase in the enrollment & subscription fees w.e.f. 01.04.2023. Pay revision for pre and post retired officer, Medical bills for fixed and vouchers cases, migration to SAMPANN,. Submission of DLC etc.
Branch Secretary said that along with President he had met GM commercial Pune and had submitted a letter to look into the cases of exorbitant Land Line (residential) bills raised in the system for few of Pune retired executives. After hearing our submission patiently, he had agreed to look into the matter and accordingly instructed to change the residential category from R-DoT to R-BSNL in the billing system. He requested to other left out members to write mail to concerned account section sharing their retirement particulars. Now most of the cases are settled and rest in progress. He explained the importance of Know Your Pension (kyp) form & he requested to fill the nomination form including dependent daughter/Son according to CCS pension rule applicable and mail to CCA office Mumbai immediately. He further appealed & requested the office bearers to make nonmembers to enroll as AIBSNLREA members before March 2023, as after April 2023 onwards registrstion fees & Life membership will be increased to Rs.100/-& Rs.1000/- respectively. Branch Secretary also announced the names of volunteers who will help our members for DLC submission. Meeting concluded with vote of thanks with association slogan.
General body meeting of AIBSNLREA Nagpur Branch was conducted on 23.01.2023 at Dr.B.Ambedkar hall opp. Sai Mandir,Warda road Nagpur to apprise all members about the delebrations AIC held at Kolkatta on 7th 8th Jan 2023. After all officer bearers took their seat on the dias,they have lighted the divine lamp as a start of meeting & garlanded the photos of Samrat Ashok, Mahatma Jyotiba Fule, Shri Sahuji Maharaj and Dr.B.Ambedkar. The Branch Secretary Shri N.R.Rachakondawar welcomed all. One minute silence was observed by all as a mark of condolences to departed members, G.S.Kriplani & B.J.Narayan.Secretary informed the house that 13 delegates had attended AIC from Nagpur Branch. He said that total 11 new members have joined AIBSNLREA after last GB meeting held on 11.10.2022. Total membership of the branch is 433 till date. Then Secretary briefed about how CGHS one time payment was delayed & refunded in the case of ShriH.S.Pithawala & Mrs.S.M.Ponnu. Shri A.S.Dhabekar case is almost settled, by month end he may also get the payment. Non receipt of plastic cards to CGHS beneficiries members is being pursued. Some prolems faced by members after migration from banks to Sampann are solved with help of AIBSNLREA Maharashtra State Secretary & President. He further informed that ST VRS retirees Executives in Maharshtra could not get their retirement benefits,the matter has been informed to State & to CHQ in AIC at Kolkata during Secretary reporting. Shri B.R.Wankhede did not receive pension even after submitting Life Certificate and the issue was solved by persuing with the postal authority.
Then Secretary explained the contents of GS report in AIC at Kolkatta and explained the views of AIBSNLREA in respect of pension revision:- 1.AIBSNLREA follows the facts & law of the land, it never misguides the pensioners for any "'cheap popularity'"where as other Associations aim is also pension revision,but they are misguiding the pensioners. AIBSNLREA never opposed other Associations stand in rspect of pension revision. The demand of Delinking pension revision from pay revision & pension revision as per 7CPC are not possible. Pay revision is still possible if affordability clause is relaxed for BSNL and pension contribution is allowed to be paid on actual pay instead of maximum of pay scale.
Secretary further detailed the issues taken up and resolved by CHQ like payment of Group Insurance amount, GPF claims of VRS-19 retirees, medicare issues, Deduction of I-Tax from medical claims without actual payment, CGHS one time refund cases, payment of FMA to those residing in Non CGHS areas, concessional FTTH connection at the residences of retired BSNL emloyees, Demand to issue orders restraining the CCA not to go back to a period earlier than 24 month preceeding the date of retirement for observstions relating to pay fixationand issues which are being pursued like, Increase of FMA from Rs.1000/- to Rs.3000/-P.M; Restoration of commuted value of pension earlier to 15 years; Denial of benefit of increment on post base promotion permitted under "Executive Promotion Policy to the executives who retired between July 2017 & April 2018. Secretary then informed the members about 16 resolutions passed unanimouly by all at AIC Kolkata. After Secretary address, Nagpur branch VP Shri V.W.Patil informed the house regarding the Amendments passed in 3rd AIC at Kolkata. In the Presidential adress Shri B.D.Nikam requested all to enroll more members before March 2023, as after April 2023 onwards registrstion fees & Life membership will be increased to Rs.100/-& Rs.1000/- respectively. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by Shri Bhola Kamble State Organising Secretary.
AIBSNLREA Kolhapur Branch held its Quarterly meeting on 22nd of January 2023 in the Conference Hall Of Telephone Bhavan, Kolhapur under the Prsidentship of Shri P S Kulkarni. Meeting started with the usual Prayer. Then President in his opening address welcomed all the Members who had come from Kolhapur, Sangli, and spoke on some developments in respect of our issues viz.Medical Bill Payments, Pension revision etc. Then New Members Shri Athavale, from Sangli Shri B. M. Kolki were welcomed by the Secretary & President with Bouquet, who then introduced themself to the House. Then Secretary, Shri L M Godi, spoke on the issues of status of payment Medical Bill claims and Medical Allowance, Developments in respect of Pension Revision, Court Cases etc. He also mentioned about the Third AIC held at Kolkata and the points discussed in the meeting. The arrangements made for the members by host branch Kolkata was commendable. Shri Rajan Rajopadye of Kolhapur elected as organising Secretary West. The house Cograluted him.Then, Shri D K Joshi, senior leader, spoke about all the issues, viz. Status of our Court Case in respect of Payment of arrears of Pension/Pay consequent upon the 78.2% IDA Merger, other associations’ court case for Pension Revision, Migration of Pensioners to SAMPANN. Our Association’s request to DOT for expedition to complete the process and take all promotion orders issued by DOT also. He explained in detail the status of Pension Revision of BSNL Pensioners and role being played by the various Associationns as per their own thinking without caring for the future consequences. He explained how the demand of other Associations is illogical. He informed about status of BSNL in respect of its services and Finance & Govt's attitude towards its sustainance. He also spoke on Resolutions passed by AIC, Kolkata in respect of pending issues of our Members. He requested all members to bring in additional members before the next meeting. Many members raised their queries /doubts on the issues; he clarified to the satisfaction of Members. Then Shri Walke Finance Secretary, extended the Vote of Thanks. Meeting concluded for Lunch at 1400Hrs.
The representatives of AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State Branch, comprising of S/Shri Vasudeva S.P.Varma Assistant State Secretary and B.S.Yadav, Member of Mumbai Division, met Jt CCA Maharashtra on 17.11.2022 and discussed the following issues: (1) Non receipt of Pensioners Identity Card: The Association pointed out that though many of its members submitted prescribed Form, only few received the Identity Cards, but most are yet to receive the same. Jt. CCA informed that huge number of application forms were received, and already many ID cards have been issued and remaining will be issued in a phased manner at the earliest. (2) Difficulties in submission of Life Certificate: The Association stated that the members who have switched over from Banks to SAMPANN are facing difficulties in generating Life Certificate and are not able to receive OTP and thus unable to process further. It was assured that this will be investigated, and it was advised to login “jeevanpramaan.gov.in” and in CCA office an official is exclusively nominated to assist needy pensioners to generate Life Certificate. Jt CCA further informed that a meeting/function is being organized at Pune on 24th and 25th November 2022, exclusively for Pune pensioners for issuing Identity Cards and submission of Life Certificate along with addressing few other grievances. This Association was also requested to nominate its Pune divisional representatives to participate in the said meeting. (3) Individual grievances: (a) Case of Shri A.T.Pahade, Retd. SDE WTR Nagpur: Issue of recording his changed Address consequent upon his shifting from Akola to Nagpur. (b) Case of Shri A.K.Deshpande: Family pensioner column is blank and no action taken to fill in the same.(c). Various Grievances of the VRS retirees regarding their retirement benefits and other issues, as received from Nagpur Division, were discussed and a consolidated list of such grievances was also handed over to AO (Pension).23.10.2022:
Kolhapur Branch (Maharashtra State) of AIBSNLREA held its Quarterly GB Meeting on 16.10.2022 in the Conference Hall of TeleBhavan, Kolhapur under the chairmanship of Shri P S Kulkarni. Meeting started with Prayer which was followed by the opening address by the President who welcomed all the Members from Kolhapur, Sangli, Ratnagiri. He also referred to the issues like Medical Bill Payments, Pension revision etc which he said will be detailed by the Branch Secretary. He informed the House about publication of his third Book on “Collection of Public Grievance that he made to Local Papers.” Smt Vijaya Keni, a new member joining the Association, was then welcomed by the Secretary and President with presentation of Bouquet who then introduced herself to the House. Then Shri R G Katti, Sr. Member who has completed 75 years was felicitated by another senior member Shri S V Kumbar and the President on behalf of the Branch. Shri Katti expressed his sincere thanks for the affectionate felicitation and wished all the members the best and the Association to continue working for the interest of the members.Branch Secretary, Shri L M Godi, spoke on the status of payment Medical Bill claims and Medical Allowance. developments in respect of Pension Revision, Court Cases etc. He also informed that All India Conference of our Association is scheduled to meet in 1st week of January 2023 at Kolkata. He requested the members to attend the same and also informed that the Branch will pay the delegate fee. Already three members had volunteered, and some more may like to join. As a few members expressed their desire to attend the Conference. Branch Secretary requested them to decide early and make their reservations so that the information can be conveyed to CHQ early. He then requested Shri D K Joshi to throw some more light on the issues concerning the pensioners and other important developments.
Shri D K Joshi then addressed the House. He dealt with all the main issues like Status of our Court Case in respect of Payment of arrears of Pension/Pay consequent upon the 78.2% IDA Merger, other Associations’ court case for Pension Revision, Migration of Pensioners to SAMPANN, issue of ID Card to the Pensioners, status of revision of seniority issue of the TES Group B Officers promoted from JTO to SDE by the DPCs as per the Rule 206 of P&T Vol. IV following Supreme Court and our Association’s request to DOT for expediting implementation of SC Order. He explained in detail the status of Pension Revision of BSNL Pensioners and role being played by the various Associations according to their own logic without caring for the future consequences. He said how illogically some of them are demanding pension revision with 32% fitment, another asking with 15% and another 5%- that too as per 7th Pay Commission. Thus, no one is being convinced with their logic. On the other hand, he explained how our Association is logically demanding the revision of Pension with revision of Pay scales of working Employees of BSNL. Association has rightly asked for one time relaxation of DPE’s affordability clause. He informed about status of BSNL in respect of its services and its financial position. He requested all members to get additional members to join the Association before the next meet meeting. Some members raised their queries/doubts on the issues which were duly clarified to their satisfaction.
Then Shri B B Buchade and others spoke on general interest of social service to the needy in the Society. The members also responded in a positive manner. Thereafter, Shri C S Walke, Finance Secretary presented Vote of Thanks to all members who attended the meeting. After conclusion of the meeting, Lunch was served at 14.00 Hrs.
East Vidarbha Branch (Nagpur) of AIBSNLREA held its Bi annual Meeting at Dr Ambedkar Hall, Uroovela Colony, Wardha Road, Nagpur on Tuesday, 11th October,2022. Shri B D Nikam, President Nagpur Branch presided over the meeting. S/Shri P R Bhujbal, Vice President CHQ, N G Talewar VP, MH Circle, V W Patil, VP, Bhola Kamble, ACS MH State were on the dais. At the start of the meeting, homage was paid to the departed members of Nagpur Branch and also other family members. After introductory speech, Shri N R Rachkondawar, Branch Secretary, Nagpur welcomed the newly enrolled members and addressed the house and briefed the activities of Nagpur Branch. Special efforts taken by him to issue the CGHS card to Shri G S Kawale Wardha, who was hospitalized but not received CGHS card. Shri N R Rachkondawar met personally with Additional Director, CGHS, Nagpur and made it possible to issue Card and hand over to his family member without any delay. Unfortunately, Shri G S Kawale could not survive and breathed his last after a week.Shri P R Bhujbal Vice President CHQ addressed the house. He welcomed the newly elected office bearers of the Nagpur Branch and newly enrolled life members and highlighted mainly the issues to the members: - (1) Efforts taken by CHQ in clearing the pending medical claims of the BSNL retired Executives including reimbursement of onetime payment of CGHS subscription by approaching BSNL, DOT, DOP&PW and even the PM. Finally, BSNL CO issued orders on 30.08.2022 for payment of Medical bills to retired BSNL employees and further assured to make payment all medical bills pending up to 31.3.2022. Accordingly, CBB section allotted funds to all circles to make payments and now the members are receiving their reimbursement. He also advised members to visit SSA office in case of non-receipt of bills and check their bank account and other details and update if noticed any discrepancy to ensure early payment. The members expressed thanks to GS CHQ and appreciated efforts. (2) Sanction of Additional quantum of pension/Family pension @5%, 10%, 15% on basic pension/family pension to the pensioners on attaining the age of 65 years, 70 years and 75 years in the light of recommendations of Standing parliamentary Committee for Public, Law and Justice: Recently GS CHQ has also drawn the attention of Secretary (Pension), DOP&PW that State Government of Himachal Pradesh has already implemented such a scheme in 2014 and requested Secretary (Pension) to issue the orders at the earliest. (3) Migration of Pensioners drawing pension from CPPC Bank to SAMPANN: Presently Migration of pensioners drawing pension from Bank of Baroda, Bank of Maharashtra and Punjab national banks to SAMPANN is in process. Migration for other pensioners drawing pension from other banks may continue till the end of 2023. Number of letters were written by GS, CHQ to DOT to ensure smooth and trouble-free migration without any harassment to our members in the name of migration. Difficulties being faced and reported by number of pensioners after migration were also brought to the notice of DOT for early rectification. (4) Notification of the CCS (Pension) Rules-2021 issued on 20-12-2021 and Rule 66 under the heading “Revision of pension after authorization” was also discussed and clarified. The rule reiterated that revision of pension/family pension would take place in accordance with any general order issued in implementation of the decision taken on the recommendations of the CPC only. (5) Revision of Pay Scales of BSNL employees following issue of DPE OM dated 3.8.2017: GS, CHQ has again addressed Minister of Communication on 17.8.2022 and requested to re-examine the matter of pay scale revision in the view of considerable reduction of staff strength in BSNL after VRS-2019, calculation of pension contribution under FR-116 in respect of the absorbed BSNL employees basing on “actual Pay” instead of on the ”maximum of the pay scale” wef 1.1.2006, and Relaxation of “affordability clause’ of DPE OM dated 3-8-2017. (6). Pension/family pension revision of BSNL IDA pensioners vis-a-vis delinking of pension revision from pay scale revision: As per SC Judgments, revision of pay scales of serving employees and revision of pension of retired employees are inseparable. Demand for Pension revision without pay revision of the serving BSNL employees, therefore, does not satisfy the conditions for pension revision. Delinking of pension from pay scale revision is again against the essence of the Supreme Court Judgment in D S Nakara case. There is no single instance noticed till date where pension revision has taken place without Pay scale revision. CHQ’s stand is based on Rules and Laws. In view of this, AIBSNLREA has been requesting DOT/BSNL to revise the pay scales of Executives as per 3rd PRC which will automatically lead of pension revision. Our association cannot join hands with others because our association’s logical approach is not acceptable to other associations.
Branch Secretary then briefed the House about Notification issued for holding of 3rd All India Conference of AIBSNLREA to be held at Kolkata on 7th and 8th January, 2023. He requested the House to elect the delegates for the AIC and made appeal to reserve their tickets and also remit delegate fee @ Rs. 4500/-each to the CHQ before 31st October, 2022. The House, thereafter took up the agenda to elected few Office-bearers against the vacant posts. Followings elected un-opposed: (1). Vice President: Shri P K Khade (2). Asst Branch Secretary: Shri S S Lonkar,.Smt Rekha P Joshi and Shri G N Adsule, (3).Org Secretary: Shri S S Sathe, (4) Executive Members: S/Shri S C Mohane and Subhash Ganvir.
Shri V W Patil, Vice President then addressed the House and proposed few amendments to the constitution of AIBSNLREA before the House. These proposals were passed by the House unanimously.
Shri B M Mazumdar, Finance Secretary submitted the Financial Statement and House approved the account unanimously.
Shri B D Nikam, President narrated how during Covid pandemic, he could lead assistance to the families of the Branch members. Two active members of Nagpur Branch unfortunately succumbed due to Covid-19. He along with Shri Bhola Kamble made frequent visits to CCA office, Nagpur and settled the family pension cases. He appealed to the members to assist the family members whenever they are in distress.
During the meeting, 17 new members were enrolled as life members of Branch. Due to the initiative taken by Shri S S Lonkar and other members, the Branch could increase the membership. The Meeting then ended after presentation of vote of thanks to the chair and all participants by Shri Bhola Kamble, ACS Maharashtra State Branch.
Shri S P Varma Secretary, AIBSNLREA Mumbai Branch met CCA Mumbai and Goa along with Shri B S Yadav on 25th August 2022. Com B. S. Yadav and discussed issues related to migration to SAMPANN. They pointed out that when all the information is furnished by the banks, asking for the information from the pensioners is felt as harassment. CCA Mumbai informed that banks are sending information to HQ New Delhi then it is forwarded to all CCAs and the CCAs carry out the work based on it. In case of any doubts, CCAs are calling particular member to clear doubts. About status of migration, the CCA informed that migration of bank of Baroda was taken first and work is completed and pension of July is drawn from SAMPANN. State bank of India will be the last bank for migration. Migration may prolong till the end of 2023. CCA Mumbai was informed that TDS has been deducted from July month pensions of some members drawing pension through SAMPANN for the first time, although these members have saved Rs 1.5 lakh under 80C. The CCA wanted us to request the affected members to send a letter with full details to CCA office so that necessary actions may be taken. On our query, she said that work is going on for issue of Pensioner ID card and some cards have been already issued. Remaing all cards will be sent by post at address given in form submitted by the individual pensioners. She said it may take time for issue of cards to all. Branch Secretary thanked the CCA for sparing time to meet them. The meeting was cordial.17.06.2022:
AIBSNLREA Kolhapur Branch held its Annual General Body meeting in Telephone Bhavan Conference Hall, Kolhapur on 8th May 2022. Meeting was presided over by Sri. L M Godi, and 43 members were present with 7 new members joining the Association.Meeting started at 11 AM as usual with due Prayer. In the meeting President welcomed all the Members and new Two Members Mrs. Khamakar and RP Jadhav Kolhapur. New members were welcomed by President with Flowers, they were introduced to the House.
Our Elder Members Sri. SG Mendigeri from Satara and Shri AH Pore from Kolhapur who completed 75 Years recently were felicitated by the Branch at the Hands of President & Sr. Member Shri SV Kumbhar; with Shawl, Sriphal and Bouquet, wishing them long life with peace and good health; then both, responding to the felicitation, thanked the Branch Association for its affectionate gesture & said the day will be remembered for long, by them.
Then Secretary discussed the various issues like, Our Court cases of Pay & Pension Revision and Pension Revision Case, Medical Facility of BSNL to retired BSNL employees, DPCs for SDEs to AGM/DE as per SC Order, Recent developments in BSNL, & some issues members concerned. Then as per the Agenda of the Meeting he presented his Review report for the period from 26-08-2018 to 8th May 2022, with the house approving it. Then the Finance Secretary presented Audited Report of Accounts for the same period, and the same was approved. Then President thanked the members for their cooperation and support to the activities during period, and with the the Permission from the House appointed Shri S G Kanade, Sr. Member as Election officer. New office bearers were elected unanimously.
They are:
President : Shri P S Kulkarni,
Vice-President: Y.S Kulkarni,
Secretary: L M Godi,
Asst. Secretary : S M Vaidya,
Finance Secretary : C S Walke,
Asst. FS : B M Benake,
Executive.Memebrs: Mrs. Pushpa Nadagouda, Shri L G Joshi and D A Koli,
Auditor: Mrs. Khamkar, Aruna M;
New Body took over the charge and President Shri PS Kulkarni, and Secretary Shri L M Godi, expressed thanks for members for electing new body and assured to work for the Members and their issues. He thanked & appreciated the work of Shri DK Joshi, who worked for the Association from the start in Kolhapur, and asked to be adviser for Association. Replying to the President & Secretary’s words, Ex Secretary said that he will continue to be the same in serving the Association and its Members in future as before. Then with Vote of thanks to all by Shri S M Vaidy, Asst. Secretary, house concluded its sitting for Lunch.
The Annual General Body Meeting of Nagpur Branch was held on 15.3.2022. Before starting the Meeting a two minutes silence was observed for paying tribute to our departed members. Branch Vice-President Shri V.W. Patil presided over the meeting. Circle Vice-President Shri N.G. Talewar, BR V/P. Shri B.D. Nikam, Assistant Circle Secretary Shri Bhola Kamble, Finance Secretary Shri B.P. Majumdar and Branch Secretary Shri Arun Deshpande were sitting on the dias. In absence of CHQ Vice-President Shri P.R. Bhujbal, Mr. Deshpande played a dual role as CHQ V/p. & as BR Secretary. He welcomed all the members and made introductory speech. He addressed the gathering and discussed the Agenda full of old and current ‘Burning Items” in details. 3rd PRC, Reimbursement of Medical Claims, I/TAX levied on one time payment of CGHS, Different APPs of C.G.H.S., CCS rules 62 & 66, suggestion to DOT / BSNL to pay the CGHS Fees directly instead of reimbursement, Allow all BSNL employees to avail CGHS – facility stopping BSNL MRS System, Letter of Smt. Wanga Geetha Vishwanath – an Andhra M.P. to Prime Minister for considering Pension Revision of BSNL Employees and Additional Quantum of Pension on attaining the age 65, 70 & 75 with 5%, 10% & 15% increase were some major issues discussed. Mr. Deshpande and Shri V.W. Patil answered to the queries raised by the members present. The President Mr. Patil highlighted some important issues left out by Branch Secretary. Before concluding his speech he dissolved old body for formation of New body for the term 2022-25. Before this, Finance Secretary submitted the Account details which was passed by the house. Shri Mitkery was appointed as Election Officer by the house. He followed the usual procedure and carried out the eolection post wise. New set of office bearers with Mr. N R Rachkondawar as Secretary was elected. Circle Vice-President and the House congratulated the New Office-bearers. Newly elected Secretary Shri N.R. Rachkondwwar proposed a vote of thanks. Also out going Secretary Shri Arun Deshpande thanked Circle V/P Shri Talewar, CHQ – V/P Shri Bhujbal, Assistant Circle Secretary Shri Bhola Kamble, Old Executive Committee and all the members for extending their support for last 6 years. The meeting was ended with thanks to the chair. View the List of Office bearers21.12.2021:
General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA Kolhapur Branch was held after lapse of 2 years in Vishwesharayya Memorial Hall , Kolhapur on 17th December 2021. Meeting was presided over by Sri. GV Nanjangud, and 48 members were present with six new members joining the Association.Meeting started at 11 AM as usual with Prayer. President welcomed all the Members and new 6 Members ShriRD Joshi, Ichalakarnji , Mrs. Vishakha Joshi, & AG Khot,Gadhinglaj, PB Kumbhar, PattanKodoli, RD Bakare, SR Nangare, Kolhapur. New members were Welcomed by President with Flowers, and were introduced to the House.
Our Elder Member Sri. Khokumbe from Sangli who completed 75 Years recently was felicitated by the Branch with the President presenting Shawl, Sriphal and Bouquet and wishing him long life with peace and good health. Then Shri Kholkumbe, responding to the felicitation, thanked the Branch Association for its affectionate gesture & said the day will be remembered for long by him.
Then Secretary wished all the Members on Pensioners’ Day and explained in details the significance of the DAY , when the Supreme Court of India delivered Historical Judgment in 1982 which made the Life of Pensioners more comfortable and further- CPCs and our Trade Union Leaders added further protection from time to time. All Members stood up and Thanked Our Indian Judiciary and Our Leaders in One Voice ‘THANK YOU’
Then he discussed the issues pertaining to members viz. Status and action taken at Local, State and CHQ level for Medical Bills pending, Payment of Monthly allowance, BSNL providing option to the Pensioners to join the CGHS Scheme to nearby CGHS Centers for better medical Service and reimbursement of one-time payment of life time subscription to CGHS. He told about the Various Court cases of issues that are pending since long. Court Judgments on others issues also were informed and their applicability to us. Pay revision case of BSNL employees as in News and also our Association’s views were informed and queries were answered. He informed about status of Holding review DPCs as per SC in respect Promotion as Rule 206 of P&T Vol.IV. He told some 3 DPCs are already are over and some more DPCs results are shortly coming. He asked members any issues requiring Association intervention. Then Shri DA Koli, Rtd AGM Kolhapur, asked to discuss the issue of asking SC/ST certificate validation now after retirement by BSNL Admin. In some cases retirement benefits are held up for that purpose. Then some were pointed out long pending case of Granting Extra increment for post based promotion under EPP scheme of BSNL. It is pending for only few persons who have retired within nine months period of 2017-18. Then the case of discrimination due to denial of option to some JTOs on absorption in BSNL to retain CDA pay scale till the date of promotion after 1.10.2000. Further pursuance by CHQ was desired. Secretary informed them that issues are already seized by CHQ and are being persuaded, however they will be written to CHQ.
The sponsors of Meeting M/s Quality Investments, Sri Kapil Hireamth made presentation with his Colleague on the Investment in MFs on SIP and SWP. Clarification was given by him to the Members queries. Then PS Kulkarni ADS, gave vote of thanks to all the members and new members and Sri. Hiremath Group, who made the meeting more fruitful and delighted. Meeting concluded with Lunch at 2-00pm
Mumbai Branch of AIBSNLREA held a General Body Meeting at 14.00 hours on 06.01.2020 in the Conference Hall of Fountain Telecom Building, Mumbai. The meeting was presided over by Branch Vice President Shri N K Devassy who welcomed all the members and the newly elected Organizing Secretary (West), CHQ Smt. M S Lumba. A good number of members of the Branch including six lady members were present. The meeting started with observation of two minutes’ silence in memory of the departed members which was followed by self-introduction of the members. Thereafter, Smt. Lumba, Org. Secretary (West), CHQ and State President Shri Vasudeva were felicitated by presentation of Boquete and Shriphal. Branch Secretary Shri S P Varma presented a brief report of the activities at Branch and CHQ level. Organizing Secretary (West) Smt. Lumba spoke on few important decisions taken in the AIC held at Madurai and stressed on the need to enrol of more members. She also replied the queries raised by the members. After this, Dr Gupta spoke about naturopathy and his team also conducted free medical check-up of the participants. The meeting ended after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri S R Yadav.04.12.2019:
The quarterly General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Mumbai Branch was held on 25.11.2019 at 14.30hrs in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Building, Fort Mumbai with Shri K. Devassy on the chair who welcomed all the members and addressed the house. He also gave some tips of naturopathy. Shri S.P. Varma, Branch Secretary read out Minutes of last GB Meeting which was confirmed by the House. He then informed the house about the development of our court case, 3rd PRC, Revival plan of BSNL & MTNL, Revision of seniority list of TES group B Officers in compliance of supreme court judgements dated 21.1.2015 and 14.12.2017, Introduction of comprehensive pension management scheme by DOT, merits and demerits of BSNLMRS and CGHS facility. As large number of executives are taking VRS offered by DOT, all members were requested to approach them personally along with other normal retirees to enroll them as life member for our Mumbai Branch. Shri Vasudeva, Maharashtra State President addressed the House and gave details of all points discussed in AIC Madurai held on 12th & 13th Nov 2019. The case of rejection of medical claim of Shri S.N.Verma was discussed and it was decided to take up the matter with appropriate authorities. The House was then informed by Shri S. N. Verma that the planned annual picnic proposed to be held in last week of December 2019 has since been postponed to last week of February,2020 and interested members were requesting to contact him by last week of January, 2020. The meeting came to end after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri S.R.Yadav.04.12.2019:
Quarterly General Body Meeting of Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 01-12-2019 at 11 AM at Telephone Bhavan with Shri L.M Godi, President on the chair. 56 members attended the meeting and 2 new members joined the Association. President welcomed all the Members and both Shri Shiddhartha Kambale from Kolhapur and Shri S P Bawane from Karad who joined the Association with Bouquet. Then two senior members viz. Shri H G Joshi from Kolhapur and SG Kanade from Sangli were felicitated with Shawl, Shriphal and Bouquets on behalf the Association on their completion of their Golden 75 years. All members wished them long life, peace and good health. These senior members thanked the Association for their affectionate felicitation and told that they were overwhelmed by their gesture and wished the Association to continue successfully to serve the causes of the pensioners.Then Secretary Shri D K Joshi placed his report on the various issues that were dealt in the GS Report presented in the 2nd AIC at Madurai on 12th and 13th November 2019. He also supplied the xerox copy of the GS Report to all members for their study and references. In his report, the Branch Secretary dealt in detail some of the issues viz. Pay/pension Revision, revision as per VII CPC ; Delinking of Pension from the pay revision of working employees of BSNL, Court cases, Revival of BSNL and consequential impact on working and retired employees, BSNL MRS and other options for Medical Facility, and revision of Seniority Lists of SDEs as per Rule 206 of P&T Vol-IV on SC direction and its effect etc. Then other delegates who attended the AIC viz., Shri C S Walake and Mrs. Nadgouda also expressed their views on the AIC at Madurai. Queries raised by the members were replied to their satisfaction by the Branch Secretary.
Thereafter, Shri Kanade gave a brief presentation on “Life after 60”. He also sponsored the lunch that was served to the members after the meeting. Shri Joshi, on his part, announced the Sweet Cream to all from his side. The meeting concluded after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri P.S. Kulkarni.
Quarterly General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Mumbai Branch was held on 9.9.2019 at 14.00hrs in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Building, Mumbai. Shri Vasudeva presided over the meeting. The House first observed two minutes silence to pay homage to the departed soul of Shri Nadacharam, an active life member of the Branch. The President welcomed all the members and addressed the House. He briefed about all latest development at State and CHQ level. He suggested the members for regular morning and evening walk and also practice yoga daily. Branch Secretary S.P.Varma thanked the members for attending meeting despite heavy rains. He read out the minutes of last General Body Meeting which was adopted unanimously. He also informed the house about latest development on our court case, implementation of 3rd PRC etc. Questions raised by the members were also duly replied. He then requested the members, desirous to join the tour to be arranged by October end to visit Ayodhaya, Lucknow, Prayagraj and Kashi, to give their names to Shri S.N. Verma. Delegates for the All India conference to be held on 12th & 13th November 2019 at Madurai were also nominated. He requested all the participants to get more members enrolled. The meeting ended after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri V R Monikkar.25.08.2019:
East Vidarbha Branch (Nagpur) of AIBSNLREA held its Bi annual GB Meeting at Amenity Hall, CTO Compound, Nagpur on Sunday, the 18th August 2019. Shri U B Nikose presided over the meeting. S/Shri V W Patil and B D Nikam Vice presidents, Bhola Kamble, ACS MH and B P Mazumdar were on the dais. At the start of the meeting, homage was paid to the departed members of Nagpur Branch and also their family members. After introductory speech by Shri N R Rachkondawar, Shri Arun Deshpande, Branch Secretary addressed the house and briefed the activities of Nagpur Branch and status of current CHQ Issues. [View Maharashtra State Section of State News Page of this website to read the full Report]. The following issues were mainly discussed in the House: - (1) Liquidity crisis afflicting the state-owned companies BSNL and MTNL, and Government’ s proposal to offer Revival Package for both PSUs, (2) Pension revision of BSNL retired employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017: It was categorically pointed out that revision of pay scales of serving employees and revision of pension of BSNL retired employees are inseparable. Demand of Pension revision without pay revision of the serving BSNL employees is irrational and cannot be linked with judgment of SC on D S Nakara case. (3) Denial of benefit of extra increment on post-based promotion under BSNL EPP to those BSNL Executives who retired between July, 2017 to April, 2018: CHQ’s correspondences to DOT, DOP&PW, PMO, BSNL on the issue were briefed to the members. Intervention of PM has also been sought in the matter. (4). Dismissal of OA filed by AIBSNLREA on pay and pension arrears issue by Pr CAT New Delhi on 30th July, 2019: CHQ likely to file an appeal in Delhi HC after studying the courts order. (5) Demand of Pension contribution under FR-116: Pension contribution to be calculated on the existing pay and not on maximum of the scale which may likely to give huge financial relief to BSNL. (6). CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimate: CHQ has brought to the notice of Secretary (Telecom) about the problems being faced by BSNL retired employees desirous to switch over to CGHS facilities. CHQ has also requested to make one-time payment of entire amount as advance to the optees to avoid delay in payment of reimbursement by BSNL. (7). Case of Shri S S Yadav, Retd JTO Nagpur regarding grant of notional promotion after its retirement on his acquittal from the charges in terms of DOP&T OM dated 25 January, 2016: CHQ has addressed DDG (Estt), DOT for early settlement. Various letters written by CHQ were on the issue were briefed to the members.Shri V W Patil, Vice President addressed the house and briefed the views of our association on various issues. Members were informed about the Notification issued by GS CHQ about holding of 2nd All India Conference of AIBSNLREA at Madurai on 12th and 13th November, 2019. Shri U B Nikose in his presidential speech appreciated the efforts of Nagpur Branch and GS CHQ. He also made a special appeal to increase the membership of the branch. S/Shri Bhola Kamble ACS MH State, N R Rachkondawar, B P Mazumdar, M R Shaikh, Vijay Khandave took sincere efforts for the grand success of the meeting which ended after vote of thanks to the chair and all participant members for attending the meeting in large numbers.
Quarterly GB Meeting of Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLEA was held on 21st July, 2019. The meeting started at 11 AM with Branch President Shri L M Godi on the chair who welcomed all the members including the new members who attended the meeting. 71 members participated in the meeting and 5 new members joined the Association. The House observed two minutes’ silence to pay homage to the veteran Leader and AGS of AICGPA, Pune. Then the new members S/Shri C. M. Urolagin, V. T. Divate, A. V. Sabrad from Kolhapur and Shri M. D. Yadav from Sangli and Shri P. A. Patil from Karad were welcomed by the President and Secretary. Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi then addressed the House and informed in detail the developments on revival of BSNL, revision of pay of the working employees and consequent revision of Pension, PCAT Case on pay/pension arears, revision of seniority as per Rule-206 on Supreme Court’s order and its likely effects. He also discussed about the issue of delinking of revision of Pension from the Pay revision of working BSNL employees being pursued by some Associations. He gave the latest status of issues that were taken up by the Branch as well as by CHQ. Other queries from the members were also replied. Shri S.G. Kanade, Sr. Member, gave a brief presentation on “misuse of WhatsApp“ by the users and their ill-effects. He also spoke on gender equality in the Society. He emphasized on the “STREE SHAKTI” in developed world – particularly in India with special references from history. Shri D.H. Hattalli, gave detailed information on CPMS and its implementation process for all Pensioners. He said that existing pensioner’s details will also be uploaded in CPMS in due course of time. Shri P.S. Kulkarni, Asst Branch Secretary gave details of the proposed tour program to ”Jog Falls and Goa” etc. President then informed the House that today’s Lunch has been hosted by Shri R.K. Savant. All members thanked him for this gesture. Finally, Shri Hattalli proposed Vote of Thanks and the meeting concluded at 14.00 hours.25.04.2019:
AIBSNLREA, Akola (MH) Branch held its General Body meeting on 22nd April 2019 at Conference Hall, O/O GM Telecom, BSNL Akola. Shri N.N. Ambatkar Akola presided over the meeting which was attended by 21 members. Shri A.G. Nema, Branch Secretary welcomed all the members present in the meeting. Branch Secretary also apprised about the latest scenario prevailing in BSNL in respect of revenue constraints. This has resulted in delay in clearing medical claims of retirees. Most of the members received medical claims up to 3 quarters of this financial year but there are some left out cases in which members are yet to receive payments. No member of Buldhana SSA could receive any amount since 2018-19. After persuasion, it was surprisingly revealed that the Account section of Buldhana SSA has not even prepared the Data-base pertaining to medical claims of retired employee. Branch Secretary is in constant touch with SSA head. This matter has also been informed to the State Secretary for further action. President Shri N.N. Ambatkar, who happens to be Organisational Secretary of MH Circle (East), in his address covered all the remaining points including pension revision issue. As the regular President of the Branch Shri V.V. Bhagat is not keeping in good health since long, Shri M.T. Mahalle Rtd. DGM Finance Circle Office was unanimously selected as additional President of this Branch. The meeting was adjourned with presentation of vote of thanks by the Branch Secretary.09.04.2019:
Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA held a quarterly GB Meeting on 7th April, 2019 with Shri GV Nanjangud, Vice-President on the Chair. Meeting started with prayer. 75 members were present and 7 new members joined the Association. President welcomed all the Members. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of Late Dr. Shivkumat Swamiji of Tumkur Karnataka, Shri George Fernandes, a Great Trade Union leader and former Union Minister and S/Shri DA Aironi, NC Jain, Org. Secretary of State Body. The house also mourned the demise of wife of Shri HG Joshi in February last. All the new members introduced themselves and were welcomed by the President and Secretary with presentation of flowers. Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi first greeted all the members on the eve of New Year Day Ugadi Padava. Then he reported the status of the 3rd PRC implementation by the DOT after the three-day strike by some unions and associations. He elaborated the action taken by these Unions/Associations-unions and their meetings with Minister and others, and the result thereof. He maintained that revision of pension after revision of Pay Scales of working Employees cannot be denied. But at this moment, we need to wait and watch. He added that BSNL CO has taken action to clear payment of majority of the pending Medical Bills of retired employees. He further said that rest of the pending bills are likely to be cleared in April. He said our Associations has also sent some proposals for review of BSNLMRS, but no action has so far been taken by BSNL CO. Regarding the status of our PCAT case was also informed the next hearing will be on 24th of April 2019. Regarding other issues like fixation of pension of some pensioners without an increment given on promotion under EPP, case of paying due annual increment to those who complete one full year of service but not were not in service on the day of issue of increment, he said that these are still under examination in DOT. Then Shri SG Kanade, a Sr. Member, gave a brief spiritual discourse on ‘MIND’. Shri PS Kulkarni and Mrs. Nadagouda PP shared their experience on their recent short trip to Dandeli.Thereafter, S/Shri Sandeep Swamy and Hemant, representatives from Quality Investment, Kolhapur, briefed the participants with detailed brochures on Sr. Citizens Tax Gain Schemes for saving the Tax for 2019-20 under some Mutual Funds. They also replied to the queries raised by the members.
The Branch Secretary informed the House that the Lunch for the day has been sponsored by Shri A D Joshi from Sangli on the happy occasion of his Daughters marriage solemnized in January. All the members blessed the couple and thanked him. Shri PS Kulkarni Asst. Secretary, while presenting Vote of Thanks informed the house that a short trip is being arranged in rainy season this year and requested all to participate.
East Vidarbha Branch (Nagpur) of AIBSNLREA held its Bi annual Meeting at Amenity Hall CTO Compound Nagpur on Sunday, the 10th February 2019. Shri U B Nikose presided over the meeting. Shri P R Bhujbal CHQ Vice President along with Shri N G Talewar Vice President MH circle, Arun Deshpande Branch Secretary and V W Patil, B D Nikam Vice president, and B P Mazumdar were on the dais. At the start of the meeting, homage was paid to the departed members of Nagpur Branch and also their family members. Shri Arun Deshpande, Branch Secretary briefed the house about the activities of Nagpur Branch and status of current membership strength, CHQ quotas and contributions paid for court case was also reported. Shri V W Patil, Vice President welcomed all the newly enrolled members and briefed the house about SAMPANN. Whatever CHQ queries were raised regarding the implementation of SAMPANN were addressed by DOT. Shri P R Bhujbal, Vice President CHQ addressed the gathering. He welcomed and congratulated all the life members of the Nagpur Branch in the first meeting of New Year 2019.Afterwards status of OA filed in Pr CAT New Delhi (As on 5-2-2019) for payment of denied pension/pay arrears and other pensionary benefits to BSNL pensioners retired between 1.1.2007 to 9.6.2013, after making attempts to file writ petition in Supreme court/and High Court new Delhi was highlighted before the house. He made strong appeal to all left out members in association to pay contribution on priority to build strong financial base to support the court case .As the case is filed on representative capacity, benefit of judgments, as and when delivered, will be automatically extended to all affected members. Impact of order by Chandigarh CAT on the OA filed by some individual BSNL post 2007 pensioners seeking relief were highlighted to the members. Other important issues taken by GS CHQ and its current status were briefed to the members. Views of CHQ and our stand on Revision of pay scales of the serving BSNL executives in terms of DPE order dated 3.8.2017 following the acceptance of 3rd PRC recommendation and so called delinking of BSNL pension revision from Pay revision of BSNL employees and further revision of pension as per 7th CPC benefit were discussed at length. In this regard, letters issued by the DOT to BSNL management and also the letter from DOP&W to DOT on the subject were briefed to the members.
In view of the constitution of the Committee to revise BSNL Medical policy to make it more sustainable irrespective of financial condition of the organization, all members were requested to submit their suggestions to G S CHQ at the earliest.
In the light of few complaints received from affected BSNL retired executives, retired during “July-2017 to April,2018”, regarding denial of benefit of extra increment by Pr CCA Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai to the officers on their post-based promotion under BSNL EPP, he assured to take up the issue again with GS CHQ to give justice. BSNL retired officers expressed their anguish over the CGMT MH circle Mumbai order dated 7th July,2018, regarding 12.5% cut in the medical out door claims with vouchers in case medicines were not purchased from the stores not allowing 12.5% discount. All members drawing medical claims from MH Circle only are sufferer. It was assured to the members to write GS CHQ on the burning issue.
Shri U B Nikose in his presidential speech appreciated the efforts of Nagpur Branch and CHQ. He also made a special appeal to increase the membership of the branch. Shri Bhola Kamble ACS MH circle, N R Rachkondawar, B P Mazumdar, M R Shaikh took sincere efforts for the grand success of the occasion. Eight new members were enrolled.
Meeting ended after vote of thanks to the chair and all participant members for attending the meeting in large numbers.
A General Body Meeting of Mumbai Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 20.01.2019 at 14:00hrs in A.O. Hall % DELD Thane in Tekadi Bungalow with Shri N.K. Devassy, Vice President of the branch on the chair. There was very good gathering in spite of mega block of rail. Shri S.P. Varma, Branch Secretary requested all the members to observe 2 minutes silence to pay homage to the departed members. President N.K. Devassy welcomed the members and briefly addressed the house.Shri S.P. Varma, Branch Secretary then read out minutes of the last General Body Meeting which was passed unanimously. He informed the House that this meeting is delayed due to non-availability of the hall due to some religious festivals and many of the members being out of Mumbai. He informed the House about the status of court case on pay and pension arrears issue and 3rd PRC implementation. Members expressed their unhappiness on BSNL management for not implementing recommendations of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit. He also requested the members to participate in large numbers in proposed picnic programme being arranged by the Branch from 3rd March 2019 to 14th March 2019. He replied all the questions raised by the members. Members were quite unhappy for not getting payment of their medical and telephone bills since a long time. He informed the house that fund is not being allotted by BSNL and CHQ has already taken up and pursuing the case. He informed the house about objections raised by CGMM Office for Medical Bills of S.N. Varma who had to undergo By-pass surgery of heart at Noida. It was decided to take up the matter at the appropriate level. He appealed to all the members to donate for court case filed by C.H.Q. and get more retired executives enrolled as Life members of Mumbai Branch.
Shri S. R. Yadav presented vote of thanks. He gave special thanks to Shri S.I. Tarnal for making all the arrangements for this meeting which concluded at 16.45 hours.
Quarterly General Body meeting of Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 07.01.2019 with Shri L M Godi, President on the Chair. 75 members were present and 6 new members joined the Association. Meeting started with prayer and President welcomed all the Members. Members first paid tribute to the departed members S/Shri D R Vedante, from Kolhapur and P L Mantri from Satara who left for their heavenly abode in last October 2018. The House also mourned the sad demise of Shri B V Patil’s wife in November last. Then all the new members introduced themselves and were warmly welcomed by President and Secretary with presentation of flower bouquets. Then President briefly touched the issues that are concerned to the general members i.e. new IDA of 3.2% wef 1 1 2019 and Medical Allowance and asked Secretary to elaborate the same. Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi first mentioned about 17th December 2018, which was the Pensioners’ Day. He gave a brief narration of the historical Judgment in 1982 in commonly known “Nakara Judgment” and mentioned about the involved petitioners and Judges who delivered this Judgment in favor of lakhs of Pensioners of India and the effects of the Judgment in day to day life of the pensioners. He saluted on behalf the House those pensioners and Judges who laid the stone for today’s happy retired life of numerous pensioners in India. He gave the status of the 3rd PRC and its implementation by the DOT and the actions of the working as well as retired employees Associations. He thoroughly discussed both the views in circulation on revision of pension i.e. revision of pay scales of working BSNL employees/Executives and thereafter its consequent effect on revision of pension, and the other idea of delinking Pension revision from pay scale revision of BSNL Employees further allowing pension revision as per VII CPC recommendations for CG employees/Pensioners. Members’ queries were also replied to their satisfaction. Detail information on “SAMPANN” the ambitious plan on Comprehensive Pension Management System for providing better service to DOT/BSNL Pensioners was also briefed. Members were further informed about the status of payment of Medical Bills and Fixed Allowance. Regarding the status of our PCAT case, it was informed the next date of hearing is fixed to be on 23rd of January 2019. Then Shri S G Kanade, a Sr. Members gave a brief presentation on the effects of excessive use of Smart Mobile Phones by the members of Family. He gave the examples how the Family fabric of “SANVAD” has affected and continue to affect till it breaks for ever, if not controlled and managed by individuals and head of the families. In fact, excessive use of anything is always bad, he said. Then Shri P S Kulkarni Asst. Secretary informed that the day’s Lunch, after the meeting, is sponsored by Shri C A Kulkarni on the happy occasion of his son’s marriage held in December 2018. All members congratulated and wished the couple. He also said about tour that was being planned in February and asked the members to participate. Shri N C Jain, while giving Vote of thanks to the new members for joining the Association and others for making the meeting a successful one, gave a few simple TIPs for good health in day to day life and requested them to follow the same. The meeting concluded with Lunch at 1400Hrs.11.10.2018:
Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA held its quarterly GB Meeting on 7.10.2018 with Shri L M Godi, Branch President on the chair. After prayer, the President welcomed all the old and new members and gave a brief account of the developments taking place during the past quarter. The House observed two minutes silence in memory of former Prime Minister of India Bharatratna Shri Atal Bihari Vajapaye, former LS Speaker Shri Somanath Chatterjee, hundreds of people who lost their lives in the unprecedented severe flood in Kerala and other states, Shri Tansen Thanekar, Life Member of the Branch, S/Shri P K Mohanty and A B Patel, State Secretary of AIBSNLREA, Odisha State and Gujarat State Branch respectively. Eighty members attended the meeting and five new members joined the Association who were welcomed with presentation of bouquets. Senior members S/Shri B T Gondhali, and V C Patavardhan, both from Sangli, were felicitated on their completion of 75 years of age by Shri S V Kumhar on behalf of the Branch with presentation of Shawl, Shriphal, and bouquet.Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi then presented detailed information on the issues like 3rd PRC, PCAT Case on pay/pension arrears issue, BSNL MR issues, settlement of Bills, status of action taken by Local Branch and GS, availability of CGHS facility, Grievance Cell for BSNL Pensioners, DOT’s Pension payment policy, Disciplinary cases against retired Staff, revision of seniority list of JTOs and consequential its likely effects and approach of AIBSNLRERA on this issue etc. After this, Members raised so many doubts about some issues which were answered replied to their satisfaction.
Thereafter, a sponsored program on Quality Investments, Awareness on Investment in Mutual Funds-Reliance etc. was conducted. Shri Kapil Powar, gave brief presentation on this subject and highlighted the benefits of the Scheme comparing normal FDs in Banks etc. Members freely interacted with him and got cleared their doubts. Finally, Shri P S Kulkarni presented vote of thanks to all the members including the newly enrolled members and M/s Quality Investment and Reliance for their gesture in sponsoring the program. Meeting concluded after Lunch at 14.00Hrs.
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Mumbai Branch was held on 05.09.2018 at 14:00 hrs in the Conference Hall of Telephone House, Prabhadevi, Mumbai under the chairmanship of Branch President Shri U.A Tiwari. The House first observed two minutes silence to pay homage to former Prime Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and hundreds of people who lost their lives in Kerala and other states due to the devastating flood. The President welcomed all the members and gave some valuable information. He explained in detail about medical facility to BSNL employees and revision of seniority list.Branch Secretary S.P. Varma welcomed State President Shri Vasudeva and Shri Luptuke for enrolling himself as Life Member with Mumbai Branch. Branch Secretary read out the Minutes of last G.B. meeting which was passed without any alteration. He explained in detail about the status of Court case on pay/pension arrears issue and 3rd PRC. He replied to all the questions and doubts raised by the members. BSNL has issued an order for Revision of Seniority List of TES Group B Officers as per Para 206. Our Association has written a letter to extend consequential benefits to one and all. He also added that lot of information are missing in the list. Names of so many members are also missing. It will take some time to correct them.
State President Shri Vasudeva also addressed the House. He informed about all the developments at Circle and CHQ level. He advised the members to switch over to C.G.H.S scheme for Medical facility to avoid complications. Shri Devassy presented Vote of Thanks and thereafter the meeting came to a close.
AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha Branch Nagpur celebrated its 10thAnniversary Day on Monday, the 20th August.2018 Dr Ambedkar Hall, Nagpur. Shri U B Nikose presided over the meeting .Shri A R Savatkar Retired PGM(Mobile) graced the occasion as Chief Guest . Shri P R Bhujbal CHQ Vice President along with S/Shri N G Talewar Vice President MH circle, Arun Deshpande Branch Secretary and V W Patil Sr member, were on the Dias. In the beginning, the Chief Guest and others garlanded the portrait of Bharat Ratna Dr Bababasaheb Ambedekar and afterwards tribute was paid to Late Prime Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, victims of Kerala floods, and the departed members of the Branch and their family members.Shri V W patil felicitated the Chief Guest by presenting shawl, shreefal and bouquet. Other dignitaries on the Dias were also welcomed by presenting bouquet. On this occasion, the seniors members in the age group of above 75years were felicitated by presenting shawl, shreefal and bouquets. Shri Arun Deshpande Branch Secretary, briefed the house about the Nagpur Branch since its formation in August, 2008. Key role played by various retired officers in formation of branch at Nagpur was reported. Number of issues and grievances of the members mainly related to pending payment of medical claims, pension revision cases taken with SSA head, CCA MH, CHQ were discussed in the house. Status of current membership, CHQ quota, and contribution paid for court case were also reported by him.
Shri P R Bhujbal Vice President CHQ addressed the gathering. He welcomed and congratulated the members on the occasion of 10th Anniversary Day of Nagpur Branch and narrated the history of AIBSNLREA CHQ since its formal launching in April, 2008 and its registration under Societies Registration Act 1860 on 29th August, 2014 after 6 years long struggle. Sincere efforts taken by GS CHQ to redress the grievances of BSNL retired executives were highlighted. He mainly focused the issues taken by CHQ regarding applicability of modified provisions in CCS Pension rules 1972 to BSNL retired employees in terms of 6th Pay commission benefit to CG employees/pensioners wef 1.1.2006, Revision of IDA pension of Pre2007 BSNL pensioners consequent on revision of IDA pay scales of working BSNL employees with 68.8 % DA merging as per IInd PRC w.e.f. 1.1.2007, subsequent IDA pension revision of BSNL pensioners retired prior to 10.6.2013, with modified fitment method with 78.2% IDA merging, extension of CGHS facility to BSNL retired employees, and the important resolutions passed in AIC at Bhubaneswar held in July, 2016. Afterwards, status of OA filed in Pr CAT New Delhi for payment of denied pension/pay arrears and other pensionary benefits to BSNL pensioners w.e.f 1.1.2007 to 9.6.2013 after making attempts to file writ petition in Supreme court/and High Court New Delhi was highlighted before the house. He made earnest appeal to all members of the association to pay contribution on priority for court case being listed before Pr CAT New Delhi on 11 October, 2018. As the case is filed on representative capacity, benefit of judgments if and when ordered will be automatically extended to all affected members.
Shri A R Savatkar Chief Guest addressed the house. He welcomed and congratulated all the retired BSNL officers participating in the meeting on this occasion. He patiently listened the issues and grievances of the BSNL pensioners. He expressed his views regarding the growth of BSNL Company in the present fierce competition. He made fervent appeal to all retired BSNL officers to share their experiences in public for attraction of customers towards BSNL Company. He shared his experience about BSNL Company which always provided good services to the public during natural calamities and disasters. He cited the case of recent disaster in Kerala state due to severe flood. Shri U B Nikose in his presidential speech welcomed the newly enrolled members and requested all to enroll as many members as they can.
S/Shri V W Patil, N R Rachkondawa, B P Mazumdar, N G Talewar, Bhola Kamble and others took pains for the grand success of the occasion.
Shri Bhola Kamble ACS MH State extended vote of thanks to the Chief Guest Shri A R Savatkar Retd PGM(Mob), Management body of the DR Ambedekar Hall and all participant members for attending the meeting in large numbers despite heavy rains in the city on the day. After this, the meeting concluded.
Quarterly General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, Kolhapur Branch was held on 24th June, 2018 with Shri L.M. Godi, President, in the Chair. Meeting started with the Prayer. President welcomed the old and new members and gave brief of the developments during the past quarter including that of the 1st State Conference at Kolhapur. During the meeting, 10 new members joined the Association and 65 members attended the meeting. All the new members introduced themselves and were welcomed by the President and Secretary Shri D.K. Joshi with presentation of bouquet. Shri S.K. Kulkarni, a Senior Member who completed 75 Years was felicitated by the Branch with presentation of Shawl, Shriphal, and bouquet by Shri P.Y. Patil Sr. Memebr of the Branch. Shri Kulkarni expressed his thanks for the love and felicitation and wished the Association. Then President read out the message received from another Sr. Member Shri Kanade, congratulating the Asst. Secretary Shri P.S. Kulkarni, who successfully conducted the 1st State conference in a very Grand manner. Other members also highly appreciated his stewardship and zeal for the cause of such memorable conference in Kolhapur. Then Secretary Shri D.K.Joshi, gave the detailed account of the issues of Revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners in line with CG Pensioners, 3rd PRC Status, Status of our HC case of Payment of Arrears of Pay, Pension etc consequent upon merger of 78.2%IDA and other developments, payment of Medical Allowance, CGHS Facility for BSNL Employees and recent developments in respect of payment for taking treatment in any Registered Hospital consequent upon recent SC judgment. Members opined that the every time problem of “affordability clause by DPE and delay in revision of Pay scales of working BSNL employees and consequent delay in revision of Pension of BSNL Pensioner should be strongly dealt with. After this, the Secretary submitted his Review Report as part of the G.B. Meeting high lighting the activities, achievements and failures of last 4 years which was then passed. The Financial Report was also submitted, which was also passed.Then President, on behalf the Executive Body thanked the house for their cooperatio0n in running Association for the last 4 years. Branch Secretary also spoke on similar lines. Then Shri P.Y. Patil and Shri A.K. Kulkarni were nominated as Election officer and Astt. Election Officer respectively. House was dissolved. Elections were conducted by the Election officers and a new body was elected unanimously. On behalf of the newly elected Body, the Secretary thanked the members for reposing their confidence and assured that new body will continue to work for the welfare of the members with more zeal and selflessly work to protect their interest.
Then Shri N.C. Jain, State Org. Secretary, presented vote of thanks and the President declared conclusion of the meeting. Meeting ended after Lunch at 2 PM.
New Executive Body: President: Shri L M Godi, Vice President: ShriG V Nanjangud, Secretary: Shri D K Joshi Asst. Secretary: ShriP S Kulkarni, Finance Secretary: Shri C S Walke, Asst. Finance Secretary: Shri R G Desai, Executive Members: S/Shri B G Anagolkar, Omprakash Chillal, S G Mendigeri, R G Kale, B B Buchade and Smt Rashmi Powar.
Representatives of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch comprising of S/Shri U B Nikose President, V W Patil Vice President, Bhola Kamble, Asst State Secretary, Maharashtra, N R Rachkondawar, Asst Branch Secretary, B P Mazumdar Financial Secretary and V P Jadhav met Shri A K Bachpai, PGMT Nagpur on 30-05-2018. Shri U B Nikose presented a bouquet to the PGMT and following issues were mainly discussed: (1). Inordinate delay in payment of medical allowance to the BSNL pensioners who opted for BSNLMRS without vouchers facility for FY 2017-2018. Even after the end of financial year most of the pensioners have not received payment for even for the first two quarters. (2). Delay in payment of medical reimbursement bills for the outdoor treatment with vouchers for the FY 2017-2018. (3). Non-revision of pension with 78.2% benefit fitment wef 1st January, 2007 - Case of Smt S M Pannu Retd AGM Nagpur. DGM Finance along with AGM (Admn) were present in the meeting. PGMT suitably instructed DGM Fin and AGM Admn to take remedial steps to resolve the issues. Representatives of the Association also requested to open Grievance Cell at Nagpur to take care of the BSNL retired employees in the light of BSNL CO order dated 22.5.2018. PGMT assured to open the Grievances Cell at Nagpur with immediate effect. The representatives of the Branch Association thanked the PGM and other officers present in the meeting for the assurances to resolve the issues raised.30.03.2018:
Maharashtra State Branch of AIBSNLREA held its first State Conference on 25th and 26th March, 2018 at Pavilionn Hotel, Kolhapur. The pre State Conference Executive Committee meeting was held on 25th March 2018 at 16.00 Hrs under the chairmanship of Shri Vasudev, State President and in the presence of CHQ Office bearers S/Shri P R Bhujbal, CHQ Vice-President, Asst. General Secretary Shri S. Ratnsubramaniam and Jt. Secretary Shri D K Joshi. Nine Branches viz. Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Warhda, Parabhani, Akola, Yevatmal, Amaravati, and Kolhpur were represented. In the State Executive Meet, the Secretary, Conference Committee Shri PS Kulkarni welcomed all the Office bearers of CHQ and the State and also the delegates from the Branches with presentation of Bouquet and flowers. Total 54 delegates attended the Conference. After self-introduction by the delegates, the Branch Secretaries presented their reports on Branch activities. Thereafter, Report of the State secretary and Statement of Accounts presented by State Financial Secretary were placed before the S.E.C. and were passed by the Committee. This meeting was finally addressed by Shri S. Ratnasubramanian, AGS on issues like 3rd PRC Report, status of Revision of Pay scales of BSNL Employees and revision of pension of absorbed BSNL pensioners. His address was very informative and exhaustive. Branch Secretaries and others were fully satisfied with the replies given supported by facts and rules during the Question-Answer session. The Meeting concluded with vote of thanks by the Host Branch at 20.30 Hours.Program for 26th March 2018 started in the same venue with a soft presentation on “Opportunities of Invests for the Senior Citizens, sponsored by M/s Quality Investments, Kolhapur at 10 00 Hrs. This hour long program, various opportunities, present benefits, assured regular Dividends and safety of the Fund were highlighted. Program ended with Vote of thanks presented by Shri P S Kulkarni, Secretary, Conference Committee. Then at 11.00 hours, Open Session started with Shri Vasudev, in the Chair. Program started with “Lighting of Auspicious Lamp” at the Hands of Shri S.Ratnsubrmanian AGS, and others on dais. Then Shri L M Godi, President of Host Branch welcomed all the dignitaries on the dais, the delegates, Office Bearers of sister Associations and the members of host branch who attended in large Numbers. All Dignitaries were felicitated by presentation of Bouquets by host branch Members. In his opening address, the State President Shri Vasudev highlighted the present role of AIBSNLREA among the BSNL Pensioners Associations as well as its strength and spread in the country. State Secretary Shri V G Dakhode presented his Key Note address narrating the activities of the State Branch and other issues. Then Host Branch took the opportunity to felicitate its Senior Members. S/Shri M K Walvekar, S V Kumbhar, B M Bagwan, P Y Patil, S G Gokakar, B R Kulkarni, R R Ingale, completing 75 years and more in age, with presentation of Shawl, Shri Phal and Bouquets at the hands of CHQ and State office Bearers. Branch President and Branch Secretary wished them best wishes for long life and good health. They also expressed sincere thanks for rich tradition of the Branch membership in honoring the Elders.
Then Asst. General Secretary. Shri S Ratnasubramanian addressed the House on various important issues concerning the pensioners in general and members of the Association in particular. He touched upon the issue of 3rd PRC Report and its status, DOT’s delayed actions and consequent delay in revision of pension. He quoted relevant rules and provisions in law and also stated that the issue the will be resolved soon by DOT. He also dealt with the Court Case on pay/pension arrears that was filed in Supreme Court and the one being filed in High Court and also dwelled on the propaganda of other organizations and their questionable stand and propositions on the issues and actions taken by AIBSNLREA. He also discussed other issues regarding Medical Allowance, extension of CGHS scheme and action taken by our Association on the various other issues. Then he told the members that on any problems they are free to write to him through e-mail and get the authentic reply within couple of days. He concluded his speech by thanking for inviting him to attend Conference and also providing an opportunity for the interaction with the members. The President then declared closure of the Open session. This Session was attended by about 140 members from the host branch and the delegates from the Branches.
After Lunch, again a special interaction session was conducted with AGS allowing all members and office-bearers to clear their doubts. The AGS replied to each and every points raised and the members were fully satisfied by the replies that they received. The House then was dissolved for electing a new State Body for the next term. The new Body was unanimously elected with following Office bearers under the supervision of Shri S.Ratnsubramanian, AGS who was nominated to conduct the election:-
1. President: Shri Vasudev,
2. Vice-President: Shri N G Talewar, Shri P S Kulkarni
3. State Secreatry: Shri V G Dakhode
4. Finance Secretary: Shri M Z Shinde
5. Auditor : Shri V W Patil.
Thereafter, the Conference came to an end. View the Photographs
The bi-annual General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch was held on Sunday, the 25th February, 2018 at Amenity Block, CTO Compound Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Shri U B Nikose, President of the Branch. After paying tributes to the departed members/family members, Shri Arun Deshpande, Branch Secretary welcomed all the life members and also the newly enrolled life members. House welcomed Shri S. V Katkar Retired CAO (Pension), Mumbai who shared the Dias as a Special Guest. The Branch Secretary briefed the house regarding the various issues being dealt at local level. He narrated regarding the meetings held with Sr GMTD, CCA and DAP Nagpur for settlement of pending pension revision cases and clearance of medical reimbursement bills.Shri P R Bhujbal, CHQ Vice President addressed the gathering. He mainly briefed about the efforts to file the Writ Petition by our Association directly in the Honorable Supreme Court of India to get the pay and pension arrears w.e.f 1.1.2007 to the absorbed BSNL pensioners in the matter of fixation of pay/pension/family pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% IDA. After hearing the counsel on 5.2.2018, Leave and liberty was granted by Supreme Court of India, as prayed for by our counsel. As the association now decided to approach the High Court under Article 226 of the constitution of India, it may take some more days to complete the due formalities and file the case. He also made appeal to all left out members who are yet to make contribution, to pay the same at the earliest. Regarding the status of 3rd PRC and pension revision, the members were explained the position in detail. He explained that without pay revision, there cannot be any pension revision as per the law of the land. In spite of the ‘affordability’ clause in the OM of DPE dated 3.8.2017, the proposal for pay scale revision of the BSNL Executives in the line of 3rd PRC recommendations, duly approved by the BSNL Board, with certain suggestions to meet the additional financial impact, was already sent to DOT for final approval. Some key issues taken up by GS CHQ viz Irrational Payment of Pension Contribution to DOT in respect of permanently absorbed BSNL and MTNL employees under FR-116, and Wrong fixation of Revised pension of the absorbed BSNL pensioners with 78.2% IDA benefit by Few CCA’s in BSNL, Review of existing ceiling limit of outdoor medical treatment without Vouchers to the retired BSNL employees and other correspondences made by GS were also explained.
Shri S V Kate Rtd CAO (Pension), Mumbai shared his experience on the incorrect IDA pension revision cases/provisional pension cases under Rule 69 of CCS pension rules(1972) being sent to CCA office by the SSA units. Members of the Branch gave special thanks to Mr S V Kate for his cooperation to association.
S/Shri N G Talewar, State Vice President, B M Mazumdar Finance Secretary, V V Khandve, V W Patil, Vice President, Bhola Kamble, Asst Secretary, M R Sheikh, Bhattacharya took special efforts for the success of the meeting. The meeting concluded after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri N R Rachkondawar, Asst Secretary.
AIBSNLREA Akola Branch (Maharashtra State) held its General Body meeting on 19th February 2018 at Conference Hall, O/O GM Telecom, BSNL Akola. Shri N.N. Ambatkar Rtd. DE Akola presided over the meeting. 20 members were present in the meeting. Shri A.G. Nema Branch Secretary welcomed all the members present in the meeting. One new member, Shri R.S. Tathod Ex. SDE Buldhana joined as a new member and thus membership of Akola Branch went up to 59. The house welcomed the new member. Branch Secretary apprised about the latest position of 3rd PRC issue. Branch Secretary appealed all members to liberally contribute as donation for fighting the legal case to get arrears and other benefits in case of 78.2% IDA merger issue. This matter was discussed at length and the house was intimated that the branch has already sent Rs. 20000/- to CHQ for this issue. Additional amount of Rs. 3000/- was collected in the meeting for the legal case. In respect of voucher-less medical payment, there was strong resentment in the members for no payment made till date. Before commencement of the meeting Branch Secretary met the concern SSA Accounts and HR authorities, who assured to send the online information, shortly to Circle office. It had been resolved in the meeting that a letter in this respect has to be addressed to the GMT Akola. The GB also selected following members as delegates to attend the State conference to be held at Kolhapur on 25th/26th March 2018 :- 1) A.G. Nema 2) S.S. Unhale 3) N.N. Ambatkar 4) W.R. Bombatkar 5) D.N. Amrutkar and 6) V.B. Deshmukh. The meeting was adjourned after vote of thanks was presented by Branch Secretary.14.01.2018:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch (Maharashtra State) was held under the Chairmanship of Shri R. W. Tidke, President of the Branch, at 1400 hrs. of 5th January 2018 at the Conference hall of G. M. Telecom , BSNL, Amravati. The meeting was attended by 26 members of the Branch along with Shri V.G.Dakhode, State Secretary AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State. The Branch Secretary Shri D. V. Rokade and President Shri R.W.Tidke, informed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting held in September, 2017. They elaborated the developments in respect of revised medical option and gave the latest status regarding the progress of medical facility without vouchers. Shri V. G. Dakhode, State Secretary, AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State discussed about the latest position of the Court Case. Also discussed about the 3rd PRC developments and highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State and All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. The meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks presented by Shri M.Z.Shinde, Financial Secretary of the Branch.27.12.2017:
General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Mumbai Branch was held on 16.12.2017 at 14.00 hrs in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Bldg, Fort Mumbai with Shri U.A Tiwari on the chair. President welcomed all the members present in the meeting and gave detailed information about our writ Petition on pay and pension arrears and 7th Pay Commission. Branch Secretary S.P. Varma welcomed State President Shri Vasudeva and all other members for attending the meeting. He informed the house in detail about our writ Petition. He presented a break up of Expenditure uptill now for filling writ Petition by C.H.Q. He informed the house that more financial support is required for our court case. Fund collected till now is not sufficient and requested members to donate generously for Legal fund and convey this message to those members who are not present in this meeting. He informed the house in detail about 3rd PRC. He informed that BSNL has proposed for implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations with 15% fitment benefit on Basic + D.A. He also informed the house that tour/picnic arranged by AIBSNLREA Mumbai branch in Nov. 2017 w.e.f. 10.11.2017 to 20.11.2017 for Shanti Niketan, Navdeep, Urakku was very comfortable & Economic. Shri Vasudeva, State President also addressed the house. He specially requested the house for mobilizing legal fund. Shri Devassy presented vote of thanks and the meeting concluded at 16:30 hrs.29.11.2017:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Ahmednagar Branch (Maharashtra State) was held under the Chairmanship of Shri V.R. Pawar, President of the Branch on 29th October, 2017 at Private Hall on Pipeline Road, Ahmednagar. Following the sudden expiry of the Branch Finance Secretary Shri S N Khirsagar, the Branch unanimously elected Shri S.N. Nimbalkar as the Finance Secretary of the Branch. The meeting was attended by 10 members of the Branch. Shri, D. A. Bhadange, Branch Secretary and Shri V.R. Pawar, Branch President informed the house about the developments taken place on various points. They elaborated details of the developments on the issue of revision of Pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% of IDA and gave the latest status regarding the progress of pension revision work. It was informed to the house that almost all Pension revision cases in respect of executives are complete and sent by CCA Nagpur to the respective Post offices and Banks. Most of the executives are in receipt of arrears also. It was informed by two members who are receiving their pension from the post office Ahmednagar they are getting their D A payment very late. The issue regarding 3rd PRC Report and subsequent developments were also briefly discussed. They also highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State and All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied.01.11.2017:
Quarterly GB meeting of Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 29th October 2017 under the chairmanship of Shri L M Godi, Branch President. He welcomed all the old and new members present in the meeting and also gave a brief account of the developments taken place during the past quarter. Total 64 members attended the GB, out of which 9 were new members - 2 from Satara, 1 from Ratnagiri , 1from Bangaluru and 5 from Kolhapur. All the new members introduced themselves and were welcomed by the President and Secretary by presentation of Bouquet.Then Org. Secretary Shri N C Jain, gave details of the State Executive Committee meeting of the State Branch held in Shegaon in last September. He also touched briefly the issues of pension revision, 3rd PRC etc. He requested the members to discuss about holding of proposed 1st State Conference of Maharashtra State Branch in Kolhapur since it came up for discussion in the last SEC. Shri D K Joshi, Branch Secretary gave a detailed account of the issues like Revision of pension with fitment benefit by merger 78.2% IDA and its status, 3rd PRC and the confusions that are in the minds of the members, and also the issues that have been taken up by CHQ. He dealt in length about the preparation for filling a Petition in Hon’ble SC on the injustice meted out to the BSNL pensioners by denying the due benefits out of revision of Pension with 78.2% IDA merger. Regarding local issues like payment of pending medical bills and Medical Allowance, he reported that action has already been taken at local and Circle CGM level. S/Shri L K Magdum, S G Kanade, B B Buchade also spoke on the issue and raised some points. Branch Secretary gave satisfactory reply to them. He also appealed to the members for generous donation for the Court case and also for other organizational purpose. He assured, on some members’ query, that their donation will be very judiciously utilized for welfare of the members both at CHQ and Local level.
Then Shri Abhay Naagar, Regional Manager, HDFC Mumbai, who sponsored the meeting, addressed the members. A well informative and narrative presentation was given by him on the various aspects of earning, saving, and Wealth creation. His tailor made presentation especially for the Senior Citizens was liked by the members. He highlighted about the HDFC Mutual Funds and other schemes too for better saving in the present scenario for effective returns. He also cleared some doubts of members on MF savings. The Shri P Y Patil, a senior member, expressed sincere thanks to him on behalf of the members and presented a bouquet for his useful presentation, Shri Naagar also thanked all the members for attending in large numbers. The meeting was concluded after the Lunch hosted by HDFC, Kolhapur.
Mumbai Branch held its Conference on 22.09.2017 at 11:15 hours in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Building, Mumbai. There was very good gathering instead of heavy rain & interrupted train services. President Shri K.R. Gupta welcomed all the members and requested the members to observe 2 minutes silence in memory of the departed members. After self-introduction by the members, Secretary Shri S.P.Varma read out the minutes of last General body meeting which was passed unanimously. He informed the house about all the issues discussed in State Executive Committee meeting held at Shegaon on 12th sept 2017. He discussed in detail about the action taken by the Association on pay/pension arrears issue and requested the members to contribute for seeking legal remedy on pay/pension arrears issue and also donate AIBSNLREA CHQ. He welcomed Shri Vasudeva, State President and Shri R. Jeyram, DGM Mtce Mumbai for attending meeting. Shri Vasudeva addressed the house and informed in detail about the deliberations in the last State Executive Committee meeting and also 3rd Pay Revision Committee recommendations. He also gave a few tips for yoga. Afterwards, the old body was dissolved and Shri Vasudeva was nominated to conduct the election of new Branch Office bearers. Following were elected unanimously for various posts:- President:-Shri U.A. Tiwari, Vice Presidents: Shri N. K. Devassy and Smt Vijayalekshmi Menon, Branch Secretary: Shri S P Varma, Jt Secretaries: S/Shri S.R. Yadav and Smt.Raji Radhakrishnan, Finance Secretary: Shri S.N. Varma, Executives: S/Shri A.B. Ansari, Mrs. Padmavathi Madhur and Shri V.R. Monkikar, Internal Auditor:- Miss Jyoti Shah.15.09.2017:
The bi-annual General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch was held on Sunday, the 17th September, 2017 at Amenity Block, CTO Compound Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Shri U B Nikose President of the Branch. After paying tributes to the departed members /family members, Shri Bhola Kamble, Asst Branch Secretary welcomed all the life members and also the newly enrolled life members. Shri Arun Deshpande, Branch Secretary briefed the house regarding the efforts being taken by Nagpur Branch to resolve the issues of pending pension revision cases in the office of the CCA Nagpur and settlement of pending MRS bills in SSA Nagpur. He extended special thanks to GS CHQ for his persistence efforts for effective implementation of pending pension revision cases of BSNL pensioners in Maharashtra Circle. Shri N G Talewar Vice President, Maharashtra State Branch addressed the house and briefed the members about the major events taken place in the first State Executives Committee meeting of the Maharashtra State Branch held at Shegaon on 12th September,2017. Shri P R Bhujbal, CHQ Vice President mainly highlighted the legal remedy being sought in the Apex Court to get the injustice meted out to the absorbed BSNL pensioners and even those still in service in the matter of fixation of their pay/pension/family pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2%IDA w.e.f. 01-01-2007. Petitioner in this case will be Association and Others on representative capacity. Relief will be prayed for all similarly placed persons. He also briefed about the DPE Office Memorandum dated 3/8/2017 notifying the revised pay scales for the CPSEs Executives as per 3rd PRC recommendations. Affordability conditions in the OM for implementation of the revised pay scales was also discussed. The proposal for pay revision of BSNL executives will be put up before the BSNL Board after clearance by the management Committee of BSNL. Finally Department of Telecommunications shall issue the administrative order. It was categorically mentioned that without pay revision of the serving BSNL employees, the pension/family revision of the absorbed BSNL pensioners/family pensioners cannot take place in view the Supreme Court decision that there shall be no difference in pension between past and future pensioners which has become the law of the land. GS CHQ is strictly keeping vigil on this key issue. Finally he appealed to all members and well wishers to come forward and pay liberal contribution on receiving the pension revision arrears and seeking legal remedy to get the denied benefits in the wider interest of BSNL pensioners.14 new life members joined the Nagpur Branch of the Association taking the total membership to 348 as on day of meeting. S/Shri B P Mazumdar Finance Secretary, V V Khandve, V W Patil Vice President, B D Nikam, Vice President, M R Sheikh, Tumramkar, A K Bhattacharya and others took sincere efforts for the success of the meeting which concluded after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri U B Nikose, President.
First State Executive Committee Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State Branch was held on 12th September, 2017 at Shegaon, in Buldhana District. All Branches except Ahmednagar Branch were represented. Shri R.W.Tidke, President, AIBSNLREA Amravati Branch presided over the meeting. CHQ Vice president Shri P.R.Bhujbal and Joint Secretary Shri D.K.Joshi represented CHQ. After welcoming all the participants and others, the House observed silence for one minute to pay homage to the souls of the departed members. Shri D V Rokade, Branch Secretary, Amravati said in his brief introductory speech that due to sudden demise of President Shri P.C.Dubey, the post of State President is now vacant along with the post of State Finance Secretary which are now to be filled up. The participants then introduced themselves to each other. The Branch Secretaries thereafter submitted reports covering the points regarding membership, remittance of CHQ quota, collection for legal fund and donation along with problems of the members of their Branches. Most of the branches pointed out about non-payment of outdoor medical claims and non-receipt of revised PPOs and arrears. State Secretary in his report appealed for enrolling new members, remit legal funds and donations to CHQ to enable the Association to move forward. He stated that with the initiative of Shri Bhujbal, Vice President of AIBSNLREA, CHQ, maximum number of revised PPOs have been issued and this helped the members to get their arrears of revised pension. Remaining cases have been taken up with CCA office and expected to be sorted out soon. Shri D.K.Joshi, Joint Secretary CHQ elaborated information on 78.2% pension arrear case He said that though the membership of Maharashtra State Branch is second highest, there is a scope to achieve highest position. He discussed about developments on 3rd PRC recommendations. He briefed the House about the initiative by CHQ to file a Petition in Supreme Court for which "Vakalatnama", mostly from very senior members, are to be got signed. Instructions by CHQ, issued from time to time, on this issue need to be rigidly followed. Shri Vasudeva Retd. DGM WTR shared his experiences in the organization and appealed all to live peaceful life by regularly doing meditation. The process to call nomination for the vacant posts of State President and State Finance Secretary then started. Shri Vasudev Retd. DGM WTR and Life Member of Mumbai Branch was elected unopposed as State President of AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State Branch. Shri M.Z.Shinde from Amravati Branch was similarly elected unopposed as Financial Secretary of AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State Branch. State Secretary Shri V.G.Dakhode appealed to the house to come forward to host the State Conference. Shri N.C.Jain, Organizing Secretary, AIBSNLREA Maharashtra assured to hold the State Conference at Kolhapur in 2018. After Vote of Thanks presented by Sri A G Nema, Branch Secretary, Akola, the House was adjourned.07.09.2017:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch (Maharashtra State) was held under the Chairmanship of Shri R. W. Tidke , President of the Branch on 6th Sept. 2017 at the Conference hall of G. M. Telecom , BSNL , Amravati. The meeting was attended by 34 members of the Branch along with Shri V.G.Dakhode, State Secretary AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra. Branch Secretary Shri D. V. Rokade and President Shri R.W.Tidke, informed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting held in July, 2017. They elaborated details of the developments on the issue of revision of Pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% of IDA and gave the latest status regarding the progress of pension revision work. It was informed to the house that almost all Pension revision cases in respect of executives are complete and sent by CCA Nagpur to the respective Post offices and Banks. Most of the executives are in receipt of arrears also. The work of revised medical options and posting of pending medical bills is in progress. The respective officers of the Amrvati BSNL has assured to complete the said work by the end of ensuing week. During the meeting, an amount of Rs. 9000/- as contribution for Court case and Rs. 13000/- on account of donation to CHQ respectively was collected from the members. Shri V. G. Dakhode , State Secretary, AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State discussed about the CEC to be held on 12-09-2017 at Shegaon Distt. Buldhana. He also briefly discussed about the 3rd PRC developments and highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL being processed at State and All India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. After this, Vote of thanks was presented by Shri M.Z.Shinde, Financial Secretary, AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch.16.08.2017:
A General Body Meeting of Allahabad Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 9.8.2017 in the Telephone Exchange campus at Civil Lines under the chairman ship of Shri R.S .Gupta, Branch President. Shri R.S.Arora, UP State Secretary addressed the house and briefed about the status of 3rd Pay Revision Committee Report, Pay anomaly case and A.I.C, Bhubaneswar’s unanimous decision to seek legal remedy on pay and pension arrear case. 33 members attended the meeting. Two new members were enrolled as Life Members. S/Shri R.L.Jaiswal, Branch Secretary, Rajendra Prasad, Asstt. State Secretary and R.P.Mishra Organising Secretary also addressed the House. Later a delegation led by the State Secretary met the PGM TD, Allahabad and discussed about a few long pending problems of the members including non-payment of medical bills and benefit of free night calling facility.16.08.2017:
Kanpur Branch of AIBSNLREA held a General Body Meeting on 10.08.2017 in the Telephone Exchange campus at Mall Road under the chairman ship of Branch President Shri Dharam Dass. 37 members attended the meeting and 3 new life members were enrolled. UP State Secretary Shri R S Arora addressed the house and apprised the gathering about the latest status of important issues. S/Shri S.B.Saini Branch Secretary and Lal Singh, Finance Secretary also addressed and deliberated on some local issues pertaining to the members.19.07.2017:
General Body Meeting of Mumbai Branch of AIBSNLREA was held in the Conference Hall, Telephone House, Prabhadevi, Dadar (W), Mumbai on 12.7.2017 at 14.00 Hrs with Shri K.R. Gupta on the chair. President welcomed all the members and gave information about the latest developments. There was very good gathering in the meeting despite heavy rains in Mumbai. Branch Secretary Shri S.P. Varma thanked the members for attending the meeting in large numbers despite heavy rains. He welcomed S/Shri Kedar Yadav, Suryakant Singh, D.B. Singh and Kishore Kumar Shantilal Vyas for enrolling themselves as life members with Mumbai Branch. He read out the minutes of last general Body meeting and the house approved the same. He informed the members that pension revision with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% IDA is complete in Western Telecom Region, MH Circle, and Project etc. Revised PPOs have been issued by CCA and most of our members have received their payments also. A very few disputed cases are now pending for settlement. Secretary informed the house about CEC of Maharashtra State Branch which is going to be held on 12th September 2017 at Shegaon. All CEC Members of Mumbai Branch will attend it along with Shri Vasudeva as Special Guest on their own expenses. Interested Members may also attend it on their own expenses under intimation to the host branch in advance. Branch Secretary also requested the members for donation of minimum Rs 500/- per person to C.H.Q to find legal solution to get the arrears of fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% IDA w.e.f. 1.1.2007. Shri N.K. Devassy, Vice President presented the vote of thanks and the meeting was concluded at 16.45Hrs.19.07.2017:
Quarterly meeting of Kolhapur Branch was conducted on 16.07.2017 with Shri L M Godi, President on the chair. Meeting started with the Prayer. President welcomed the old and new members and gave brief of the developments during the past and appealed to the members to bring other retired executives for the meeting so that Association can serve more BSNL Pensioners. Then new members S/Shri N G Khondu, V D Gholase, S T Jadhav, A E Magdum, P G Joshi and Mrs. Rashmi Powar were welcomed by the President and Secretary with presentation of Bouquet. Then Shri DKJoshi, informed that Shri PS Kulkarni, our Asst Secretary has written and published a Book and gave the fine contents of the Book in brief. Then Shri PS Kulkarni was felicitated on his recently Published book “Gava Kadachi Shidori” picturing the rural life and its culture, social life interweaving the writer’s child hood, education etc.. Shri PY Patil honored him with Book, Shriphal and bouquet and appreciated the work of publishing the book. Shri PS Kulkarni thank and one and all for their welcome of the Book and his felicitation. The Secretary Shri D K Joshi then informed the developments after the last meeting held in January30th April. He gave the full information, status of the cases of pension revision in Maharashtra and action taken by him. He informed that all the cases have been promised by the CCA office that those will be settled by end of July. In Nagpur, the DPA office also still have some pending cases. The Office has been requested to send the same early to the concerned HPOs. He informed the members that Association will Court for settling payment of remaining arrears of Pension. He appealed to all members to help the CHQ for taking up the case in Court by generous Donation. He informed about the 3rd PRC status and its likely issue of order and mode of operation and execution in BSNL and its consequential effect on revision of our pension. He also informed about the various opinions of other Associations on Pension Revision of BSNL Pensioners, independent of Pay Revision Committee’s recommendations of scales and linking it with Pay Commission, etc. He also told that in future there may not be any pay commission since the Government is thinking in quite different way of regulating pay of employees and pensioners on yearly basis depending on inflation rates. We shall have to wait and see. Issues taken up by CHQ with their status were also informed. Other issues of Medical Cards/pending Bills, Medical Allowance for outdoor treatment, Telephone connection linking it with Aadhar and night calling facility etc. He discussed and cleared the doubts raised by the members. Then Shri Ashok Kulkarni, an Engineer by Profession but a Well Studied Historian of Kolhapur, gave a Good informative Lecture on the “Kolhapur Sansthaanika, Maharani Tararani”. He was presented flowers and Book. Then the members expressed their views on other issues. Then A S gave vote of thanks to all members and appealed to bring other non-members in the next time. Meeting concluded with Lunch offered by Association at 1400 Hrs.02.05.2017:
Quarterly meeting of AIBSNLREA, Kolhapur Branch was conducted with Shri L M Godi, President, on the Chair. After Prayer, the President informed the house about the sad demise of Shri P C Dube, Maharashtra State President on 21.02.2017 and observed that the Association has lost a very good leader who worked selflessly for the organization. The members, thereafter, observed two minute silence to pay homage to the departed soul. Shri D K Joshi, the Branch Secretary then informed the members about the developments after the last meeting held in January 2017. He reported in detail the developments of the issue of revision of Pension after merger with 78.2% of IDA and status of the pensioners in Maharashtra circle. Only 50% of the total 13393 cases i.e about 6800 cases are settled and still 6500 another are to be settled. He informed the action taken by the CHQ as well as at the local level. He stated that the issue will be taken up with CGMT, Mubmai since CCA office is telling that the staff strength is less to cope up with the work. He gave the status of other issues like recent MRS payment of Medical allowance without Voucher, Issue of new Pensioners ID cards with Adhaar No, 3rd PRC report, VII CPC’s change in fitment formula and BSNL’s latest Developments etc. He also replied to the queries raised by the members. Shri PS Kulkarni then gave the details of the trip that was conducted in March to Bijapur, Badami etc.. and informed that next trip details will be worked out & informed in the month of July. He then introduced Shri Kapil Hiremath, Manager, Capital Investment& Sh. Parameshwar, Regnl Manager Sundarm Mutual Fund, Kolhapur who have sponsored the meeting. Both gave very informative presentation on Investments Opportunities in Sundarm Funds and others also. They gave details of various schemes suitable to Sr. Citizens and Tax gain schemes comparing the existing Post office and other Banks’ schemes. They replied to all queries raised by the Members Shri PS Kulkarni then presented of Vote of thanks to the Guests and others. The President thanked all members for making the meeting very lively and purposeful. The meeting ended with Lunch at 13.30Hrs.14.03.2017:
A General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch was held under the Chairmanship of Shri R. W. Tidke , President of the Branch on 04th March 2017 at the Conference Hall of G. M. Telecom , BSNL , Amravati. The meeting was attended by 28 members of the Branch along with Shri V. G. Dakhode , State Secretary AIBSNLREA , Maharashtra State . One new member Shri G. L. Kambale has joined the association. The house greeted the newly enrollede. Before proceeding further, the house observed 2 minutes’ silence in the memory of departed soul of late Shri P.C.Dubey , State President , AIBSNLREA , Maharashtra State. The President Shri R.W.Tidke and Branch Secretary Shri D. V. Rokade informed the house about the developments taken place after the last meeting held in Novembe 2016. They elaborated details of the developments on the issue of revision of Pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% of IDA and gave the latest status regarding the progress on pension revision work in the SSA and also in the CCA in general.Shri V. G. Dakhode , State Secretary , AIBSNLREA , Maharashtra informed about the correspondence made with the different BSNL authorities regarding expediting the revision of Pension work with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% of IDA and progress on ensuing 3rd PRC report . He also highlighted the important key issues of BSNL regarding the matters being processed at State and all India level. The queries raised by the members were duly replied by him. After the report by the State Secretary, the meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks by Shri G. M. Talmale , Vice-President AIBSNLREA , Branch Amravati .
East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch held its bi-annua;l GB Meeting on Saturday, the 11th February, 2017 at Amenity Block, CTO Compound, Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Shri U B Nikose President of the Branch. After paying tributes to the two departed members, Shri V W Patil Vice President of branch welcomed all the life members including the newly enrolled life members. Shri Arun Deshpande Branch Secretary briefed the house regarding the various meetings held with SSA/WTR/WTP units and CCA Nagpur for expeditious settlement of pension revision of BSNL pensioners retired prior to 10-06-2013. He also reported the current status of pension revision with revised fitment formula 78.2%. Shri P R Bhujbal CHQ Vice President addressed the house and highlighted the important key issues of the BSNL pensioners. Members were informed about the latest status of the applicability of modified provision in CCS pension Rules regarding enhancement of DCRG limit, Issue of Identity Cards to BSNL pensioners in revised format linking with aadhar number as per DOP&PW order12-08-2015, Revision of pension for the pre 2006 BSNL pensioners by delinking of revised pension from 33 years of qualifying service, Restoration of benefit of fixed medical allowance for outdoor medical treatment without vouchers, Development and implementation of “Web based program” to monitor the status of medical bills. Regarding extension of CGHS facilities to the BSNL pensioners who are in receipt of Government pension , details about the CGHS monthly rate of contribution and ward entitlement after corresponding mapping of pay and scale from IDA to CDA by DOT Order dated 31-8-2016 was elaborated to the members.In the background of stated court case against denied pension and other arrears campaign being propagated by other group of BSNL Retired Executives Association, by sending Wakaltnama and money, appeal was made to all members not to fall prey to the mischievous propaganda. In the recently concluded All India Conference of AIBSNLREA held at Bhubaneswar, even before the Cabinet approval was known, the proposal to go to the court was already approved in one voice.The meeting was attended by 115 members. Six BSNL retired executives joined the association and enrolled as life members of AIBSNLREA Nagpur Branch. The total membership thus increased from 329 to 335. The House congratulated all the newly enrolled life members. Shri N G Talewar Circle Vice president, Shri Bhola Kamble AS,B P Mazumdar FS took efforts for the grand success of the meeting. Shri U B Nikose President extended vote of thanks to all participants.
Kolhapur Branch (Maharashtra State) of AIBSNLREA held its quarterly General Body Meeting today (08.01.2017) under the president ship of Shri L M Godi, Branch President. He welcomed all the members and after the prayer informed the house about the sad demise of Shri SG Naik, Rtd.AE Civil and a Life Member of the Branch. The House observed 2 minutes’ silence in memory of the departed soul. Shri D K Joshi, Branch Secretary then informed the House about the developments taken place after the last quarterly GB Meeting held in October 2016. He gave elaborated account of the developments on the issue of revision of Pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% of IDA and gave the latest status regarding the progress of pension revision work in the concerned SSAs and also in the Circle in general. He also informed about the major events of year 2016 and wished the more colorful year of 2017.The status of the issues taken up by CHQ with Director (HR), BSNL Corporate office was also given to house. Regarding Medical bills, he asserted both the Association and BSNL are trying for early settlement. Then Shri PS Kulkarni, Asst. Secretary informed about the proposed short trip and requested the interested members to register their names. Shri SG Kanade from Sangli, then gave a brief but impressive presentation Jeevan Katha, and Value of Numbers in one’s life and India’s gift of ZERO to the world ‘Ank Shastra’. He spoke in detail on one’s Life span, Health and Ayurvedic gift to Human Life. Thereafter, Shri PS Kulkarni introduced Shri Abhiram Dixit, CA and Guest for the occasion to the House who gave a presentation on “GST & Common Man.” Shri Dixit, in his presentation elaborated how GST strengthens national economy and benefits common men. Shri DN Khanvilkar, Retd. AGM and a Life Member of the Branch offered to host the lunch after the meeting on the occasion of sweet arrival of a granddaughter in his family. Thereafter Shri PS Kulkarni gave of Vote of thanks to the Guest and presented a small gift from the Association. He also thanked all other members. The meeting concluded with Lunch at 1400Hrs.25.10.2016:
Quarterly General Body meeting of Kolhapur (Maharashtra) was held on 23.10.2016 in Telephone Bhavan Conference Hall, Kolhapur. Shri S H Mokashi, on the request of the house, chaired the meeting which started with prayer followed by welcome address by the President. S/Shri AG Sankeshwari, DGM retired from Karnataka, and AM Benkae DGM retired from Kolhapur on their joining the Association were welcomed by the President with presentation of bouquet. 52 members attended the meeting. Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi briefed the members about the various issues taken up by the Association. The queries raised by the members on the recent orders to allow CGHS facility to the BSNL pensioners were also replied. Status regarding the issue of deferred option case in respect of the Group C employees was placed before the house. The House was informed that one senior member Shri Y B Patil, who could not attend the meeting, has sent a donation. Similarly, another member Shri S G Naik, on his attaining the age of 75, has also donated RS.1000/- to the Association. Then Asst. Secretary, Shri P S Kulkarni introduced Dr. Abhijit Patil and Dr. Rohan from “Madhav Baug” a medical Organization of Pune who delivered useful talk on “Heart Care” for the aged. Queries raised by the members quires were duly replied by them. Then Shri S V Patil, a Life Member from Sangli, offered to sponsor the day’s lunch for the meeting, to celebrate of his sons’ marriage. The meeting ended with vote of thanks presented by Shri P S Kulkarni , Asst. Secretary.20.10.2016:
Representatives of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch comprising of S/Shri U B Nikose, Branch President, V W Patil, Vice President, Arun Deshpande, Branch Secretary, Bhola Kamble, Asst Branch Secretary and B P Mazumdar, Finance Secretary along with Shri P R Bhujbal, CHQ Vice President met Smt Ghosh CAO In-charge o/o CCA office Nagpur on 17.10.2016 and discussed about the progress of revision of pension/family pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners. It was informed that so far the CCA office has received pension revision cases only from Nagpur and Akola SSA, and also from Electrical Wing of Amravati SSA. The consolidation work has already started in the CCA Office but revised Pension Payment Orders are yet to be issued. On the request of the Association, the CAO agreed to incorporate the additional amount of pension to be paid to the old pensioners/family pensioners in their PPOs. The CAO also agreed to send the copy of revised PPO at the residence of the pensioners/family pensioners by speed post. The Association also expressed concern over the inordinate delay taking place in payment of revised IDA as ordered by DPE wef 1-07-2016 to the BSNL pensioners drawing pension through various post offices in Maharashtra. The CAO reported that the delay took place due to some administrative problems in CCA office, Mumbai and assured to ensure timely payment in future.17.10.2016:
The newly elected executive body of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branch held its first Executive Committee meeting, under the Chairmanship of Shri R.W. Tidake, President of the Branch, on 7th October, 2016 at the Conference Hall of G. M. Telecom Amravati. The meeting was attended by all the office bearers along with Shri V. G. Dakhode, State Secretary. The President and Branch Secretary Shri D V Rokade briefed the house about the discussion that took place with the GM/DGM BSNL, Amravati on 29.09.2016 regarding revision of pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% IDA. They reported that till that day practically no progress was there in the case. The State Secretary assured that he would take up the matter with appropriate authority about the unhelpful attitude of the local administration towards the issues pertaining to the pensioners. Further, the issue regarding payment of the Medical Bills was also discussed. After the State Secretary briefed the house about the issues being processed at the all India level, Shri M.Z.Shinde, Finance Secretary presented Vote of Thanks and the meeting was declared as closed.07.10.2016:
General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, Mumbai Branch was held in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Building, 4th floor, Fort, Mumbai 400001 on 26.10.2016 at 14.15 Hrs with Shri Vasudeva on the chair. There was very good gathering of the members in the meeting. Branch Secretary informed the house about unfortunate and untimely death of Shri Rajeev Saxena, Retired DE ( NMS) Mumbai. The house observed two minutes silence in the memory of the departed soul. Shri Vasudeva welcomed all the members for attending meeting in good strength and gave valuable information to the members. He also suggested several methods for increasing the membership of the Branch. Branch Secretary S. P. Varma specially welcomed Mrs. Padmavathi Madhur, Retired AGM(IT), Maharashtra Circle for attending meeting and enrolling herself as life member of Mumbai Branch. He also appreciated Shri N. K. Devasy for enrolling 4 life members in the Branch. He further informed the house that he along with five members met the A.O. and AGM of WTR for revision of pension of the members by merger of 78.2% D.A. Surprisingly, they had no copy of the order. The AGM accepted the suggestion of the Branch Secretary to get the order downloaded from the website and start processing the cases. He informed the house that now about 70 – 80 % work is completed and within a week these will be sent to CCA Office for necessary action. He also reported that in Maharashtra Circle, about 50 – 60 % work is complete. He also informed the House that like previous years, a picnic will be conducted in November/December 2016. The Branch Secretary requested the members for increasing membership of Mumbai Branch. S/Shri S. N. Verma and L. M. Oswal were requested to mobilize Western area. S/Shri B. S. Yadav and M. L. Maurya were nominated for Central area. Shri V. R. Monkikar was requested to enroll all members from Thane and nearby areas. The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by Shri S. N. Verma.22.09.2016:
A General Body meeting of Parbhani Branch (Maharashtra State) of AIBSNLREA was held on 4th September, 2016 under the chairmanship of Shri B. L. Deshmukh, Branch Prersident at Hotel Aishwarya, Parbhani. Twelve members attended the meeting in which three new members also joined as life members. The new members were welcomed by Shri A J Jawale, District Secretary and felicitated by the president Shri B L Deshmukh. The Branch Secretary was also greeted and felicitated by the President and other members for his three months tour to London and Europe. The meeting was addressed by Shri A J Jawale, Branch Secretary who briefed the members about the special efforts being made by our association and especially by the Central leadership in getting the actual benefit of merger of 78.2 % IDA wef 1.1.2007. The calculations to know what the pensioners get and lose by using the excel Advanced one click calculator available on our AIBSNLREA web site was found very useful. Branch Secretary also informed the members about the waiver of pension liability between DOT and BSNL on 60:40 ratio. The members also discussed about the delayed payments of medical bills. Branch Secretary also informed the members about the efforts of our central leaders in this regards. The meeting was followed by lunch.01.09.2016:
The First Divisional Conference of AIBSNLREA, West Vidarbha Region - Amravati branch was held on Sunday, the 28th August, 2016 at Hotel Shripad Continental , Morshi Road , Amravati under the Chairmanship of Shri V.P. Agrawal, President of the Branch. The meeting was attended by 45 members & 2 new members joined the association. The house welcomed all of them. Shri P R Bhujbal Vice President AIBSNLREA CHQ New Delhi and Shri N.G. Talewar, Vice-President, AIBSNLREA, Maharashtra State attended the meeting as Special Guests. The DGM, BSNL, Amravati and IFA, BSNL Amravati graced the function as a Chief Guests. All the guests were welcomed . After paying tributes to the departed members, Shri V.G.Dakhode, State Secretary, Maharashtra briefed the house regarding the status of Amravati Branch. Shri P R Bhujbal Vice President AIBSNLREA CHQ New Delhi , in his speech highlighted the efforts of CHQ regarding implementation of 78.2 % DA issue and all other key issues in concerning the BSNL pensioners. Shri V.G.Dakhode , read out the report of Branch Secretary. Thereafter, Shri B. R. Chhabriya Finance Secretary placed statemen t of accounts of the Branch. After completion of Presidential speech by Shri V. P.Agrawal, there was lunch Break. After lunch break , the President declared the dissolution of old body. A new body of AIBSNLREA, Amravati Branchj was then elected unanimously with Shri R W Tidke as President, Shri D V Rokade as Secretary and Shri M Z Shinde as Finance Secretary. The new office bearers then took oath of Office. After vote of thanks given by Shri V.G.Dakode , the conference was declared closed. View the list of office bearers03.08.2016:
The Annual General Body Meeting of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch was held on Sunday, the 31st July, 2016 at Amenity Block, CTO Compound, Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Shri N G Talewar President of the Branch. After paying tributes to the departed members, Shri Arun Deshpande Asst Secretary welcomed all the life members including the newly enrolled life members. He briefed the house regarding the efforts being taken by Nagpur Branch to resolve the grievances of the BSNL pensioners. Shri P R Bhujbal Branch Secretary highlighted the proceedings of All India Conference held at Bhubaneswar (Odisha state) on 2nd and 3rd July, 2016. Important key issues concerning the BSNL pensioners and various resolutions passed by AIC were briefed to the members. Members of Nagpur Branch highly appreciated Gen Secretary CHQ for his sincere and honest efforts being taken in the interest of BSNL pensioners. Members were informed about the formation of Maharashtra state Body. House greeted newly elected CHQ and State body office bearers. The entire house greeted S/Shri P R Bhujbal and N G Talewar for their election as CHQ Vice President and State Vice President respectively.Afterwards, Secretary informed in details about the recently issued DOT Order dated 18th July, 2016 regarding revision of pension/family pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners retired prior to 10-06-2016 by allowing the benefit of 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment. In view of impending pension revision and payment of arrears thereof from 10-06-2013, the members were requested to pay donation to the association. Other issues like 3rd PRC constitution for the CPSE Executives, 7th CPC Notification issued by Government, DOT’s order dated 20.07.2016 about modifying the liability of BSNL towards the payment of pensionary benefits to the retired employees of BSNL, CGHS facilities, Concessional telephone facilities to the retired employees of BSNL etc were discussed at length.
Shri B P Majumdar Finance Secretary submitted statement of accounts for the Financial Year 2015-16 which was passed unanimously by the house.
Afterwards, the existing body was dissolved and the new body was elected unanimously for the next term. The election was conducted by Shri V S Ashtikar Retd DGM MH Circle Mumbai and Shri R H Mitkari, Retd AGM Nagpur.
Shri P R Bhujbal welcomed the new office bearers. The newly elected President Shri U B Nikose and Branch Secretary Shri Arun Deshpande addressed the gathering and assured to increase the membership of Nagpur Branch.
Despite of incessant rain, the meeting was attended by 111 members. Seven BSNL retired executives joined the association and enrolled as life members of AIBSNLREA Nagpur Branch. The total membership thus increased from 323 to 330. The House congratulated all the newly enrolled life members. The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair and all participants. View list of new office bearers
Amravati Branch (Maharashtra State) of AIBSNLREA held its bi-monthly meeting on 30.07.2016 in the Conference hall of o/o GM TD, BSNL, Amravati under the chairmanship of Shri D.U.Waghamare. The meeting was attended by 24 members and 6 new members joined the Association. The house welcomed all of them. Secretary Shri V.G.Dakhode then gave detailed information about the deliberations that took place in the AIC held on 2nd & 3rd July 2016 in Bhubaneswar. He also read out the resolutions passed in the AIC and the house discussed on those issues. The members expressed their satisfaction on the systematic persuasion by CHQ and the stand taken by it in regard to the issue of implementation of DPE Order allowing fitment benefit by merger of 78.2% DA. They also upheld the decision of CHQ to lodge protest against not extending the pensionary benefits to the employees who retired between 1.1.2007 and 9.6.2013. The members felt happy when the Branch Secretary informed them about election of a new body of CHQ office bearers in which S/Shri P.R.Bhujabal and D.K.Joshi from Maharashtra were elected as Vice President and Joint Secretary respectively. The members also expressed their happiness on learning about formation of a State Body in which Shri V G Dakhode was elected as the State Secretary. Thereafter, Shri V.G.Dakhode, Secretary requested all the members to get their friends enrolled as members and increase the strength of Association. The President then asked the house to elect a new body within a month’s time. The meeting ended with presentation of vote of thanks.01.08.2016:
A General Body meeting of Mumbai branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 20.7.2016 at 14.00 hrs in the Conference Hall of Fountain Telecom Building, Mumbai with Shri Vasudev, President on the chair. He welcomed all the members and appreciated the good attendance despite heavy rains. He specially welcomed two new members S/Shri S R Yadav and R B Chaturvedi and also shared with his important views. Secretary Shri S P Verma read out the minutes of the last G B meeting and informed the house about the issues discussed in the All India conference held at Bhubaneswar on 2nd and 3rd July, 2016. He informed the house that order has been issued for revision of pension with fitment benefit by merger of 78.2 % IDA by DOT with notional fixation w e f 1.1. 2007 and actual benefit from 10.06.2013. However, we still demand the benefit w e f 1.1.2007. He further reported that DOT has issued orders in 2014 for payment of pension by Government to the MTNL employees w e f 1.10.2000 by virtually changing the terms and conditions of service for absorption without addressing the pay scale issue of the BSNL Executives. At the time of absorption, BSNL officers were offered Government pension with one stage lower IDA pay scale than MTNL employees whose pension was to be paid by a trust. He also informed that BSNL has sent a proposal to DOT to revise the IDA scales of the BSNL Executives at par with MTNL w.e.f 1.1.2007 and not from 1.10.2000. It is a great injustice to BSNL executives and we shall have to continue our struggle for justice. He also informed the house that the BSNL pensioners can now opt for either CGHS or BSNLMRS scheme for medical treatment. He further requested to increase membership of Mumbai branch. Shri Vasudev, President suggested to conduct a meeting in the last week of August at Thane so that members from nearby areas can attend the same. Shri S N Verma presented vote of thanks and the meeting concluded at 17.00 hrs.13.07.2016:
Quarterly General Body meeting of Kolhapur Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 10th July 2016 in Telephone Bhavan Conference Hall. Kolhapur with Shri L M Godi, President in the Chair. Meeting started with Prayer. 41 members attended the meeting. President welcomed all the Members including new Member Shri Kambale from Jishingpur, and informed the agenda of this meeting. He further informed the house about election of Shri DK Joshi as the Jt. Secretary, CHQ. He also informed that Shri PS Kulkarni and Shri NC Jain were elected as the CWC Member and Organizing Secretary respectively of Maharashtra Circle in the adhoc body that was formed in the AIC Venue itself. Members greeted the all the three and wished them success.Secretary then informed the House about the sad demise of mother of Shri Savant RK , and Father of Shri R K Nikam and Wife of Shri SG Kanade Members of the Branch. House paid homage to the departed souls by observing 2 Minute silence.
Then Secretary informed in details about the proceedings of the First AIC of the Association held in Bhubaneswar on 2nd and 3rd of July, 2016 and especially dealt with GS’s exhaustive and comprehensive Report to the Representative counsel which unanimously elected new CHQ Body for the next term. He also informed the details of the recently concluded issue of revision of pension of both pre and post 2007 BSNL Pensioners with 78.2% IDA Merger. High lights of VII CPC and announcement for constitution of 3rd PRC for the Executives of CPSEs was briefed by him. He finally conveyed the special appeal from GS to all members to make special drive for increasing the Membership. Then Shri NC Jain, PS Kulkarni also gave the some more details of proceedings of the AIC held in Bhuvaneswar and other information on BSNL status and actual benefit of 78.2% IDA Merger etc. and asked the members to donate generously to the Association after getting the arrears of revision of Pension. Secretary answered all the queries of the members. They were given details of methods of re fixation of pension. Then Shri P S Paranjape, a well-known Chartered Accountant was welcomed by the House and offered a Bouquet and Book. The President then requested the Guest to deliver his lecture on Income Tax and procedures for submission of the Returns. He gave a very good lecture on the subject for an hour and answered all questions from the members to their best satisfaction.
Shri PS Kulkarni, Asst. Secretary, then extended vote of thanks to Shri Paranajpe for sparing his valuable time and giving such much needed information on Income Tax to the members. He also thanked all the members – specially from Sangli, Satara for attending the meeting despite heavy rains and requested them for the Lunch. The President declared the meeting as closed.
AIBSNLREA Akola (MH) Branch held its Bimonthly General Body meeting on 10th May 2016 at 04.30 PM at the residence of Shri S.M. Harale Rtd. SDE Akola. Shri S.K. Kulkarni Rtd. DGM Buldhana presided over the meeting. About 20 members were present in the meeting. Shri A.G. Nema Branch Secretary welcomed all the members present in the meeting. Branch Secretary apprised about the latest position regarding the case of merger of 50% I.D.A. effectively amounting to 78.2%. Though the case after a long time could reach to the preparation of cabinet note level, everybody expressed unhappiness over working pattern of DOT. The house was informed about the AIC to be held at Bhubaneswar on 2nd and 3rd July 2016. The Branch Secretary also asked the willingness of members to attend AIC. The members emphasized over re-implementation of payment of quarterly medical allowance without submission of vouchers. Shri S.K. Kulkarni, President of the meeting expressed his views and the meeting was adjourned with vote of thanks by Branch Secretary.29.04.2016:
Bi-monthly meeting of Amaravati branch (Maharashtra State) was held on 26/04/2016 in the Conference hall of o/o GMT Amaravati. Total 16 members were present. Shri V G Dakhode, Branch Secretary first gave the information about merger of 78.2% IDA for fitment benefit for the BSNL pensioners who retired prior to 10.06.2013. The House was informed that the Final Cabinet Note has been approved by MOC&IT and its Hindi translation is underway. He also told the House that once all other formalities are over, the Cabinet Note will be sent to Cabinet Secretariat. He further told the members that the medical claim bills for outdoor treatment, which were pending since last 2 and half years, have got cleared after due persuasion. It was informed by the Account Section of GMT, Amaravati that all pending bills up-to 21/3/2016 have been cleared. Some members complained that that they have not received the payments. Branch Secretary assured that the left out cases will be sorted out and will be pursued. He also apprised the house regarding AIC which is being held at Bhubaneswar on 2nd and 3rd July 2016 and requested the interested members desiring to attend the AIC to contact him within a week’s time so that onward reservation and other formalities can be completed. He also informed that delegation fee of Rs.3000/-per delegate has to be deposited by 1/6/2016 and TA/DA is to be borne by the delegates themselves.. Branch Secretary also gave recent development on medical policy as CHQ is pursuing the case. The meeting was adjourned after presentation of vote of thanks.04.04.2016:
Quarterly GB meeting of Kolhapur Branch (Maharashtra State) was held on 3rd April 2016 in Telephone Bhavan Conference Hall under the Presidentship of Shri L M Godi, Branch President. The meeting started with Prayer and was attended by 61 members. President welcomed all the members and wished them a Happy New Sanvtsara commencing from 8th April, and ”Gudi Padava”. Branch Secretary then informed the House about the sad demise of Shri W. Sheshgiri Rao, a vetern Telecom leader and Ex-President of SNEA and Shri R P Sapre, Retd DE and member of Kolhapur Branch. He lauded the contribution of Shri Rao in organizing the Telecom fraternity and his dedicated service towards welfare of Telecom Engineers. Asst. Branch Secretary spoke of Shri RP Sapre’s qualities and contribution to the service. The house observed two minutes silence as a mark of respect to the departed souls. Then Secretary informed in detail the status of revision of Pension with merger of 78.2% IDA and the reasons for its long delay, latest position of the issue and action taken by our and other Association of BSNL Pensioners. He also replied the queries raised by the members on the this issue. He dealt with recent announcement in Union Budget of Tax relief of Rs.5000/-, if the Taxable income is less than 5 Lakh. He also informed the latest issues which have been taken up by different Associations. Finally he requested the members to approach other retired BSNL executives to join this Association. S/Shri NC Jain, SM Vaidy and RD Kale and other members expressed their views on pension revision. The members also opined that the Association should hold one All India Conference anywhere in India, which shall generate new energy among the members. A small talk was then arranged on “ Jyotish Shastra” delivered by Shri Prakash Bogare, a retired Bank Manager, Kolhapur. He briefly informed about the Shastra, its basics and its use for the common people. He said that it is a big subject having various angles for predicting one’s future and solutions to the problems. In many countries this Indian Shastra is being studied and research done. The members gave good response in the question-answer session. Shri PS Kulkarni, Asst. Secretary, gave brief information on the “Generic Medicine” which are equivalent medicines to the regular branded Medicines prescribed by the Doctors. He also gave the information of the shops that have recently opened in Kolhapur and asked members to take advantage of the same for cheap medicines. Branch Secretary then announced that the lunch after this Meeting has been sponsored by Shri VB Mahajan, who recently celebrated his first son’s marriage. All members congratulated him and offered good wishes to the newly married Couple. The meeting concluded with of vote thanks to Shri Prakash Bogare, Lecturer and all the members especially those who came from outside Kolhapur. The meeting was followed by lunch at 1400 Hrs.13.03.2016:
AIBSNLREA, Akola Branch (Maharashtra) held its Bimonthly General Body meeting on 8th March 2016 at 12.00 PM at the residence of Shri D.M. Deshmukh Rtd. JTO Shegaon Dist. Buldhana. Thirty four (34) members were present in the meeting and four new Life Members were also enrolled in this Branch. After enrollment of these members, the membership of Akola branch increased to 56 members. Shri A.G. Nema Branch Secretary welcomed all the members including the new members. Branch Secretary apprised about the latest position regarding the case of merger of 50% I.D.A. effectively amounting to 78.2%. The members expressed their unhappiness over long delay in this matter. The house discussed on recommendations for next year’s budget in which no additional relief is proposed to the pensioners. The members emphasized over re-implementation of payment of quarterly medical allowance without submission of vouchers. In the present system there is considerable delay in payment of Medical bills on some or the other reasons. Branch President Shri V.V. Bhagat Rtd. DE highlighted the importance of the Association and urged the house to help in enrollment of new retired executives. The arrangement of lunch was jointly hoisted by Shri V.K. Dawange Rtd. SDE Khamgaon and Shri D.M. Deshmukh Rtd. JTO Khamgaon. The house conveyed thanks for the nice arrangements made by both members at holy place “Gajanan Nagri, Shegaon”. The meeting was adjourned after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri S.P. Kulkarni Rtd. DGM Buldhana.17.02.2016:
The bi-annual General Body meeting of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha (Nagpur) Branch was held on Sunday, the 7th February, 2016 at Amenity Block, CTO Compound Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Shri N G Talewar President of the Branch. After paying tributes to the departed family members, Shri Arun Deshpande, Asst Branch Secretary welcomed all the life members and also the newly enrolled life members. He briefed the house regarding the efforts being taken by Nagpur Branch to resolve the grievances of the BSNL pensioners. Shri P R Bhujbal, Branch Secretary highlighted the status of long pending and other important issues being taken up by CHQ. Various representations addressed to DOT, Telecom commission, BSNL, DOP&PW, DPE, Minister of Health, Hon Prime Minister etc made by CHQ over the inordinate delay in furnishing of the Final Cabinet Note allowing the benefit of 78.2% IDA merger with basic pay as on 1-1-2007 to the BSNL pensioners retired during 1-10-2000 to 9-6-2013, extension of CGHS facilities to the BSNL retired employees, anomaly in fixation of pension of DOT employees absorbed in BSNL and retired during 1-10-2000 to 31-07-2001, Restoration of benefit of medical allowance for outdoor treatment without vouchers to the retired BSNL employees etc were briefed to the house. Members were informed about the key recommendations of the VIIth CPC also. The main recommendation of “Enhancement in the ceiling of gratuity limit from the existing Rs 10Lakh to Rs 20 Lakh w.e.f. 1-1-2016 and further recommendation of Indexation i.e. the ceiling on gratuity may increase by 25% whenever DA rises by 50% and Introduction of Health Insurance Scheme for CG employees and pensioners cheered by members. Rest of other principal demands made before VIIth CPC by various pensioners associations including AIBSNLREA viz-Revision of additional rates of additional pension and additional family pension, as also reducing age eligibility for its receipt from the existing 80 years, Reduction in the time period for restoration of basic pension, reduced on account of commutation, Enhancement of ceiling of earned leave for purpose of leave encashment, Increasing the existing time period of seven years for enhanced family pension were not recommended by VIIth CPC.House was briefed about the status of constitution of 3rd PRC for the salary revision of PSU employees w.e.f. 1-1-2017. Important local issues taken up with PGMT Nagpur regarding undue delay in payment of medical bills for outdoor treatment to the retired employees of BSNL Nagpur, furnishing of yearly life certificate for continuation of concessional telephone facility for retired employees of BSNL in accordance with policy vide BSNL No 2-7/2007-PHA dated 20-07-2007 and difficulties being faced by BSNL pensioners to have attestation duly signed by GO/Bank officer were also discussed.
The meeting was attended by 111 members. Four BSNL retired executives joined the association and enrolled as life members of AIBSNLREA. The total membership of the Branch thus has reached to 323 from 319. House congratulated all the newly enrolled life members. S/Shri U B Nikose VP and Dr Palandurkar VP were on the dais. S/Shri Arun Deshpande, AS N R Rachkondawar, B M Majumdar, FS, NK Garge , MR Shaikh took special efforts for the grand success of the meeting. The meeting ended with vote of thanks and new year’s greetings to all by Shri U B Nikose, Vice President of the branch.
Quarterly General Body Meeting of Mumbai Branch of AIBSNLREA was held on 25 January 2016 at 14 00 hrs in the Conference Hall, Fountain Telecom Building, Fort Mumbai. Shri S N Verma presided over the meeting and welcomed all the members and wished them a very happy new year 2016 . He specially welcomed Shri A B Ansari Retd A D, Maharashtra Telecom Circle, Mumbai for enrolling himself as a life member. Branch Secretary Shri S P Varma informed the house about the sad demise of S/Shri N A Daware, Retd D E Fault Control, Mumbai and Kannan Iyer Retd S D E Legal, WTR Mumbai. He requested the house to observe 2 minutes silence in memory of the departed souls. He then read out the minutes of last meeting and informed the house about the latest development on various issues including revision of Pension by merger of 78.2 % IDA and the efforts being made by the Association to get it resolved. The members appreciated the efforts by ShrI S N Verma for arranging the annual trip from 9th to 17th January 2016 successfully and also in a very economic and comfortable manner. Branch Secretary requested the members to mobilize more membership. The meeting concluded at 16.30 hours after presentation of vote of thanks by Shri V R Monkikar.16.01.2016:
Quarterly General Body meeting of Kolhapur Branch (Maharashtra State) was held on 24th January 2016 in Telephone Bhavan Conference Hall at Kolhapur with Shri L M Godi, President in the Chair. The meeting started with prayer. 48 members attended the meeting. The President welcomed all the members and wished them a happy New Year 2016 and read out the agenda of the meeting. Branch Secretary Shri D K Joshi then informed the House about the sad demise of Shri V B Kulkarni, Rtd DE from Kolhapur and also Shri PR Shkula, a SeniorTrade Union Leader of Kolhapur Telecom. He requested the House to observe two minutes silence in memory of the departed souls. Thereafter, he informed in detail the status of the case for revision of Pension with merger of 78.2% IDA and reasons for the long delay and the action taken to pursue the case. He also gave an account of various other issues that AIBSNLREA has taken up with the Government and the BSNL. He said success can only be achieved with sustained efforts, consistent persuasion and follow up action on the issues. He discussed in detail about VII CPC recommendations and replied to the queries raised by the members. Medical Scheme and methods for revision of pension were also discussed. Regarding revision of pension of BSNL retirees, he replied that once the proposed 3rd PRC recommendations are implemented with effect from 1.1.2017, the pension will have to be revised. He also gave the details of the BSNL’s economic growth, expansion program in BB and Wi-Fi, mobile etc. He also referred to the statement of Minister of Communications on MTNL and BSNL informing that there is no proposal for disinvestment in these PSUs and instead they will be revived. A small program on “Meditation for Happy, Peaceful and Joyful Life” was arranged by the Center In-charge S/Shri Niti Bhosale and D V Aironi (also a life member of AIBSNLREA) of Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Ramchandra Mission. Short Warm-up Meditation was then conducted in which all the members participated. Shri BV Patil, a Life Member of the Branch announced sponsoring of the Lunch from his side on the eve of his son’s marriage. Then Shri P S Kulkarni proposed the vote of thanks to all members, conductors of the Meditation program and specially to Shri BV Patil.16.01.2016:
Representatives of AIBSNLREA, East Vidarbha Branch, comprising of S/Shri N G Talewar, P R Bhujbal, Arun Deshpande, R C Rachkondawar and B M Majumdar, met Shri R N Patil Sr. GMTD Nagpur on 14th January, 2016. On behalf of all members, the. Association greeted Sr. GMTD Nagpur on the eve of Makar Sankranti and New Year. The representatives of the Association mainly raised the issue of undue delay in payment of outdoor medical claims of BSNL retired employees of SSA Nagpur and requested to settle the medical claims within a time frame. Sr. GMTD assured to look into the matter. Another important issue regarding furnishing of ’Life Certificate’ in the month of November every year for continuation of concessional residence telephone facility to the BSNL retired employees, in accordance with policy vide BSNL CO No. 2-7/2007-PHA dated 20-07-2007, was also discussed. The Association expressed concern on the demand to have attestation duly signed by Bank Officer/Post Master/Gazetted officer for life certificates. The Association pointed out that the guide lines issued by BSNL Corporate Office does not speak about any such attestation on life certificate. Sr. GMTD Nagpur immediately spoke with Commercial officer/AGM, Admn, Nagpur and instructed for the correct implementation of BSNL guide lines on the issue.The representatives of the Association also met Asst Director o/o PMG Nagpur and expressed concern over the inordinate delay in payment of revised DA to the BSNL pensioners drawing pension through Post Offices under functional jurisdiction of GPO Nagpur. It was pointed out that the BSNL pensioners have not been paid even the revised DA w.e.f. 1-10-2015. The Asst Director immediately spoke to the Sr. Postmaster, GPO Nagpur who assured to make payment of the arrears at the earliest.